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Anceane 10/22/19 11:29 AM

Attempt to access a private function 'PreviewFurnitureMarketProduct' from insecure co
In house, scrolling the house store section to see if something new was there, i got these error :

Attempt to access a private function 'PreviewFurnitureMarketProduct' from insecure code.


EsoUI/PublicAllIngames/ItemPreview/ItemPreview_Shared.lua:137: Attempt to access a private function 'PreviewFurnitureMarketProduct' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 5 stack frame(s) from the top.
stack traceback:
EsoUI/PublicAllIngames/ItemPreview/ItemPreview_Shared.lua:137: in function 'ZO_ItemPreviewType_FurnitureMarketProduct:Apply'
EsoUI/PublicAllIngames/ItemPreview/ItemPreview_Shared.lua:767: in function 'ZO_ItemPreview_Shared:Apply'
EsoUI/PublicAllIngames/ItemPreview/Keyboard/ItemPreview_Keyboard.lua:97: in function 'ZO_ItemPreview_Keyboard:Apply'
EsoUI/PublicAllIngames/ItemPreview/ItemPreview_Shared.lua:563: in function 'ZO_ItemPreview_Shared:OnUpdate'
(tail call): ?
EsoUI/PublicAllIngames/ItemPreview/ItemPreview_Shared.lua:546: in function '(anonymous)'


EsoUI/PublicAllIngames/ItemPreview/ItemPreview_Shared.lua:137: Attempt to access a private function 'PreviewFurnitureMarketProduct' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 5 stack frame(s) from the top.
stack traceback:
EsoUI/PublicAllIngames/ItemPreview/ItemPreview_Shared.lua:137: in function 'ZO_ItemPreviewType_FurnitureMarketProduct:Apply'
|caaaaaa<Locals> self = [table:1]{fireCallbackDepth = 0, marketProductId = 223}, variationIndex = 1 </Locals>|r
EsoUI/PublicAllIngames/ItemPreview/ItemPreview_Shared.lua:767: in function 'ZO_ItemPreview_Shared:Apply'
|caaaaaa<Locals> self = [table:2]{forcePreparePreview = F, waitingForPreviewBegin = F, lastSetChangeTime = 1654463, currentPreviewType = 6, previewVariationIndex = 1, numPreviewVariations = 0, enabledPreview = T, fireCallbackDepth = 0, previewInEmptyWorld = T, dynamicFramingConsumedHeight = 80, dynamicFramingConsumedWidth = 950, previewCollectionId = 0, canChangePreview = T} </Locals>|r
EsoUI/PublicAllIngames/ItemPreview/Keyboard/ItemPreview_Keyboard.lua:97: in function 'ZO_ItemPreview_Keyboard:Apply'
|caaaaaa<Locals> self = [table:2] </Locals>|r
EsoUI/PublicAllIngames/ItemPreview/ItemPreview_Shared.lua:563: in function 'ZO_ItemPreview_Shared:OnUpdate'
|caaaaaa<Locals> self = [table:2], currentTimeMs = 1654463 </Locals>|r
(tail call): ?
EsoUI/PublicAllIngames/ItemPreview/ItemPreview_Shared.lua:546: in function '(anonymous)'

As the only addon that allow me to preview is actually i disabled it, and these errors vanished showing me the items directly without problems.

Though as the addon is not mentionned directly i dont want to affirm it is this addon.

Can this be directly a ZoS problem or not ?

Rhyono 10/22/19 11:32 AM

It's due to the secure code changes, so Item Preview is at fault.

Anceane 10/22/19 11:36 AM


Originally Posted by Rhyono (Post 39486)
It's due to the secure code changes, so Item Preview is at fault.

So i guess there is a section in this addon that concern Preview and thats why the error pop

K thank you will wait for an update and in the meantime i will check if i can comment the preview section

Letho 10/23/19 03:11 AM

Happens with inventory aswell. Lua error doesn't show the causing addon :/

I suspect it's inventory grid view.

Baertram 10/23/19 05:06 AM

It is Inventory grid View or Grid List (if not updated).
At least it is known these addons can make problems and your screenshot shows you are using one of them!

Anceane 10/23/19 09:24 AM


Originally Posted by Baertram (Post 39489)
It is Inventory grid View or Grid List (if not updated).
At least it is known these addons can make problems and your screenshot shows you are using one of them!

in my case it happened all day long, without any inventory addon, but only one addon offering a preview of furniture (Eso Master Recipe).

Each time i want to use a preview of an item, even without using this addon, but just having it loaded, the error pops.

I have to unload the addon to be able to do stuff in a house, or go to a trader, or a vendor.

Baertram 10/23/19 02:57 PM

Got an info from ZOs about the error messages with "insecure code":

It's because the security of the handlers comes from the security of the function plus the security level when they are set (this second part is new). So when an addon tells the inventory to build a bunch of inventory slots, all those handlers are insecure and cannot call private functions. The next patch will change that so those handlers will be secure which will make these errors go away.
The explanation more in detail was finished with this information:

Things that change the bag that is shown by calling UpdateList on the inventory for example.

If you open the inventory first then the stock UI will make all the slots securely. Then when the addon does it they'll already be there to use.

So this is why opening the inv first made the errors stop for some time.

As the addons, and especially filter addons using LibFilters, use an update function to show/update the inventory rows this should relate to all of the addons like AdvancedFilters, FCOItemSaver, Inventory Grid List and others which add marker icons to the inventory rows (maybe even Craftstore or Alphagear).

I hope this will fix all the cannot pickup/deposit stuff as well or we need to see further after that patch then.

Rhyono 10/23/19 03:27 PM

Fortunately, CraftStore's markers are unaffected. Don't tell ZOS, though; they'll turn it into secure for the fun of it.

Baertram 10/23/19 03:37 PM


Originally Posted by Rhyono (Post 39496)
Fortunately, CraftStore's markers are unaffected. Don't tell ZOS, though; they'll turn it into secure for the fun of it.

:p Hopefully they will fix this soon for all of us

Techwolf 10/23/19 08:23 PM

I found that if you don't scroll, the error won't pop up when using grid. Good thing I had another addon on that allow the inventory to filter down to one page. Like potions, food, motifs, etc.

Anceane 10/24/19 04:14 PM

ok without ESO Master crafter, Inventory Insight, Awsomeguildstore, advance filters i still got :


EsoUI/Ingame/Inventory/InventorySlot.lua:736: Attempt to access a private function 'PickupInventoryItem' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 5 stack frame(s) from the top.
stack traceback:
EsoUI/Ingame/Inventory/InventorySlot.lua:736: in function 'TryBankItem'
EsoUI/Ingame/Inventory/InventorySlot.lua:1607: in function 'INDEX_ACTION_CALLBACK'
EsoUI/Ingame/Inventory/InventorySlotActions.lua:96: in function 'ZO_InventorySlotActions:DoPrimaryAction'
EsoUI/Ingame/Inventory/InventorySlot.lua:1974: in function 'ZO_InventorySlot_DoPrimaryAction'
ZO_StackSplitSource_MouseDoubleClick:4: in function '(main chunk)'


EsoUI/Ingame/Inventory/InventorySlot.lua:736: Attempt to access a private function 'PickupInventoryItem' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 5 stack frame(s) from the top.
stack traceback:
EsoUI/Ingame/Inventory/InventorySlot.lua:736: in function 'TryBankItem'
|caaaaaa<Locals> inventorySlot = ud, bag = 1, index = 40, bankingBag = 2, canAlsoBePlacedInSubscriberBank = T </Locals>|r
EsoUI/Ingame/Inventory/InventorySlot.lua:1607: in function 'INDEX_ACTION_CALLBACK'
EsoUI/Ingame/Inventory/InventorySlotActions.lua:96: in function 'ZO_InventorySlotActions:DoPrimaryAction'
|caaaaaa<Locals> self = [table:1]{m_contextMenuMode = F, m_hasActions = T, m_numContextMenuActions = 0}, primaryAction = [table:2]{1 = "Deposit"}, success = T </Locals>|r
EsoUI/Ingame/Inventory/InventorySlot.lua:1974: in function 'ZO_InventorySlot_DoPrimaryAction'
|caaaaaa<Locals> inventorySlot = ud </Locals>|r
ZO_StackSplitSource_MouseDoubleClick:4: in function '(main chunk)'
|caaaaaa<Locals> self = ud, button = 1, ctrl = F, alt = F, shift = F, command = F </Locals>|r

Cant find which addons is the problem.

So i removed all addons. All is good UNLESS i use the scroller to see my inventory or in my bank.

As soon as i scroll what is in my bank or inventory, this error pop

Rhyono 10/24/19 04:26 PM

You have this problem with no addons at all? Reminds me of the PTS for Summerset.

Anceane 10/24/19 04:36 PM


Originally Posted by Rhyono (Post 39506)
You have this problem with no addons at all? Reminds me of the PTS for Summerset.

Beleive me i hate so much to remove all of them BUT I DID IT TWICE.

Lol my husband often says i test way too much, as i dont stop usually after one or 2 attemps but i really try to find what is wrong.

As we all said it was addons causing this with the new code, and at first i removed all the inventory or bank addons even recipes ones and crafting one, and i still had the error after a 3 complete log out log in. i decided to remove all addons even the kind of DARKUI lol

Works for 3 attemps and then BAM ... if i scroll the game dont like it at all, pop error and then i can not either remove or depose any items, until i close everything, clear the error and start again.

Same with the personal banker and vendor

Its really ENNOYING to say the least. When you have max slot bank and you can not scroll what do you do ??

Baertram 10/24/19 05:38 PM

Did you disable all libraries as well? Maybe it's a library.
If you can get this error with all addons and librraies not activated you should raise a /bug ingame.
MAybe the patch Zos provides hopefully soon for the insecure inventory UpdateList will fix this too for you.
Without any addons and libraries activated I do not get any error messages though.

Anceane 10/24/19 07:23 PM


Originally Posted by Baertram (Post 39508)
Did you disable all libraries as well? Maybe it's a library.
If you can get this error with all addons and librraies not activated you should raise a /bug ingame.
MAybe the patch Zos provides hopefully soon for the insecure inventory UpdateList will fix this too for you.
Without any addons and libraries activated I do not get any error messages though.

well bad habit of me but when i say addons i include libs too. I will need to report correctly next time :)

I can add something i noticed : the errors comes for me for any new items i want to add into the bank (that would not stack), Each potions or items i add in the bank that are immediatly stacked, are fine.

But if i add an item new, like with this festival (new recipe, new motifs ...) its like the bank or inventory dont like them. And i scroll a lot to find those. I wish i could find them all into a event tab or section.

And if i take from the bank an item to stack into the inventory, no problem but if i add a new item, same problem

Baertram 10/25/19 03:41 AM

If this happens with all addons and libs deactivated it's a game bug and you should wait for ZOs to apply the patch they said will come to fix the "...insecure" error messages.
Hopefully this will be soon, on Monday maybe.

RipPaw 10/25/19 11:57 AM


Originally Posted by Baertram (Post 39489)
It is Inventory grid View or Grid List (if not updated).
At least it is known these addons can make problems and your screenshot shows you are using one of them!

100% agree, I was having a similar issue with Inventory Grid addon, Stop It etc. It appears that multiple addons do not work very well together after the update (as expected). I am currently looking for an addon similar to the gridlist but can't seem to find it. All grid addons appear to give me errors while I am using 11 other addons together without an issue.

RipPaw 10/25/19 12:00 PM


Originally Posted by Anceane (Post 39505)
ok without ESO Master crafter, Inventory Insight, Awsomeguildstore, advance filters i still got :


EsoUI/Ingame/Inventory/InventorySlot.lua:736: Attempt to access a private function 'PickupInventoryItem' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 5 stack frame(s) from the top.
stack traceback:
EsoUI/Ingame/Inventory/InventorySlot.lua:736: in function 'TryBankItem'
EsoUI/Ingame/Inventory/InventorySlot.lua:1607: in function 'INDEX_ACTION_CALLBACK'
EsoUI/Ingame/Inventory/InventorySlotActions.lua:96: in function 'ZO_InventorySlotActions:DoPrimaryAction'
EsoUI/Ingame/Inventory/InventorySlot.lua:1974: in function 'ZO_InventorySlot_DoPrimaryAction'
ZO_StackSplitSource_MouseDoubleClick:4: in function '(main chunk)'


EsoUI/Ingame/Inventory/InventorySlot.lua:736: Attempt to access a private function 'PickupInventoryItem' from insecure code. The callstack became untrusted 5 stack frame(s) from the top.
stack traceback:
EsoUI/Ingame/Inventory/InventorySlot.lua:736: in function 'TryBankItem'
|caaaaaa<Locals> inventorySlot = ud, bag = 1, index = 40, bankingBag = 2, canAlsoBePlacedInSubscriberBank = T </Locals>|r
EsoUI/Ingame/Inventory/InventorySlot.lua:1607: in function 'INDEX_ACTION_CALLBACK'
EsoUI/Ingame/Inventory/InventorySlotActions.lua:96: in function 'ZO_InventorySlotActions:DoPrimaryAction'
|caaaaaa<Locals> self = [table:1]{m_contextMenuMode = F, m_hasActions = T, m_numContextMenuActions = 0}, primaryAction = [table:2]{1 = "Deposit"}, success = T </Locals>|r
EsoUI/Ingame/Inventory/InventorySlot.lua:1974: in function 'ZO_InventorySlot_DoPrimaryAction'
|caaaaaa<Locals> inventorySlot = ud </Locals>|r
ZO_StackSplitSource_MouseDoubleClick:4: in function '(main chunk)'
|caaaaaa<Locals> self = ud, button = 1, ctrl = F, alt = F, shift = F, command = F </Locals>|r

Cant find which addons is the problem.

So i removed all addons. All is good UNLESS i use the scroller to see my inventory or in my bank.

As soon as i scroll what is in my bank or inventory, this error pop

Can you list all the addons you are using?

Anceane 10/25/19 03:44 PM


Originally Posted by RipPaw (Post 39516)
Can you list all the addons you are using?

For all addons BUT :

Harvest map (structures of the folder can not allow to have standalone)
Action Duration Reminder (with libs created by the author)

There is no lib embedded.

i have only one and only version of any other Lib installed as standalone. By doing this, i had no error at all with all this addons for 8 months, meaning up to the last patch.

Took me long enough to do this but for me its really making a huge difference.

All addons have been updated #Version 100029 100030, and use only uptodate libs. If a lib is too old and and a new version existed i replaced it. If no lib was possible i do not use the addon anymore.


#Version 100029
#LoadOutOfDateAddOns 0
#NA Megaserver-Khelshaną
CustomCompassPins 1
LibGroupSocket 1
AllianceBaseCartographer 1
LibMapMetaData 1
VotansSettingsMenu 1
ScootworksCompass 1
LibMsgWin-1.0 1
LibRunebox 1
LibSets 1
LibTextFilter 1
Emomento 1
LibEnchantingStation 1
HomesteadEngineer 1
ConspicuousQuestMarkers 1
RareFishTracker 1
libCommonInventoryFilters 1
CombatMetricsFightData 1
Pawksickles 1
Stopwatch 1
ActionDurationReminder 1
JoGroup 1
libChat2 1
SiegedKeeps 1
MasterRecipeListAltFormat 1
ChampionPointRespec 1
Postmaster 1
LibScootworksFunctions 1
NoThankYou 1
LibPrice 1
InnocentBladeOfWoe 1
MasterRecipeList 1
LibSlashCommander 1
AF_FCOItemTraitType 1
LibMotifCategories 1
Destinations 1
PetKennel 1
LibTypeRegistry 1
HarvestMapDLC 1
NodeDetection 1
GoHome 1
FCOStarveStop 1
CountessQuester 1
MapPins 1
pChat 1
HideSomeThings 1
Photographer 1
LibExecutionQueue 1
LibDebugLogger 1
LibSFUtils 1
PotionMaker 1
LibCustomMenu 1
JournalQuestLog 1
DolgubonsGuildReorder 1
AdvancedFilters 1
FCOCraftFilter 1
HarvestMapDC 1
HomesteadExtInfo 1
Constellations 1
MailBuddy 1
VotansAchievementFavorites 1
LibDialog 1
DailyAlchemy 1
AutoCategory 1
has2lam 1
TraitBuddy 1
PvpAlerts 0
LibDateTime 1
LuiExtended 1
HarvestMap 1
LibMainMenu 1
AssistRapidRiding 1
HowToSunspire 1
GreymindQuickSlotBar 1
DailyProvisioning 1
libChat3 0
MapCoordinates 1
FCOChangeStuff 1
LibMarify 1
LibChatMessage 1
libGarfield 0
LibSort 1
LibZone 1
LibGPS 1
LibNotification 1
WritWorthy 1
DolgubonsLazyWritCreator 1
LibGetText 1
LibLoadedAddons 1
HarvestMapNF 1
LibTextDict 1
AddonSelector 0
HarvestMapEP 1
LibLazyCrafting 1
PointsofColor 1
Cowl 1
AutoResearch 1
DragonTracker 1
WeaponCharger 1
SkyShards 1
CombatMetrics 1
DressingRoom 1
LoreBooks 1
BeamMeUp 1
LibHarvensAddonSettings 1
DailyAutoShare 1
DarkBrotherhoodSpree 1
StealthText 1
LibCombat 1
ChatMentions 0
LibPromises 1
AwesomeGuildStore 1
LibPotionBuff 1
PetHealth 1
QuickEnchanter 1
LibMainMenu-2.0 1
LibPhinixFunctions 1
HideElements 1
HarvestMapAD 1
LibLootSummary 1
LibCraftText 1

And for some addons, when the version pre patch was working better than the new one, i went back until the new version will be working fine (so far only one adddon : Daily Alchemy)

And finally, all this probably depends of the settings choosen. Usually i take a part in each addon and avoid duplicate option between addons. For LUI extended, i use only 2 modules. For Pchat, i use only 4 or 5 options. For Harvest map i dont use any 3D, and choose the most simple way to get my harvest showing. For MapPins, i use only a part of it, and complete with a part of Destinatlions. and those are just an exemple.

Works fine for me and my husband, even with different computers and not the same windows 10 version.

I modified some icons to have everywhere in each addons the same icons used. (of course i asked the permission to the authors to use their icons that way)

RipPaw 10/25/19 05:27 PM

Well. all I can tell you is that I am having the same problem while using the grid list addon or the inventory list addons. Both are having the same problem. Every time I am trying to remove or replace a piece of armor it is giving me this error. I guess we are all will have to wait for the modders to update them or for someone that actually knows what they are doing to come up with the solution. :(

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