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r4cken 11/17/18 02:24 PM

So i recently made Autobanker and I will try to keep it updated as much as possible. If you have any questions or issues from using Autobanker, let me know and I will do my best to answer and help.

Tonyleila 11/23/18 09:49 AM

Looks interesting, I'm currently using outdated Bank Manager Revived and have it set up for 15 chars (pull out different items on each char etc). So before I try this, do you know of any options I woud miss from Bank Manager Revived?

As far as I can tell its e.g. missing the optionm to auto deposit AP and gold. And the option to only deposit/pull out items after a button press. Do you plan to add this?

r4cken 11/23/18 10:07 AM

Thank you for posting! You are correct right now it has functionality for depositing items only but my todo list includes
  • depositing gold and tel var stones
  • options for crafting materials
  • Button to use to deposit or option to auto deposit

Then I’m planning on adding withdraw support :D

I like the way Bank Manager Revived has these custom filters you can write. I will probably do something like it.

r4cken 11/28/18 02:11 PM

Updated the addon today with some currency features
So i'm going down my todo list and today i added currency support and methods to deposit them. Up next will most likely be adding a button to the keyboard strip and then look into withdrawing items.

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