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-   -   [open] CallSecureProtected('SelectSlotAbility',.. (

Gandalf 01/09/19 04:58 AM

[fixed] CallSecureProtected('SelectSlotAbility',..
Bug Description:
After porting from one pvp campaign to another while the char is in combat, CallSecureProtected('SelectSlotAbility',...)
will fail with reason="secure protected functions cannot be called while in lockdown"

Additional comments:
#1 campaign porting resolves the combat state, but leaves an internal lockdown state triggered
#2 manually ability slotting works even when that internal lock is triggered
#3 getting in/out of combat by killing a mob/player resolves that internal lockdown

Code to catch the error:

local success, reason = CallSecureProtected('SelectSlotAbility', SkillId2Idx(ability), 2+slot)
if not success then
    d("Warning: "..GetAbilityName(ability).."] not slotted: <"..tostring(reason)..">")

ZOS_ChipHilseberg 01/10/19 10:16 AM

We'll get this fixed. Thanks.

Gandalf 01/10/19 02:21 PM

Great! Many thanks!

mesota 05/09/19 01:43 PM

It seems that my addon (AlphaGear) suffers from the same issue. Is it foreseeable when this will be fixed?


Gandalf 05/09/19 03:57 PM

Update pts5.0.3:

It seems to be fixed. Can not reprocude the error by entering a cyrodiil campaign while in combat

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