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BadVolt 04/14/14 09:10 AM

MobileBank addon
Hi, guys.
I would like to present you my addon, MobileBank. :banana:

It allows player to watch his own bank or guildbank (any his guild) anywhere and anytime.
Guild bank items are stored in SavedVariables and we are working at parser, that will export this values into external DB.

Data avaliable:
Guildbank items - need to scan your guildbank first, since data can't be gethered realtime.
Own bank - can be gathered realtime. No need to gather it 1st.

I will be glad to hear tour thoughts and bugreports.

p.s. Not sured about showing information with <11 positions (both of my banks are full)

Tonyleila 04/14/14 10:14 AM

Nice! Did not test it yet but do you plan on adding an option to show other chars inventory? That woud be great. Or just a small hint on the item tooltip that you have the same item on one of your other chars.

BadVolt 04/14/14 11:12 AM


Originally Posted by Tonyleila (Post 4249)
Nice! Did not test it yet but do you plan on adding an option to show other chars inventory? That woud be great. Or just a small hint on the item tooltip that you have the same item on one of your other chars.

Thanks for idea with characters! I think it will be next feature for me to implement.

UniqueCoverings 04/20/14 10:06 PM

Great Addon...

One request. Which correct if I missed it, is to have the items separated in categories and not just one list.
Like our inventory is now. Apparel,Weapon,etc...

BadVolt 04/20/14 11:11 PM


Originally Posted by UniqueCoverings (Post 5080)
Great Addon...

One request. Which correct if I missed it, is to have the items separated in categories and not just one list.
Like our inventory is now. Apparel,Weapon,etc...

Ok. I think I'l handle it)

MerlinGer 04/22/14 12:36 PM

Change the Function commandHandler
Please Change the following Lines:

function insJY.commandHandler(text)

SLASH_COMMANDS["/junkyard"] = insJY.commandHandler
SLASH_COMMANDS["/jy"] = insJY.commandHandler

If you use without "xxx." a another AddOn can have the same function and override is possiple.


Another a very nice Addon. Thanks

ins 04/22/14 12:56 PM


Turns out MobileBank and my ins:Junkyard used the same -GLOBAL- function commandHandler.

I've changed mine to a local function, tested with Mobilebank and there is no interference between these two addons anymore.

BadVolt 04/22/14 01:00 PM


Originally Posted by ins (Post 5371)

Turns out MobileBank and my ins:Junkyard used the same -GLOBAL- function commandHandler.

I've changed mine to a local function, tested with Mobilebank and there is no interference between these two addons anymore.

Thanks. Much appreciated.

And some good news. We are preparing portal to export MobileBank saved variables. We will inform you when it is ready to test.

Mizz 04/25/14 03:41 AM

Great mod! Couple of minor errors...
Hey guys... love love love this mod!

I did find that it doesn't like ectoplasm though... *queue ghostbusters flashback*... and the /mb b option didn't work, although the bank window appeared when I clicked the 'bank' option on the interface.

Rest of it is looking great so far... keep up the completely awesome work! :)


BadVolt 04/25/14 04:25 AM


Originally Posted by Mizz (Post 5789)
Hey guys... love love love this mod!

I did find that it doesn't like ectoplasm though... *queue ghostbusters flashback*... and the /mb b option didn't work, although the bank window appeared when I clicked the 'bank' option on the interface.

Rest of it is looking great so far... keep up the completely awesome work! :)


Thanks for your report!
We will look for problems with "Ectoplasm", but it sounds strange :) Addon don't care about item name. They all are same for it.
And "/mb b" was changed to "/mb p". But I forgot to change the description :o

Biggenz86 04/26/14 06:52 AM

Good but..
i have an addon on WoW where i can see when i loot items it shows me who has that item and how much of.. i think that would be useful with this addon and from what ive used so far its pretty good

BadVolt 04/26/14 10:54 AM


Originally Posted by Biggenz86 (Post 5963)
i have an addon on WoW where i can see when i loot items it shows me who has that item and how much of.. i think that would be useful with this addon and from what ive used so far its pretty good

Just to make sure. Do you mean, when you get any item, information in tooltip shows this item count on other characters?
Then, I can recommend you this addon.

Biggenz86 04/26/14 11:34 PM


Originally Posted by BadVolt (Post 5996)
Just to make sure. Do you mean, when you get any item, information in tooltip shows this item count on other characters?
Then, I can recommend you this addon.

yeah.. something like that.. i do like your addon too.. lets me see what everyone has.. but thanks ::banana:

blackrat 05/02/14 01:14 PM

Could you make it compatible with InventoryGridView?
Could you, please, make it compatible with InventoryGridView? Meaning to have the same design with the icons in Mobile Bank, too. Or intergrate it in InventoryGridView.

Would be great.

BadVolt 05/03/14 04:39 AM


Originally Posted by blackrat (Post 6731)
Could you, please, make it compatible with InventoryGridView? Meaning to have the same design with the icons in Mobile Bank, too. Or intergrate it in InventoryGridView.

Would be great.

Unfortunately, IGV and MB are using different windows. It means IGV addon can't display data from MB. But if there will be enought people that want this feature, I will add an option to display MB data like IGV.

Fing3rz 05/03/14 11:08 PM

I think this addon would be greatly improved by merging all of the different windows into ONE that is toggle-able via hotkey. Also add inventory grid view.

BadVolt 05/04/14 02:51 AM


Originally Posted by Fing3rz (Post 6874)
I think this addon would be greatly improved by merging all of the different windows into ONE that is toggle-able via hotkey. Also add inventory grid view.

I'm afraid it will be too huge, if merge it all to one window. Imagine 10 chars, 5 guilds, 1 bank and all that in one window.. it will be chaos.
And about IGV. I'm thinking about it.

Tonyleila 05/04/14 04:03 AM


Originally Posted by BadVolt (Post 6884)
I'm afraid it will be too huge, if merge it all to one window. Imagine 10 chars, 5 guilds, 1 bank and all that in one window.. it will be chaos.
And about IGV. I'm thinking about it.

I think he is talking about merg the original bag window and your window into one.
With a toggel button or dropdown menu where you coud switch between your inventory or bank or alts.
I have thought of the same before. That woud make it possible to use advanced filters addon and the inventory grid view option.

However I don't know if its possible to hide the original inventory items+ IVG and then displaying the items of other chars above them. Guess that woud be very complex.

BadVolt 05/04/14 04:55 AM


Originally Posted by Tonyleila (Post 6887)
I think he is talking about merg the original bag window and your window into one.
With a toggel button or dropdown menu where you coud switch between your inventory or bank or alts.
I have thought of the same before. That woud make it possible to use advanced filters addon and the inventory grid view option.

However I don't know if its possible to hide the original inventory items+ IVG and then displaying the items of other chars above them. Guess that woud be very complex.

I tried to do such a thing, but it was awful. Since we can't save fill inventory table (cycle) we have to replace values in exsiting one or recreate this table from some values we saved. It was horrible... even if don't take into account interrupting in developers data, this data can't be so easilly replaced cuz of total slot numbers, mouse scroll, slot id, filters and etc.
And if we want other addons to work with data we replaced, we have to save this table structure.
Lots of troubles here.
Else we can hide all standart bank data from showing and display our own, but is there sense in that? Other addons will not be able to use it.

Fing3rz 05/04/14 08:01 AM

I don't even have to know anything about addon development to know that sounds horrible indeed. In my previous post here I was talking about merging them together into one window. Not the default bag.

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