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linda 10/13/16 03:32 PM

ESO Mastery Guides Scam
Just putting it on here for you all.. since they list ESOHEAD as a site they have been featured on.

I purchased the guides back in February. They sent me a welcome email, with links to their free stuff. They also gave me a link to Bookmark, which is now dead.

I stopped playing shortly after. In August they started sending me emails about the product again, and I thought I would start to play again. But I had no access to their guides, only the free ones that I downloaded.

Sent them numerous emails, never got a response. I thought, well, maybe I didn't actually "buy" the guides, so I looked as well as I could for the receipt. I coudn't find it, and sent numerous emails asking if I was a member or not. No one ever got back to me.

So I purchased it again, with a credit card, knowing that I could reverse the charges if it was just the same stuff they sent me in February. It was.

The website that takes your credit card was no help: I put in a support ticket, and the reply was to put in a support ticket. So I called my credit card and cancelled the charges.

Just getting this out there for you to see. I'm posting this on Deltias Gaming and Tamriel Foundry also, (if they have a forum) because these two sites were also listed as featuring this scam.

Jerkling 07/04/17 11:25 AM

i feel you. still, why would you actually pay for a "guide"? :confused:

calia1120 07/08/17 11:44 AM

Tamriel Foundry is aware of it (I'm a contributing editor there), and has been trying to track down the folks who run the site to have their logo taken off as they have ZERO affiliation and it was never approved for use on that site.

It's a scam through and through.

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