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DeanGrey 11/04/23 01:36 AM

KB/Mouse view of books when using a controller.
There is a size difference in the books when using controller that can ruin the impact and reading experience. The game was clearly modeled with KB/Mouse in mind.

It ruins formatting when sometimes that is important.


EDIT: If someone doesn't want to do it, they can point me towards a how and I can give it a go. I've been known to flail in the dark and make things happen sometimes but I haven't touched an addon in a while and even then I was very much learning.

Antisenil 11/04/23 06:11 AM

This may be a conscious decision to make it more readable, as gamepad players tend to be further away from the screen than KB/M players.

Baertram 11/04/23 02:51 PM

I think GP mode just uses another "font" for most things, which comes "bigger" than KB&M default font .

I'm not sure if one can exchange that font "only for books" (e.g. as you open a book and revert as you close it) or if this would affect all UI elements using this font then.

Calamath 11/04/23 05:28 PM

Let me offer a solution regarding the book font.

Calamath's BookFont Stylist

This add-on is designed to work strictly with book fonts only.

- Calamath

DeanGrey 11/04/23 09:12 PM


Originally Posted by Calamath (Post 48720)
Let me offer a solution regarding the book font.

Calamath's BookFont Stylist

This add-on is designed to work strictly with book fonts only.

- Calamath

I was going to ask how to switch from keyboard mode to gamepad mode since it isn't a drop down but decided to go to the same book again and it just works already so I am going to just count my lucky stars.

Thank you for making this. :)

Baertram 11/05/23 07:31 AM

Afaik there is a keybind to switch the modes? In default control settings

DeanGrey 11/12/23 05:19 AM


Originally Posted by Baertram (Post 48732)
Afaik there is a keybind to switch the modes? In default control settings

My comment was more on how the addon ui showed I had keyboard mode selected. I had assumed at the time I needed to dropdown it to gamepad but it was not selectable. I am guessing it actually just auto fills the spot with whatever mode you are currently using, even though you cannot see that ui while in gamepad mode if you have it set to swap to whichever you are currently using.

None of this matters though, it just felt rude to not respond. lol

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