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static_recharge 05/06/21 03:43 AM

Drag and Drop Icons
Hey everyone!

So I'm trying to make an add-on that includes various icons being dragabble and dropable, much like how the ingame skill manager works. Basic requirements are: click and drag to new slot, single clicking without dragging will activate the button instead, hovering over the item will enable the outline glow just like the skills window.

I've had a look at the source code for the skill manager but I haven't been able to follow along to get the results that I'm looking for. If anyone can provide even a dumbed down version that I can learn from I would be greatly appreciated.

If anyone needs more clarification, I would set up a grid, like the skill bar, and textures would represet the various "abilities" or items on the bar. These items can be moved around, right clicked for context menus or clicked on to activate their designated item.

Thanks in advance!

Baertram 05/06/21 05:56 AM

Never done this myself so far. But maybe check out AlphaGear2.
It provides e.g. drag&drop of skills from the skill manager/action bar to the 16 skill profile bars at the bottom right (surrounded it on the screenshot with the light blue rectangle, and also surrounded one skill slot with a light blue square [Healing springs skill]) of the AlphaGear2 UI.

It also is able to drag&drop items from your inventory or character screen to the top armor profile slots (rows 1 to5 at the top)

The vanilla UI action buttons / action bar drag&drop should be somehow in the code of the abilityslot:

Hope this helps.

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