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Stormknight 04/14/14 06:26 AM

New tutorials for the wiki
I'm planning to create some additional tutorials for the Wiki that show stuff like:
  • How to go about creating your first addon.
  • Tools and references.
  • Some good development practices.
  • How to do a number of different standard things (like using events).
  • Differences between using XML and LUA to create your visual components.

I'm aware that some of this stuff is down to personal preference, so I'll try to remain objective with the whole thing rather than present right & wrong ways to do things where there are options.

I was contemplating a couple of youtube videos as part of this also.

So .... Ouijan mentioned he'd been thinking of doing similar.

I am keen to not duplicate effort and if others are interested in doing some of this, we can use this thread to figure out who plans to do what? :)

Ouijan 04/14/14 11:27 AM

It'd be cool to get some community tutorials happening! I'm all for getting new people interested and at the moment information is a huge barrier :)

My original idea was a set of YouTube tutorials on the basics (as that is all I know atm).
Things like:
  • Installing and required Files for an AddOn and the purpose of each
  • Beginers Guide to LUA and XML
  • How to Initialise
  • Creating Frames using XML
  • Creating Frames using LUA
  • Creating Frames using both (calling virtual frames)
  • Saving between sessions using ZO_SavedVars
  • Registering and handling events
  • Registering key bindings

However I've never recorded tutorial videos before and have no video editing experience so if someone else wants to take this on they're more than welcome! I've always found video tutorials more interactive and easier to follow thus thought video was the best medium (In depth accompanying text tutorials would be great!). Also they tend to use less jargon that can lose new programmers :) I also think its a good idea to proof the content of each video with the more experienced devs so as not to mislead or promote bad practice.

Does anyone else have any thoughts or can recommend software/advice on recording video tutorials?
Has anyone had similar ideas?

p.s. Tutorials on the wiki would be great I've follow what was there and found it quite useful some more would be fabulous!

GetBackYouPansy 04/14/14 04:46 PM

I like the idea, I was toying with the idea of trying some YT 'tutorials' or writing something up. Maybe a cookbook of sorts.

I think a lot of the problem people have getting started is that the documentation is just a list of stuff there is, no real guidance on how to use it. It was certainly what I found hard. It's just Lua and XML in the end, after all, so some meta-tutorial on reading the documentation we DO have would be useful.

zireko 04/23/14 05:09 PM

If any of you get these good youtube tutorials up please send me a link to them. I want to subscribe and learn as much as I can. I have a little understanding but I'm just getting started with programming. The only knowledge I've had in the past was a little html coding from creating websites.

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