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vecny.samotar 12/16/17 10:56 PM

Wykkyd old project?
I want to ask the authors to leave the Wykkyd addon projects?
because since the last DLC was not updated with Wykkyd addons, there were some bugs in addons

Baertram 12/17/17 08:33 AM

Do you want them to leave so you can overtake the addons?

Or do you want to know if they are still working on them?

In both cases I'd write a private message and mail to them and wait for their answer. Or you can check their homepage from the addon comments and lave a message there.

Octopuss 12/17/17 10:28 AM

I think it's Google translate.
Wykkyd addon's are apparently abandoned by the author, and the person who seems to be maintaining them since doesn't have time, so we need to wait I guess.

Ayantir 12/17/17 11:42 AM

Or to move to something else
Or to do it yourself

vecny.samotar 12/17/17 11:25 PM

so I have a lot of addons that work normally, except for wykkyd Enhanced HUD which, on the one hand, always when I log on to the character throws a bug that can not be shut down and should also adjust the administration of the attributes of bars. but this does not work and since the last DLC issue so I was waiting for some updating wykkyd addons but nothing is not going so I wondered here on the forum what is going on. I personally think that it would be OK to leave the add-on wykkyd package if it is done well and works even if it is not upgraded (in other words, wykkyd Enhanced HUD), it might be worth remembering if the wykkyd project was taken over and the author did not do it anymore collaborate with the author of wykkyd addons. according to me addons wykkyd not to upgrade (add additional features) only to update them

Rhyono 12/18/17 01:14 AM

In short: it is causing persistent errors and you'd like someone to take it over to at least fix the bugs each update, even if it means not adding features.

Baertram 12/18/17 05:55 AM

A quote from the addon comments:

Actually, it seems most of what this mod does has been implemented into the game itself. May be the reason why this mod caused so many issues after Clockwork.
As far as I can see this is true. Only the repositioning is not available.
But there are several other bar addons you could try.
Just use the addon serch at the top right corner and search for "bar" or "attribut" or "hud" or try out
Foundry Tactical Combat or LUI or some other addons that have this implemented.

Octopuss 12/18/17 07:10 AM

Which one of the Wykkyd addons are we even talking about?

Baertram 12/18/17 07:45 AM

It's written in his posts.

Octopuss 12/18/17 09:08 AM

Oh I see it now. Didn't notice in the gibberish.

Scootworks 12/18/17 09:11 AM

anyways, i guess you could use Azurah instead of Enhanced HUD

vecny.samotar 12/19/17 04:26 AM

1 Attachment(s)
thank you for trying to help me out of the problem, but I was just a little bit of a reaction from the Wykkyd addons. what about what you say yes vadsina function is built directly into the game but specifically Wykkyd HUD adjusts place the bars see the picture. and also the addons are excellent and what is the peace on Wykkyd addons is very unusual and do not add any other function just the one I have in my name, unlike addons such as azurah and similar addons.

and I apologize for my English as my English is very weak so use google translator

calia1120 02/04/18 11:41 PM

I'm working on updates for the new patch. Ravalox has been working on another game, and I moved and started a new job, so it's been a bit busy for the both of us. I'll be releasing updates over the next week or so for the entire wykkyd batch of addons.


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