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TR7 06/06/15 08:07 AM

Jovast and two accounts
I have two accounts on the same computer, running off the same folder. Both accounts are recognized in the addons and saved variables LUAs.

I initiate them simultaneously by loading one, reloading the launcher and loading the second.

Initially, /Jovast recognized both accounts and I could set up one character and transfer the settings to all of them [both account characters were listed]. But then I upgraded to an SSD and decided to use that opportunity for a complete reinstall of everything.

Now for some reason, one of two things happens when I use /Jovast:
It shows the characters for the wrong account [on left and right side] or the second account is not recognized at all.

I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling the addon logging completely out both times. I have used zgoo sv to clean out old deleted characters...nothing seems to work.

Pretty sure that the Addon was not made to recognize both accounts, but it was hella awesome and now I am spoiled.

Thanks in advance for any help.

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