Thread: What is this?
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07/07/14, 10:43 PM   #8
Credendo Vides
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WoWInterface Admin
Join Date: Mar 2004
Posts: 437
Don't do it one by one. That's way too annoying to put yourself through. Treat it the same way we tell people to treat it anytime they get an addon error. Do it by halves:
  • Disable all of your addons.
  • Take your list of addons, divide it in half.
  • Re-enable the first half of the list.
  • Is the error (in this case, graphic) showing now?
  • If no, then you know it's one of the addons in the other half.
  • Now disable the first half and re-enable the second half.
  • Is the error (in this case, graphic) back?
Once you figure out which half makes the error (in this case, graphic) show up again, you rinse and repeat:
  • Take the half that made is show up again, and divide it in half.
  • Re-enable half of the list.
  • Is the error (in this case, graphic) ....

Rinse and repeat until you work your way down to the single addon that's causing the problem.

99 times out of 100, this method will work. Sure, there will be the odd occasion when it is a combination of two or more are conflicting, but in general ...

Last edited by Cairenn : 07/07/14 at 10:46 PM.
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