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09/07/14, 03:41 AM   #10
Join Date: Feb 2014
Posts: 3
Originally Posted by Cairenn View Post
Everyone, tone it down please.
Thank you Cairenn.

My point is, in the last 30 hours I have received over 40 e-mails for Wykkyd addons alone. That is a bit excessive, and my main question is why aren't these being tested with a limited population prior to going into production, plain and simple, basic 101 code developing.

Those that want to bash me, feel free to enjoy the anonymity of the internet, but what I stated is true, releasing so many production updates in such a small time is bad practice. Sure it's free, but if you don't want to hear back from your users...both the ones that seem to think you fart fairy dust and butterflies as well as the ones with legitimate complaints...then by all means, stop coding and somebody will inevitably fill your place. If it's not your framework, it will be somebody else's. This is not meant as an attack, but as a simple recommendation--use test users!

Why don't I code myself? Because I'm lazy, plain and simple. I code for a living and have done so for the last 15 years, so why would I bother coming home and doing the same for free? Sorry, I love my work, but not that it's much easier to allow somebody else to do it. And if Wykkyd stops, as I said, there will be somebody else to fill that role...the game does not revolve around any one, or even any, addons.

My original comment was on the plethora of updates that have inundated my gaming e-mail this weekend, plain and simple, and I'm sorry your ego is too fragile to accept recommendations from your user-base.

To Cairenn's comment, I use Minion, but do not have it run continuously. I only fire it up when I know there are updates...and having to do so dozens of times in one weekend for only one author is a bit excessive.

Wykkyd, you're going to do what you're going to do, and I really don't care how offended you feel or not, or whether you stop coding or not, I was merely making a suggestion. Remember that for every one post on any support forum there are at least a factor of fifteen similar complaints that are not voiced. I may be one of many, but I'm certain I'm not the only one wondering what's up with all the updates and why you don't have a beta test group to put these revisions past first. Updating production code is sloppy, plain and simple, and if you feel offended by simple best practice suggestions, maybe you SHOULD take a break from coding for a while until you remember why you are doing it, for the users...otherwise you would simply make it your own little private addon and play happily.

It is funny that I am called the troll when I have been the only constructive criticism in the thread, so I am done with it...Cairenn, feel free to lock this, as I'm sure nothing more positive will come out of this, everybody's gut instinct is to go on the defensive with caustic comments....
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