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09/11/14, 03:24 PM   #5
AddOn Author - Click to view addons
Join Date: Mar 2014
Posts: 167
Sharlikran once wanted to create a questing addon which displays starting positions of quests (kinda like skyshards or lorebooks addon) and asked for my help. He told me he simply asked the admins and they answered he was allowed to use the data of esohead's map as long he uses the data only for the addon and not for other websites etc.
(I don't have the email anymore, so I can not guarantee for the correctness of above statement. Maybe I remember it wrong.)
So as far as I know we are allowed to use the data. Simply tell the admins what you want to do with it and ask them.

Btw the data is openly available, the json files which contain the data can be accessed via simple http request. The real question is: Are we allowed to use them? (And am I allowed to post the link^^)