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10/19/14, 01:09 PM   #4
klaro00's Avatar
Join Date: Apr 2014
Posts: 31

so I was right that there is no direct way. I think I will test for new functions like GetLatency (in fact, I currently test for GetMaxLevel). Also thank you Garkin for the list of functions emulating older API functions; might be useful one day...


(Just in case you are interested in my current problem which led me to my questions, here are some details. It's not about missing functions, it's rather about access to the "settings menu" interface via ZO_OptionsWindow_InitializeControl(). ZO changed quite a lot behind the scenes, and kept this function for backward compatibility. But the data structure has been slightly changed by ZO as well, so I needed to do some fixes for 10010 which go beyond missing functions. This is solved, so I'm not asking for help with the settings menu; I'm also aware that there are approches like "LibAddonMenu" on the market... Because I don't want to fork my code to maintain two code versions, I was looking for a cheap way to support the current and the upcoming API version. That's it.)
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