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04/18/15, 01:32 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by stAjora View Post
Least helpful reply in this thread. If you're going to tell someone to use the search function, link to an appropriate thread you found using the search button because typing in 'database' returns 0 hits on this question.
Ayantir was correct that automated "real-time" communication has been repeatedly discussed in the forums multiple times, that you can find searching the forums.

And in fact if you used the correct search (search the forums) and not "Search AddOns" you would of found at least 11 threads, in this forum section alone, on a search of "database".

Are you trolling? Is it not obvious the question is referring to an external DATABASE and not LUA tables? Telling noobies they can't do something because of their skill level is a real douchie thing to do brah.
Frankly while your subject refers to database, your question was a two part question, the first part which asks about databases, not external databases. Don't blame the response on the responder, they responded to the question asked, not whatever you were thinking.

I'm wondering if there is any database functionality available with lua and the ESO API?
Note the distinct lack of the words: external, IPC, messaging, communication, multi-player, etc.

Thanks everyone else, this error() thing could work for what I want to do. So say someone were to write an app in .NET to read from that error log and upload/share information privately, say a small group of friends or a small guild? ZoS bring down the ban hammer?
As far as I know Zendimax Online Studios (ZoS) has intentionally restricted automated communication between players, and reduced / restricted communication to external applications so as to prevent a large number of automated abuses (aka 'bots') in-game and in the game world economy.

There is no feasible means of ensuring fair play between a bunch of friends or guild mates, and a group exploiting a game play advantage through automated communication.

As well as prevent 3rd-party web sites from interfering with the game world economy, from gold sellers, 3rd-party audition houses, to PvP cheatings; as best they (ZoS) can. -- Basically 3rd-party web sites cannot (without breaking the game EULA terms and license) profit from the game directly.
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