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07/12/17, 04:54 AM   #14
Join Date: May 2015
Posts: 13
Ayantir, thank you for your statement.

Trippeling the code seems to be an issue but isn't it worth the effort for a transparent approach?
I am pretty sure you thought about it while developing CustomLib - now the train is rolling and CustomLib is included (copy, paste, edited, done) in many many small and big addons.
The vast majority of users do not know about it and what i get as feedback here a lot of addon authors are fine with it ("Do not install what you don't like even if we don't tell you it's there").

Unfortunately beside your own addons that way you lost control about the usage and distribution of CustomLib.

Indicating that there might be more going on unnoticed in the addon folder is worrying - nobody seems to care as long as it stays hidden

Originally Posted by Ayantir View Post
No. I'm the dev. You're not.

Adding options will triple the size of the library, and enable stuff that I don't want to enable for a lib. The reflexion is already done.

You don't have to discuss, the answer is no, and it's written in changelog

PPS: There is much more in your addons folder, but you don't care because it's a bit more hidden.

The guy who did this.
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