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03/05/18, 12:40 AM   #3
votan's Avatar
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Originally Posted by jlcrow View Post
Since the Dragon Bones update, many of the addons have become less compatible. I appreciate the work addon creators do and that they strive to make their addons as compatible and bug free as possible. To that end, when bugs arise, how do I know which addon is causing the problem? I get the UI error screens and see the debugging code -- I assume that is what it is -- but I don't know how to read it. Additionally, even I was able to know what addon was causing the problem, how do I get the bug information to them?

For example, below are screen shots of the two separate UI Errors. Each is two screen shots because the last line of the errors extends beyond the window and requires a second screen shot.

How do I read these and get the information to the addon creator? Thanks for any suggestions or instructions you all can offer.


This is a so-called "Callstack trace". You are reading it from top to bottom.
The first line is there the error happend. If it is a [C] function or the file path does not include "Addons", it is a built-in function. When go to the next line.
If this filename starts with "\Lib*" the addon has nothing to do with it: It could be an error within the library (=> library author) or go on to a line without "Lib*".
This is the addon which is involved (=> this author)

In your case a lot addons are in the callstack, because all hooking the tooltip. (I can see that from the SetBagItem) But you also can read things containing "Tooltip". So, that is normal.

Last edited by votan : 03/05/18 at 12:43 AM.
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