Thread: Ainsi - Utf-8
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10/21/19, 10:58 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by Baertram View Post
If the txt file contains Umlauts äöüß etc. it needs to be utf-89 but WITHOUT the byteorder mark (BOM) or the game will not show the umlauts. If the file is utf-8 WITH BOM it won't load properly so remove the BOM with notepad++ please if you see it.
SAme counts for the lua files. If contents are written in text like "Hello Bärtram" the ä won't be shown ingame properly if the file is ANSI only, so it needs to be UTF-8 e.g.

MAybe some descriptions have changed in Votan's files or he changes his editor and this one uses UTF-8 as standard now. It's just the encoding of the file, nothing special. Ignore it in your editor, shouldn't make any difference.
The only problem can be the byterorder mark (BOM) as I said. If this is set to the files they cannot load properly ingaem into the addon manager (they sometimes do, sometimes don't) and you should tell Votan to remove them from his files with UTF-8.

Actually there was only a probleme with the trademark ® and ' signs, as far as i could say.
I did not opened the.LUA files at all but only the addon.txt to check if i had all the good libraries for each addon.

For this i used my notepad++ which is opening the files it seems directly in UTF-8 and thus showing an error for the file that was created in AINSI. That is what i think i just understood.

I do not say that Votan did something wrong. I thought the error was on MY SIDE computer.

I guess i can just ignore the error from now.

Thank you all
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