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05/01/20, 08:46 AM   #5
ZOS Staff!
ZOS_DanBatson's Avatar
Yes this person is from ZeniMax!
Join Date: Jul 2015
Posts: 183
The SKILLS_DATA_MANAGER is an object in Lua that organizes all of the skill data, regardless of whether you know it or not (or even could know it or not.) There are objects for:

All already arranged in an object oriented parent/child relationship structure. If you wanted to write an addon like this, using this manager would be your best bet for accessing all the info you need in a very organized way. The objects will tell you information like whether or not they're discovered, exp, what rank is spent into, etc. Our skill UI, our skill builder UI, and our skill respec UI all use this manager to get the info we need to properly filter the display. It was added during the skill refactor a year or so ago to make things way easier to work with. We didn't feel the information itself needed to be a secret from a character, so we opted for ease of access.

Give that a look in ZO_SkillsDataManager.lua if you want to start developing skill guide addons.
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