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07/01/20, 09:13 AM   #18
ZOS Staff!
ZOS_DanBatson's Avatar
Yes this person is from ZeniMax!
Join Date: Jul 2015
Posts: 183
Yea the decision to clear the blink was a conscious one. We don't want the player to walk away for 15 minutes, get a notification, miss the notification, then come back to a blinking light and not know why since now all trace of any notification having been there is gone. It's not really a bug. If an addon is accepting the prompt before the player can even have a second to see it, that's on the addon. You could just as easily make the addon wait 15 seconds before auto-accepting so there's time to realize it's happening.

We don't really micromanage the flash on a case by case basis. Dungeon Ready Check doesn't get a flash, timed prompts as a concept get a flash. If there's a timed prompt, we flash. If the timed prompt goes away, we stop flashing.
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