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06/25/23, 12:23 PM   #3
Super Moderator
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Join Date: Mar 2014
Posts: 5,009
Hi Valmorian,

About your OCR: I had tested another OCR, as Croshy (another visibly impaired player contacted me about addon help with accessibility features) and he was using a version that was able to detect checkboxes and read them out properly. But you somehow needed to manipulate the OCR settings to always scan some special rectangle of the screen to e.g. read out loud the chat, or some ESO windows.
Not sure about the addon manager, how exactly he handles that, but maybe he can provide you hints.
I've asked him how he does it at the addon manager.

His OCR reader was "NVDA Screen reader" (Java based): Download NVDA Screen reader
Downside: Enabling this NVDA will make Minion 3 addon manager not load properly anymore! So you cannot enable both at the same time as it seems or you need to disable NVDA in total (unload, not only minimize it) and then start Minion3 afterwards.

Within NVDA you can use a NVDA key + R (where NVDA key is a keybind that you can setup in the NVDA settings. Default NVDA is the INSERT key).
At firs installation the NVDA setup asks you which key you want to use as KVDA key (similar to the WIN key as modifier in Windows).
NVDA + R scans the screen for text (OCR) and you hear a "Recognition running" and then it reads to you "Results document" and with UP and DOWN key it will read from UP to down and lef to right the on screen texts and you can choose to enable it via ENTER (return) key then.
The problem is: There is no sound or reader feedback if the enable/disable had worked or not! We recognized that you often had to press the RETUR key more than once

Back to your ingame addon manager problem:
Unfortunately the addon manager, at the moment, is nothing that ZOs supports in accessibility mode's menu reader.
The ingame addon manager cannot use any keyboard / controller / chat things so far, it only uses mouse input to enable/disable the addons.
If you enable other addons which change the addon manager they still only provide keybindings like Disabled all/Enable all.
But enabling a single addon via keyboard is not supported there.

We got addons like "Addon Selector" which can help you to build profiles/packs and save them, so you can enable them from a dropdown UI control. But even this is mouse controlled and there is no easy "Load by keybind".
I'm currently working on "Addon Selector" and might be able to add some kind of accessibility helper there so you can get the current addon name below the mouse narrated to you.
But I did not really start with it and it might need a while to get started and finish.
-> With "Addon Selector" enabled you can at least use the chat slash command /addons to open the addon manager already!

The problem is: How do you enable this if you cannot see what you do and cannot get there to do so I recommand to have 1 friend help you here to install this addo "Addon Selector" at least so you can use the /addons slash command in chat in the future AND also click on teh whole line of the addon name, instead of only the very small checkbox controls, to enable/disable the addons.
And I'll work on a way to narrate you the addon names as you move the mouse above them.
Addon Selector also provided an addon search so you can jump directly to addons with that name/containing that portion searched string in the name.

Manipulating files outside of the game (logout first!)
But there might be help for you "outside of the game", if the game client is not loaded!
One can manipulate the file live/AddOnSettings.txt (same folder as live/AddOns where the addons are instaleld to, but 1 folder level above).
In this file you will find the Server name in front of the character name for specific characters/toons of you at that server.
Server names are e.g. NA Megaserver or EU Megaserver
And one entry #Default for "all characters".

Addon and library names are listed below these headlines with AddonNameExampleHere 1, or instead of 1 0
Where 1 means enabled and 0 means disabled.
You can logout and then manipulate this file accordinly to your needs.
Then login and choose the character you modified (or all chars if you modified the Default entry) and the addons should load that way.

FCOUltimateSound 0
Recharge 0
AF_SiegeAllianceFIlters 0

#NA Megaserver-Brummbär Bärenfreund
FCOUltimateSound 1

#EU Megaserver-Baertram Bärenfreund
FCOUltimateSound 0
Recharge 1
This means that by default (for all servers and chars)
FCOUltimateSound is OFF
Recharge is OFF
AF_SiegeAllianceFilters is OFF

But for the server NA Megaserver and the character Brummbär Bärenfreund
FCOUltimateSound is ON
All others are handled by he Default entry

And for the server EU Megaserver and the character Baertram Bärenfreund
FCOUltimateSound is OFF
Recharge is ON
All others are handled by he Default entry

But important: You need to know which dependencies the addons need to be able to run!
Each addon can depend on other addons or libraries, like LibAddonMenu-2.0 for the settings menu.
This is named in the description of the addons (or at least should be).

If you do not enable those in the AddOnSettings.txt too, your addons will not be enabled ingame, as the "depend on them"

Other accessibility / helping addons
For the ingame addon manager there exists anoher addon helping with the automatic enabling of dependencies:
Votans Addon List
But that will again only work for the addon manager as you "click" on 1 addon -> dependencies will be enabled too.
And there again is no way to make that automatically work, by changing the AddOnSettings.txt file outside of the game.

I have worked on the addon FCOAccessibility for visibily impaired playrs, together with Croshy of this forum:
Download FCO Accessibility
It might help you a bit ingame to find enemies and see if you are running against walls etc.
And the description provides links to other addons helping you while playing in accessibility mode too.

AddOn settings menu (LibAddonMenu) with accessibility screen reader support
I also created a patched version of LibAddonMenu-2.0 which will read the settings menu of addons to you.
It's beta state and not officially released but I hope it can help you too, so here is the link for it:
Download LibAddonMenu-2.0 r34 - With Accessibility narration of settings options

All the best and ask if you need more help.

Last edited by Baertram : 06/25/23 at 02:11 PM.
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