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09/01/23, 05:27 PM   #22
Sharlikran's Avatar
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Join Date: Apr 2014
Posts: 665
Yeah you can't set the min and max points of the y portion of the graph. I don't even know what that means in your context because the y is the low and high price. So it's 1 to 340 for one item, 25 to 2500, or 350000 to 500000 for other items. How can you set a slider to change to meet the different high and low prices of thousands of items.

There is no set the scale to be equal to 1 to 100 for example. There is no scale making it be 1% to 100%.

This is a generalization but think of the scale as 0 to 1 and the middle is 0.5. That's sort of how the map works also for overland when you place map pin on the map. You don't put the pin at 55.36 x 46.78 because that's not the scale. It's 0 to 1 for the map. I know the game's overland map is not part of the conversation but things are pretty dynamic. You get the tooltip location, the height of things, then do a bunch of math like "(value - value1) / (value2 - value3) * size" and stuff like that and end up with a decimal number. Trying to mess with that could put the anchor for the dot way outside the graphic and the grid location defined in the XML file and it would just cause an Lua error anyway.

Just use the outlier settings or add the seller to the Guild and Account filter and you can remove a few dots that are killing the high and low price range for the graph and it will be better. May not be perfect but it should be better.

Last edited by Sharlikran : 09/02/23 at 01:46 AM.
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