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04/17/24, 05:38 PM   #1
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Join Date: Sep 2020
Posts: 33
Combat Events vs. PvP Kill Feed

Why is it that sometimes (albeit rarely) that the Combat events and PvP Kill Feed don't match?

The Combat Events ACTION_RESULT_KILLING_BLOW will tell me one thing but the PvP Kill Feed says another.

For example, since Healthy Offering and Shrew Offering will SUBTRACT the health drain from the toon BEFORE it does the heal (yes it's a thing devs, check it out and please fix it) when you have very low health, what the combat events tell the player has killed them is their own cast of Healthy or Shrewd Offering!

But then sometimes the PvP Kill Feed will say that the player they were fighting defeated them even though the player died to their own ability (or fall damage or slaughterfish).

Other times the PvP Kill Feed that one opposing player killed them but the Combat Event system will say that a different opposing player killed them when GetNumKillingAttacks(), GetKillingAttackInfo() and GetKillingAttackerInfo() is examined to see which blow was the killing blow and from which opposing player it came.

If the PvP Kill Feed doesn't get its information from the combat engine which produces the death recap, then where does it get the killing blow information from?

Last edited by Toirealach : 04/17/24 at 05:55 PM.
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