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04/22/14, 12:50 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by slaa View Post
stamina seems somewhat useless or endless on a horse. yet i have to hold a button down to gallop/sprint.

can someone make a mod that uses gallop/sprint soon as you get on the horse? would like to get on horse and hit auto-run button and swap to map or look at inventory when i need to without loosing speed.
I could be wrong but "somewhat useless or endless" might not necessarily be entirely accurate here. I haven't testing it fully yet but I believe the available stamina on your horse determines how quickly you will be dismounted. So, if you are rolling around in happy-go-lucky land, trotting along at a medium speed and Marty the bridge troll decides to smack dat ass, you could probably just gallop away at full speed and make it. On the other hand, if you were kicking the tires and lighting the fires and Marty decided to through a pickle at you, you might get knocked right off (and possible disoriented, if I'm not mistaken).

As I said, I haven't fully tested this, but I just wanted to make sure and point this potential game mechanic out.

With that being said, I wouldn't mind not having to hold down shift all the time either. I get enough of that in BF4...

P.S.-> For those of you who do not know of Marty or D&A, allow me to enlighten you: youtube -> Dorlaeous and Associates - Episode 3
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