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06/26/14, 07:25 AM   #5
AddOn Author - Click to view addons
Join Date: Apr 2014
Posts: 59
Originally Posted by zgrssd View Post
While I agree that would help, I don't think it is doable.

On the PTS the API is in a permanent state of flux. Developing on the PTS is like trying to work with a specifciaion that changes permanently.

Also in both content updates so far they made a "last minute patches" that were not even on the PTS before going live (1.1.2 and 1.2.3).
They need to focus on the issues from that first before they have time to deal with secondary stuff like the the addon API.

Every work they do for our benefit is work they cannot use for fixing problems. Of wich a game 3 months after launch has naturalyl a lot.
Quite understandable with last minute changes, it still does not discount the fact that they reach a point where they compile a list of changes and decide to go with those alterations to push a patch live from PTS

It is also quite understandable, especially given the fact the game is still very much in the infancy of its intended/marketed lifespan that addon API does take a back seat to bugs, exploits, etc However they are altering the API and effectively forcing due to a lack of documentation anybody and everybody that wants to develop addons for UI enhancement (which was stated as ZOS intention during beta in regards to keeping a minimalistic UI) to search blindly in the dark for API changes if they want to make sure their addon is up to date or if they want to develop for the future.

Not only would it assist community addon developers, it would help calm down the forums alot more, which in turn would aid ZOS staff right across the board, especially forum staff who have to sift through the pages of flaming due to frustration.

All in all, I think it is quite a reasonable request for just one forum staff member from ZOS to come along and officially document the changes to the API to assist addons developers, as well as more communication in general from ZOS devs which is really needed at all times.

In reality while it may take time, I think the sooner the better for more communication and official feedback on changes before they leave the PTS to hit live servers. Disregarding last minute hot fixes naturally.

Sorry for the length of the post/reply, I guess I am slightly frustrated at the lack of communication and am thoughtful of community addon developers as I am currently trying to get my head around lua coding to assist others and perhaps push out some addons of my own in the future.

All said and done, communication really is key. /end rant.