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04/21/14, 11:52 AM   #4
Joviex's Avatar
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Join Date: Mar 2014
Posts: 42
Originally Posted by BadVolt View Post
And we still have no idea how can we use it

Not sure what you mean. I am staring at how to use the ZO_Dialogs:

-- To show a dialog, call this function.
-- The first parameter should be the name of the dialog (as definied in either InGameDialogs or PreGameDialogs).
-- The second parameter should be an array table, containing any data that will be needed in the callback functions in the dialog
-- you want to display.
-- The third parameter is a table, which contains parameters used when filling out the strings in your dialog.
-- If the main text in the dialog has 2 parameters (e.g "Hello <<1>> <<2>>"), then the 3rd parameter should contain a subtable called
-- mainTextParams which itself contains 2 members, the first will go into the <<1>> and the second will go into the <<2>>. The 3rd parameter
-- in ZO_Dialogs_ShowDialog can also contain a titleParams subtable which is used to fill in the parameters in the title, if needed.
-- So as an example, let's say you had defined a dialog in InGameDialogs called "TEST_DIALOG" with
-- title = { text = "Dialog <<1>>" } and mainText = { text = "Main <<1>> Text <<2>>" }
-- And you called
-- ZO_Dialogs_ShowDialog("TEST_DIALOG", {5}, {titleParams={"Test1"}, mainTextParams={"Test2", "Test3"}})
-- The resulting dialog would have a title that read "Dialog Test1" and a main text field that read "Main Test2 Text Test3".
-- The 5 passed in the second parameter could be used by the callback functions to perform various tasks based on this value.

-- Dialogs themselves (see InGameDialogs.lua, etc.) must contain at least a "mainText" table, with at least the "text" member.
-- mainText.text is filled in using the mainTextParams subtable of the table passed in the 3rd parameter to ZO_Dialogs_ShowDialog.

-- The mainText table can also optionally contain:
-- An "align" member to set the alignment of the text (TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT, TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT, or TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER....left is default).
-- A "timer" field, which indicates that a certain parameter should be treated as a sceonds in a timer, and converted to time format
-- (so if mainText contains "timer = 1", the 1st parameter in mainText.text is converted to time format before being placed
-- in the string).
-- Dialogs can also optionally contain:
-- A "title" table, which works the same way as "mainText" ("text", "align" and "title" fields are allowed), no title is shown if "title" is not set.
-- A "noChoiceCallback" field, which is executed when the dialog is closed without making a choice first.
-- An "updateFn" field, which should be a function. If present, this function is called on each update when this dialog is showing.
-- An "editBox" field, which adds an edit box to the dialog. It can specify:
-- textType = The type of input the edit box accepts.
-- To get the value in the editbox, use ZO_Dialogs_GetEditBoxText.
-- Finally, the is a "buttons" table, in which each member corresponds to a button. Dialogs support a maximum of 2 buttons.
-- If the buttons table is present, each of it's members in turn MUST contain a "text" field. Also, each button can optionally contain:
-- A "callback" function field (whose first parameter should always be "dialog"....use "[i]" to reference the ith data member passed in).
-- A "clickSound" field that defines what sound to play when the button is clicked.
-- An option to show an animated loading icon near the main text, called "showLoadingIcon"
-- See the "DESTROY_AUGMENT_PROMPT" and "DEATH_PROMPT" dialogs in InGameDialogs.lua for examples of dialogs that use these various fields.
function ZO_Dialogs_ShowDialog(name, data, textParams)
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