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02/16/23, 03:05 AM   #12
Join Date: Feb 2023
Posts: 9
The IsSmithingStyleKnown function does work with just one style argument, which is odd to me, but I checked out CraftStore per your suggestion and they use it like that. It definitely works, but I suppose I should've said I was more interested in the outfit system to begin with.

I would guess most people choose to use outfit stations to change their appearance, especially since it applies to outliers like crown store and event appearances. I have a general plan so far.

I want to use:
Lua Code:
  1. * GetCollectibleId(*luaindex* _topLevelIndex_, *luaindex:nilable* _categoryIndex_, *luaindex* _collectibleIndex_)
  2. ** _Returns:_ *integer* _collectibleId_

But the only useful piece of information I have so far from an itemLink is the outfitStyleId:
Lua Code:
  1. local outfitStyleId = GetItemLinkOutfitStyleId(itemLink)

Using your Torchlight plugin which is awesome, I can see data about each outfit collection item. I haven't found anything too useful yet, but it's given me some ideas.

There is this function:
Lua Code:
  1. * GetOutfitStyleFreeConversionCollectibleId(*integer* _outfitStyleId_)
  2. ** _Returns:_ *integer:nilable* _freeConversionCollectibleId_
I tried using it but it seems to return nil when fed my outfitStyleIds.

I tried:
Lua Code:
  1. * GetCollectibleIdFromLink(*string* _link_)
  2. ** _Returns:_ *integer:nilable* _collectibleId_
But it simply returns errors with my itemLinks.

I am looking for a function that can give me an outfitStyleId from a collectibleId or its referenceId, at least then I could think about a really ugly iterative method where I go through each relevant collectible, store its outfitStyleId and collectibleId, and use those to check, but I keep hitting dead ends. There's more I've tried here that I haven't mentioned. I'll keep trying, I'm pretty sure it must be possible.
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