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01/28/22, 04:05 PM   #1
helixanon's Avatar
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Translating Combat Event to group member's unitTag


I'm writing my own Roaring Opportunist tracker that checks the presence of RO Cooldown ability on the group members dynamically.
However, this is not a "buff" so it cannot be pulled from
GetUnitBuffInfo("group" .. i, j)
Thus, I came up with a workaround:

First, in OnUpdate function I go through every group member and fill my GroupDict dictionary like this:

local groupMemberName = GetRawUnitName("group" .. i)
DynamicRO.GroupDict["group" .. i] = groupMemberName
DynamicRO.GroupDict[groupMemberName] = "group" .. i
So I can get player's name by their unitTag (e.g. "group7") and their unitTag by their name.

Why I am doing this is because I use EVENT_COMBAT_EVENT's targetName. So when I get the event, I fill my event buff tracker dictionary:

if DynamicRO.GroupDict[targetName] ~= nil then
    DynamicRO.EventBuffTracker[DynamicRO.GroupDict[targetName]] = {}
    DynamicRO.EventBuffTracker[DynamicRO.GroupDict[targetName]][abilityId] = {}
    DynamicRO.EventBuffTracker[DynamicRO.GroupDict[targetName]][abilityId].EndsAt = GetGameTimeMilliseconds() + 22000
I'm using a whole new {} for each ability because I may want to expand it to support other abilities not tracked by GetUnitBuffInfo and other logical components in the future.

Finally, back in the group loop, if I see that the unitTag's corresponding EventBuffTracker RO buff is nil or less than the current time, I can conclude that RO needs to be recast.


Now, is there a better way for this? I kinda don't like this workaround with using 2 external dictionaries. I also found it to be unstable at times and thus I had to add
DynamicRO.GroupDict[targetName] ~= nil
although I've no idea when it can be nil.

I hope I was clear enough with my explanation and would appreciate some help.


Last edited by helixanon : 01/28/22 at 04:26 PM.
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