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04/01/15, 07:26 PM   #10
Join Date: May 2014
Posts: 4
Hi Circonian,

Thanks so much for the reply! That is the basic idea of AutoEmote, it triggers an emote based on the keywords you type. So for example, when the addon used to work I had this setup for the emote /torch:

{"torch","lit a fire","lights a fire","light a fire","lighting a fire","started a fire","start a fire","starts a fire","starting a fire","started a small fire","starts a small fire","starting a small fire","lit a small fire","lights a small fire","light a small fire","lighting a small fire"},
So that if I typed any of those words or string of words, my toon would perform the /torch emote. And you could customize the trigger words for /say, /party, /yell, and /emote. Here is the original addon page here

But yeah that's the basic gist of what the AutoEmote meant to do, I've been searching for similar addons that might have carried on through the game's updates but there hasn't been anything like it. There is Syncmote which is neat, but unfortunately it cannot pick up keywords in a sentence to trigger an emote; so if you chose the word "torch" as the keyword for the emote /torch, you couldn't type "He held up a torch" to trigger the emote. You would have to literally type "torch" which would restrict its use, so that wasn't a viable option.

Thanks again!

Last edited by dzee349 : 04/02/15 at 12:18 PM.
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