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01/29/23, 03:25 PM   #1
notnear's Avatar
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Join Date: Aug 2022
Posts: 5
Advanced Filters Plugin

I'm trying to make a plugin that adds a "Trial sets" entry, based on Advanced Filters - Monster sets filter plugin.

Got it to work just changing the instances of "monster" to "trial" but if I have both plugins active It'll give an error related to duplicate addon plugin.

I get the following error that changes depending on which plugin was loaded first I believe, and the filters for one of them (in this case Trial sets) show up and work normally. Sorry if it's an obvious fix and thanks in advance!

Lua Code:
  1. user:/AddOns/AdvancedFilters/files/API.lua:132: attempt to index a function value
  2. stack traceback:
  3. user:/AddOns/AdvancedFilters/files/API.lua:132: in function 'AdvancedFilters_RemoveDuplicateAddonPlugin'
  4. <Locals> filterInformation = [table:1]{filterType = 2}, groupName = "Armor", filterTypeWasMappedToNewFilterTypeCategory = T, addonInformation = [table:2]{}, removedDuplicate = F, subfilterCallBacksOfGroup = [table:3]{}, existingAFSubfilterCallbacksInfo = [table:4]{}, index = 6, subfilterCallbacksInfo = [table:5]{}, newPluginCallbackTable = [table:6]{name = "FCOMonsterSetsAll"}, existingSubfilterCallbacksTableAtGroup = [table:7]{name = "TrialSetsAll"}, cbTabIndex = "filterCallback", cbTabEntry = user:/AddOns/AF_TrialSetFilters/AF_TrialSetFilters.lua:108 </Locals>
  5. user:/AddOns/AdvancedFilters/files/API.lua:196: in function 'parseFilterInformation'
  6. <Locals> filterInformation = [table:1], addonInformation = [table:8]{}, itemFilterCategory = 2, groupName = "Armor" </Locals>
  7. user:/AddOns/AdvancedFilters/files/API.lua:235: in function 'AdvancedFilters_RegisterFilter'
  8. <Locals> filterInformationTable = [table:1], parseFilterInformation = user:/AddOns/AdvancedFilters/files/API.lua:174, filterTypes = 2 </Locals>
  9. user:/AddOns/AF_FCOMonsterSetFilters/AF_FCOMonsterSetFilters.lua:381: in function 'addOnPluginLoaded'
  10. <Locals> event = 65536, name = "AF_FCOMonsterSetFilters", monsterSetIds = [table:9]{}, setNamesWithId = [table:10]{Zaan = 350, Sentinel of Rkugamz = 268, Shadowrend = 265, Ilambris = 273, Pirate Skeleton = 277, Grundwulf = 458, Earthgore = 341, Immolator Charr = 599, Lord Warden = 164, Vykosa = 398, Maarselok = 459, Infernal Guardian = 272, Magma Incarnate = 609, Slimecraw = 270, Symphony of Blades = 436, Nazaray = 633, Velidreth = 257, Valkyn Skoria = 169, Lady Malygda = 635, Kargaeda = 632, Sellistrix = 271, Archdruid Devyric = 666, Baron Zaudrus = 578, Stone Husk = 534, Lady Thorn = 535, Encratis's Behemoth = 577, Glorgoloch the Destroyer = 600, Zoal the Ever-Wakeful = 598, Maw of the Infernal = 170, Stonekeeper = 432, Molag Kena = 183, Swarm Mother = 267, Balorgh = 397, The Troll King = 278, Grothdarr = 280, Stormfist = 275, Nerien'eth = 168, Iceheart = 274, Tremorscale = 276, Euphotic Gatekeeper = 667, Baron Thirsk = 636, Engine Guardian = 166, Thurvokun = 349, --ALL_MONSTER_SETS-- = 9999999999, Mighty Chudan = 256, Scourge Harvester = 165, Selene = 279, Chokethorn = 269, Mother Ciannait = 478, Kjalnar's Nightmare = 479}, setNamesSorted = [table:11]{1 = "--ALL_MONSTER_SETS--::99999999..."}, GetFilterCallbackForSets = user:/AddOns/AF_FCOMonsterSetFilters/AF_FCOMonsterSetFilters.lua:107, allMonsterSetsDropdownCallback = [table:6], fullDropdownSetsCallbacks = [table:12]{}, dropdownFiveSetEachCallbacks = [table:13]{}, dropdownFiveSetEachKeys = [table:14]{1 = "A-E"}, dropdownFiveSetEachCharactersKey = [table:15]{}, foundSetsCharacters = [table:16]{1 = 97}, buildFullLevelDropdownSetCallbacks = user:/AddOns/AF_FCOMonsterSetFilters/AF_FCOMonsterSetFilt
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