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01/25/23, 04:21 PM   #7
Sharlikran's Avatar
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Join Date: Apr 2014
Posts: 660
The saved vars are stored in memory. So if you alter it and reload the UI any changes to the saved vars would be overwritten.

It doesn't matter how much you try to position yourself to do something innocent and with good intentions. It doesn't matter if you try your best to follow all policies to keep from affecting your mod or affecting other mods not related to your project.

The bottom line is you can't assume because you have honest intentions and the API is there that it has to be okay. You can't assume if you follow our guidance and advice that nothing will happen. You can't assume because TTC does something similar that it is okay.

There is a mod called God Send and the server team does not like it nor do they want people sending mass mail. Which has been communicated by zos, we aren't assuming. Just because people use it and it still exists doesn't mean it doesn't cause issues that aren't communicated to us.

I still hear from time to time of account bans from GMs using God Send, so it does happen. Each one feels they are targeted because they know other GMs that use it. Most say CS told them to stop using it and use the guild message of the day, which they feel is not sufficient. Most people are told somehow and complain once once something happens, but they knew they shouldn't do it.

Something more simple that happens is that people can also get a social ban for pressing E too fast to get guild history.

Once ZOS is aware of your mod after you release it and after they see the effect on the server or the game that is when decisions will be made. You will obviously say things like "oh I didn't know" or "I didn't mean to..." but it won't matter at that point.

There is no sharing or updating in real time. Forcing someone to reload their UI could even become a burden to the server. I don't reload my UI regularly for TTC so if your mod causes people to do that frequently zos will take notice. What they do at that point is anyone's guess.

What exists is tolerated at the moment even if zos dislikes it. Someone that comes along and pushes the envelope could cause them to push back and it will have a greater impact then you intended.

You can't really ask the community because we don't make the decisions. What you do is your choice and we really can't stop you but I can say it's probably best to just stop. There is no proving who is right or wrong. You are just asking and you are just getting a response.

Last edited by Sharlikran : 01/25/23 at 04:47 PM.
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