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11/26/20, 05:23 PM   #1
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I want to move my game window from upper left to lower right on my left screen

In Skyrim there's "iLocation x =" and "iLocation y =" where you can input offset pixel amounts to move the game window automatically on login instead of having to drag it with the cursor, which is what I'd like to be able to do with ESO.

Dragging with the cursor generally gets me a bunch of errors. I asked in ESO's PC support forum, got this reply, no help at all:

I think we have no idea what you are asking about. Most of us play full windowed (fullscreen) or just plain full screen. So our game window takes up the full monitor.

To which I replied:

Can't do that - full screen is just plain icky for me. When the game window opens it's in the far upper left corner of my left screen. I want it to open in the far lower right corner of my left screen because that's where I always have games open - because it's comfortable for viewing angle. The game window I run at 1562 x 992 pixels which leaves a solid black area for my eyes to land on when too much is going on in the game - if there's a lot of activity and flashy spell stuff my vertigo gets upset.

So I'd like to add instruction-set lines in UserSettings.txt to open the game window where I like it, instead of having to move it with the cursor before logging in.

Any addon gurus know how to manage this?
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11/26/20, 05:36 PM   #2
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Addons cannot manage this as addons cannot touch the position of "Windows" related stuff, as window positioning.
If ZOs is not able to help you with an entry in the UserSettings.txt or any parameters you could add to eso64.exe calls, I guess only 3rd party software will be able to help you to auto-move he window of ESO64.exe.
Addons ONLY affect ingame (after character was loaded into the world of the game!) stuff. And even then we cannot change anything about the positioning of the Window or chosen Monitor to play on afaik. Else I might prepare a window swapper source for next April fools :-)

btw I also do not understand what you are really asking for here.
Your screen resolution of the left monitor (you got 2 monitors I assume, 1 left 1 right) is what? 1562 x 992
And ESO always starts at the 2nd monitor at the right?
-> I think this happens because the 2nd monitor is set in Windows as the default monitor?Or you have chosen this montor to be the standard ESO monitor in the ESO vanilla video game settings.

Backup first! Then check the UserSettings.txt:
SET FullscreenHeight "2160"
SET FullscreenWidth "3840"
SET WindowedHeight "2160"
SET WindowedWidth "3840"
Maybe changing these values from ACTIVE_DISPLAY 0 (should be Windows default monitor) to 1 will change the standard monitor.
BUT: You are also able to change this WITHIN the game's video settings AFAIK IF you are using multiple Monitors in Windows.

Add the folder c:\users\...\documents\elder scrolls online to your Antivirus Whitelist so that all files like UserSetttings.txt etc. are allowed to be written properly and are not protected against changes. Maybe this helps.

Last edited by Baertram : 11/26/20 at 05:43 PM.
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11/26/20, 06:28 PM   #3
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Hi Baertram, and thanks so much for your Advanced Filters addon - can't live without it.

I didn't realize that about addons and this game, as I've never had any ability to deal with lua. I gave up html, css, and php some years back when I fired all my website clients and retired (for the 4th time). So thanks for explaining that.

My screens are both 1920 x 1080, yes set up one left, one right. I keep the game window NOT full screen because vertigo is a major issue for me - yes there is negative space "outside" my screens, but when my eyes have nowhere on the screens to land I wind up.... um.... very ill indeed. Just moving my focus from a very busy screen burst (spells mostly but also sometimes animations) to the living room window where I can see outside can cause me to nearly fall off my chair. The only thing that works well is to have black negative space around the game window, and that's why I don't play full screen.

My right screen has Excel with my spreadsheets for my game accounts, my email program, and my browser window, so is full enough that there's not much "black real estate" there. The smaller game window is how I manage games - my hobby isn't always in agreement with my physical issues as I hit mid-70s.

My left monitor is my primary, and also set as default in ESO, yes. My problem is that I have HDMI on the primary (left) screen, and that's where I want the game to open - so no need to change that. But I just can't deal with the game window in the top right corner because of the way I have my desk, screens, and chair set up (which is the way it is because of the vertigo).

It seems that I'll just need to keep moving the game window manually. The most annoying thing is that my NVIDIA cards used to have (many years back) an option to set where a given game opened, but they quit supporting that a decade ago now I think.

Ah well. I suppose I should just be happy I am still playing games!

Thank you again for your time, and the explanation about addons - as well as your own Filters one. I hope your holidays will be very happy, whichever of them you keep!
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11/27/20, 02:53 AM   #4
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If ESO doesn't restore window position when you close the game, then it's not user friendly to say the least, but I guess nobody in Zenimax plays in a windowed mode, so they have no idea what you are talking about Maybe you can report it as a bug. Meanwhile your only option is to do it externally, e.g. via AutoHotKey with this script.ahk:

Run eso64.exe
WinWait, ahk_class EsoClientWndClass
WinMove, 200, 100
Place it in the same directory as eso64.exe (otherwise it won't work that easily) and create a desktop shortcut for it, if you need.

Last edited by andy.s : 11/27/20 at 04:13 AM.
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11/27/20, 03:56 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by Sylvermoon View Post
Hi Baertram, and thanks so much for your Advanced Filters addon - can't live without it.
To be fair it was not my addon, ingenious clown created it, Randactyl took over for a long time, and I'm maintianing/adding features since Randactyl was MIA.
But thank you for the kind words.

Did you check the video settings of ESO ingame? I'm able to select the main screen there. So at least you could select the left one and if you play in windowed mode it should also remember the size and position then.
If this is not working I'm out of ideas myself.

Maybe one could create a .bat batch file which will start the eso64.exe and then run the AutoHotkey script automatically afterwards, which andy.s mentioned.

Last edited by Baertram : 11/27/20 at 04:00 AM.
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11/27/20, 04:15 AM   #6
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Actually I edited my answer, because AHK can run programs too. I think it can do practically anything actually with windows, I just don't use it for such things
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11/27/20, 04:24 AM   #7
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You can use DisplayFusion - which I wholeheartedly recommend to anyone - to configure this kind of behaviour. It gives you control over (almost) anything related to monitors or program windows.
With it you can create a trigger which runs when the ESO window is created and set it to a specific size and position.
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11/27/20, 09:22 AM   #8
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Wow! Thank you all again. I will try DisplayFusion - because IIRC AutoHotKey is one of those things that game devs get unhappy about finding one running? I would need to go dig around in ESO's forums again; think I've seen various statements that one shouldn't use it as it can be taken to mean one is running multiple instances of ESO in order to bot and I certainly don't want to be accused of that!

If I could be comfortable in full screen it would be much simpler, but thanks so much for taking me seriously and helping me find workarounds!

BTW, @Sirinsidiator - that is an all-round great app, thanks for pointing me to it!

Last edited by Sylvermoon : 11/27/20 at 10:43 AM.
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