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09/16/16, 12:07 AM   #21
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In the new version of my addon added new text. Also changed some existing ones. I need help with a translation.

It needs to be translated into German, French and Japanese:
Lua Code:
  1. Mode = {
  2.   [0] = {Capt = "Undaunted Pledges",},
  3.   [1] = {Capt = "Calendar of Pledges",},
  4.   [4] = {Capt = "Skills: Class & Guild",},
  5.   [5] = {Capt = "Skills: Craft",},
  6. }
  7. OptCharOnOffTtip = "Show / Hide character \"<<1>>\"",
  8. ModesOnOffHdr = "Show / Hide Window Modes",
  9. ModesOnOffNote = "Note: This settings only affect the sequential switching window modes. You can hide any window modes, but at least one (any) window mode will be stay non-hidden. Also you can directly select the desired window mode from the context menu.",
  10. OptModeOnOffTtip = "Show / Hide window mode \"<<1>>\"",
  11. ToolTip = {
  12.   [17] = "Your current progress in Class & Guild skills.",
  13.   [18] = "Your current progress in Craft skills.",
  14.   [31] = "Class skills: 1st line",
  15.   [32] = "Class skills: 2nd line",
  16.   [33] = "Class skills: 3rd line",
  17. }

And it should only translate to Japanese:
Lua Code:
  1. ToolTip = {
  2.   [34] = "Fighters Guild",
  3.   [35] = "Mages Guild",
  4.   [36] = "Undaunted",
  5. }
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09/17/16, 06:28 AM   #22
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Hi, here is japanese translation.

Lua Code:
  1. Mode = {
  2.   [0] = {Capt = "アンドーンテッドの誓い",},
  3.   [1] = {Capt = "誓いのカレンダー",},
  4.   [4] = {Capt = "スキル:クラス&ギルド",},
  5.   [5] = {Capt = "スキル:クラフト",},
  6. }
  7. OptCharOnOffTtip = "キャラクター \"<<1>>\" の表示 / 非表示",
  8. ModesOnOffHdr = "ウィンドウモードの表示 / 非表示",
  9. ModesOnOffNote = "注意: この設定はウィンドウモードを順番にスイッチします。ウィンドウモードを隠すことができますが、少なくとも1回以上はウィンドウモードを表示にします。また、コンテキストメニューから目的のウィンドウモードを直接指定することができます。",
  10. OptModeOnOffTtip = "ウィンドウモード \"<<1>>\" の表示 / 非表示",
  11. ToolTip = {
  12.   [17] = "クラス&ギルドのスキルが現在進行中です。",
  13.   [18] = "クラフトスキルが現在進行中です。",
  14.   [31] = "クラススキル: ファーストライン",
  15.   [32] = "クラススキル: セカンドライン",
  16.   [33] = "クラススキル: サードライン",
  17.   [34] = "戦士ギルド",
  18.   [35] = "魔導師ギルド",
  19.   [36] = "アンドーンテッド",
  20. }
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09/17/16, 09:41 AM   #23
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German translations
Mode = {
  [0] = {Capt = "Unerschrockene Gelöbnisse",},
  [1] = {Capt = "Gelobnisse Kalender",},
  [4] = {Capt = "Fertigkeiten: Klasse & Gilde",},
  [5] = {Capt = "Fertigkeiten: Handwerk",},
OptCharOnOffTtip = "Zeige / Verstecke Charakter \"<<1>>\"",
ModesOnOffHdr = "Zeige / Verstecke Fenster Modus",
ModesOnOffNote = "Notiz: Diese Einstellung betrifft nur den sequentiellen Fenster Wechsel Modus. Du kannst alle Fenster Modi verstecken, aber wenigstens ein Fenster Modus bleibt nicht-versteckt. Du kannst auch den gewünschten Fenstermodus direkt aus dem Kontextmenü auswählen.",
OptModeOnOffTtip = "Zeige / Verstecke Fenster Modus \"<<1>>\"",
ToolTip = {
  [17] = "Dein aktueller Fortschritt der Klassen & Gilden Fertigkeiten.",
  [18] = "Dein aktueller Fortschritt der Handwerk Fertigkeiten.",
  [31] = "Klassen Fertigkeiten: 1. Linie",
  [32] = "Klassen Fertigkeiten: 2. Linie",
  [33] = "Klassen Fertigkeiten: 3. Linie",
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09/19/16, 02:22 AM   #24
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Lionas, Baertram thanks for the help! Your translations are included in today's release.

Still need a translation in French. Can someone help?
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09/20/16, 03:23 AM   #25
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Here the french translation

Lua Code:
  1. Mode = {
  2.       [0] = {Capt = "Engagements indomptables",},
  3.       [1] = {Capt = "Calendrier des engagements",},
  4.       [4] = {Capt = "Compétences: Classe & Guilde",},
  5.       [5] = {Capt = "Compétences: Fabrication",},
  6.     }
  7.     OptCharOnOffTtip = "Afficher / masquer personnage \"<<1>>\"",
  8.     ModesOnOffHdr = "Afficher / masquer les modes fenêtre",
  9.     ModesOnOffNote = "Nota: Ces réglages affectent uniquement les changements de modes de fenêtre . Vous pouvez masquer les modes fenêtre , mais au moins un mode fenêtre devra être visible . Vous pouvez également sélectionner directement le mode de fenêtre souhaité dans le menu contextuel.",
  10.     OptModeOnOffTtip = "Afficher / masquer le mode fenêtre \"<<1>>\"",
  11.     ToolTip = {
  12.       [17] = "Votre progression actuelle dans les compétences de classe et de guilde.",
  13.       [18] = "Votre progression actuelle dans les compétences de fabrication.",
  14.       [31] = "Compétences de classe : 1ère ligne",
  15.       [32] = "Compétences de classe : 2ème ligne",
  16.       [33] = "Compétences de classe : 3ème ligne",
  17.     }

Change the first line courageux --> indomptables

Last edited by Llwydd : 09/21/16 at 08:14 AM.
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09/20/16, 07:12 AM   #26
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Llwydd thanks for the help! Your translations are included in today's release.
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09/21/16, 06:01 AM   #27
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Not sure of translation of the fist line " Engements courageux" perhaps "Engagements indomptables" is better if this is for gold key and silver key

Last edited by Llwydd : 09/21/16 at 08:13 AM.
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09/23/16, 12:44 AM   #28
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Originally Posted by Llwydd View Post
Not sure of translation of the fist line " Engements courageux" perhaps "Engagements indomptables" is better if this is for gold key and silver key
Most likely you are right, as the Guild "Undaunted" in French is called "Indomptable". Will be fixed in next release.
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11/02/16, 08:32 AM   #29
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I need help with translation some text for new version of addon:
Lua Code:
  1. Mode[6] = {Capt = "Trials",},
  2. ToolTip[19] = "The availability of weekly trials rewards",
  3. OptTrialList = {"countdown timer","date & time (MM/DD hh:mi)"},
  4. OptTrialAvl  = "Next trial coffer will be available...",
  5. OptTrialAvlF = "This setting allows you to choose the format of the information when the container with the reward for completing the Trial will be available. Available options are 'date & time' and 'countdown timer'.",

The reward means purple coffers. Perhaps for the tooltip you can find a better option than a literal translation.
OptTrialAvlF is ToolTip for OptTrialAvl and can contain long text.

Only for Japanese need:
Lua Code:
  1. ToolTip[11] = "Undaunted Key",

Also, for French and Japanese need a marker of the day for format "2d 20:13".
Lua Code:
  1. DayMarker = "d",
For example (prior to reset the counter left two days 20 hours and 13 minutes):
EN: "2d 20:13" -- DayMarker = "d",
DE: "2t 20:13" -- DayMarker = "t",
RU: "2д 20:13" -- DayMarker = "д",

Last edited by ForgottenLight : 11/03/16 at 06:48 AM.
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11/03/16, 07:59 AM   #30
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French translation

Lua Code:
  1. Mode[6] = {Capt = "Épreuves",},
  2.     ToolTip[19] = "La disponibilité des récompenses des épreuves hebdomadaires",
  3.     OptTrialList = {"Décompte du temps","date et heure (MM/DD hh:mi)"},
  4.     OptTrialAvl  = "Le coffre d'épreuve suivant va être disponible...",
  5.     OptTrialAvlF = "Ce réglage vous permet de choisir le format de l'information de quand sera disponible le container avec la récompense d'épreuve. Les options sont 'date et heure' ou 'décompte du temps'.",


DayMarker = "j",

i think for (MM/DD hh:mi) is ( M/J h : mi) but i am not sure if i must translate this

M = Month (mois in french)
J= Day (Jour in french)
h = hour (heure in french)
mi = minute (same in french)
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11/03/16, 10:31 AM   #31
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Originally Posted by Llwydd View Post
French translation
Thank you so much!

Originally Posted by Llwydd View Post
DayMarker = "j",
i think for (MM/DD hh:mi) is ( M/J h : mi) but i am not sure if i must translate this

M = Month (mois in french)
J= Day (Jour in french)
Also, maybe in French it is better to use
DateFrmtList = {"ESO Default","aaaa-mm-jj","","aaaa/mm/jj","","mm/jj"},
instead of
DateFrmtList = {"ESO Default","yyyy-mm-dd","","yyyy/mm/dd","","mm/dd"},
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11/04/16, 01:48 PM   #32
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Hi ForgottenLight,

here are the german translations.
And I'd change the day marker from "t" to "T" as it relates to "Tage" which is a noun.

Mode[6] = {Capt = "Prüfungen",},
ToolTip[19] = "Die Verfügbarkeit von wöchentlichen Prüfungsbelohnungen",
OptTrialList = {"Countdown Timer","Datum & Uhrzeit (MM/TT hh:mm)"},
OptTrialAvl  = "Nächste Prüfungs Truhe verfügbar...",
OptTrialAvlF = "Diese Einstellung erlaubt die Auswahl des Formats für die Information wann die Nächste Prüfungs Truhe, welche man mit Abschluß der Prüfung erhält, wieder verfügbar sein wird. Verfügbare Auswahlmöglichkeiten sind 'Datum & Uhrzeit' und 'Countdown Timer'.",
I'm not sure about this entry here:
OptTrialList = {"countdown timer","date & time (MM/DD hh:mi)"},

The german standard format for date and time is: hh:mm
So if MM/DD hh:mi in your example will format the text to be Month/Day hour:minute
my translation as above is correct.
But if you format the date & time with german defaults it should look like this:
OptTrialList = {"Countdown Timer","Datum & Uhrzeit TT.MM hh:mm)"},
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11/05/16, 10:43 AM   #33
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Originally Posted by ForgottenLight View Post
I need help with translation some text for new version of addon:
Lua Code:
  1. Mode[6] = {Capt = "Trials",},
  2. ToolTip[19] = "The availability of weekly trials rewards",
  3. OptTrialList = {"countdown timer","date & time (MM/DD hh:mi)"},
  4. OptTrialAvl  = "Next trial coffer will be available...",
  5. OptTrialAvlF = "This setting allows you to choose the format of the information when the container with the reward for completing the Trial will be available. Available options are 'date & time' and 'countdown timer'.",

The reward means purple coffers. Perhaps for the tooltip you can find a better option than a literal translation.
OptTrialAvlF is ToolTip for OptTrialAvl and can contain long text.

Only for Japanese need:
Lua Code:
  1. ToolTip[11] = "Undaunted Key",

Also, for French and Japanese need a marker of the day for format "2d 20:13".
Lua Code:
  1. DayMarker = "d",
For example (prior to reset the counter left two days 20 hours and 13 minutes):
EN: "2d 20:13" -- DayMarker = "d",
DE: "2t 20:13" -- DayMarker = "t",
RU: "2д 20:13" -- DayMarker = "д",

Hi, here is jp translation.

Lua Code:
  1. Mode[6] = {Capt = "試練",},
  2. ToolTip[19] = "試練の週報酬が入手可能になるまでの時間",
  3. OptTrialList = {"カウントダウンタイマー","日時 (MM/DD hh:mi)"},
  4. OptTrialAvl  = "次の試練の箱が入手可能です...",
  5. OptTrialAvlF = "この設定では、いつ試練の完了時に入手可能になるかを示す情報の形式を選択できます。利用可能なオプションは'日時'と'カウントダウンタイマー'です。",

Lua Code:
  1. ToolTip[11] = "アンドーンテッドの鍵",

Lua Code:
  1. DayMarker = "日",
("d" maybe available)
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11/06/16, 03:58 AM   #34
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Thanks to all who helped with the translation! Will soon release a new version of the addon.
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11/07/16, 06:17 AM   #35
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Originally Posted by ForgottenLight View Post
Thank you so much!

Also, maybe in French it is better to use
DateFrmtList = {"ESO Default","aaaa-mm-jj","","aaaa/mm/jj","","mm/jj"},
instead of
DateFrmtList = {"ESO Default","yyyy-mm-dd","","yyyy/mm/dd","","mm/dd"},
Don't know. You'll have to try and see the best result ...
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01/26/17, 01:05 AM   #36
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In the new version of my addon added new text. I need help with a translation.

It needs to be translated into German, French and Japanese:
Lua Code:
  1. KeyBindClGlStr = "Show/hide class & guild skills window",
  2.   KeyBindCraftStr= "Show/hide craft skills window",
  3.   KeyBindTrialStr= "Show/hide trials window",
  4.   KeyBindRndDStr = "Show/hide random dungeon window",
  5.   Mode[7] = {Capt = "Random Dungeon",},
  6.   HdrLFGReward = "Blue reward",
  7.   OptLFGRndDontShowSt  = "Show blank instead of \"Ready\"",
  8.   OptLFGRndDontShowStF = "Show blank instead of \"Ready\" in the random dungeon window",
  9.   OptLFGRndAvl = "Blue reward for random dungeon...",
  10.   OptLFGRndAvlF = "This setting allows you to choose the format of the information when the blue reward for completing the Random Dungeon will be available.",
  11.   LFGRewardReady = "Ready",
  12.   ToolTip[30] = "Blue reward is available ",
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01/27/17, 07:53 AM   #37
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German translations

KeyBindClGlStr = "Zeige/Verstecke Klasse & Gilden Skills Fenster",
  KeyBindCraftStr= "Zeige/Verstecke Handwerks Skill Fenster",
  KeyBindTrialStr= "Zeige/Verstecke Prüfungs-Fenster",
  KeyBindRndDStr = "Zeige/Verstecke Zufalls-Verlies Fenster",
  Mode[7] = {Capt = "Zufalls-Verlies",},
  HdrLFGReward = "Blaue Belohnung",
  OptLFGRndDontShowSt  = "Zeige nichts anstelle von \"Verfügbar\"",
  OptLFGRndDontShowStF = "Zeigt nichts an anstelle vom \"Verfügbar\" Text in dem Zufalls-Verlies Fenster",
  OptLFGRndAvl = "Blaue Belohnung für Zufalls-Verlies...",
  OptLFGRndAvlF = "Diese Einstellung erlaubt es das Format auszuwählen: Wann ist die blaue Belohnung für den Abschluss eines Zufalls-Verlieses verfügbar",
  LFGRewardReady = "Verfügbar",
  ToolTip[30] = "Blaue Belohnung ist verfügbar ",
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01/28/17, 04:02 AM   #38
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here the French translation
Lua Code:
  1. KeyBindClGlStr = "Afficher/Masquer la fenêtre des compétences de guilde et de classe",
  2.   KeyBindCraftStr= "Afficher/Masquer la fenêtre des compétences d'artisanat",
  3.   KeyBindTrialStr= "Afficher/Masquer la fenêtre des épreuves",
  4.   KeyBindRndDStr = "Afficher/Masquer la fenêtre du donjon aléatoire",
  5.   Mode[7] = {Capt = "Donjon aléatoire",},
  6.   HdrLFGReward = "Récompense bleue",
  7.   OptLFGRndDontShowSt  = "Afficher un blanc à la place de \"Prêt\"",
  8.   OptLFGRndDontShowStF = "Afficher un blanc à la place de \"Prêt\" dans la fenêtre donjon aléatoire",
  9.   OptLFGRndAvl = "Récompense bleue du donjon aléatoire...",
  10.   OptLFGRndAvlF = "Ce réglage vous permettra de choisir le type d'information quand la récompense bleue de succès de donjon aléatoire sera disponible.",
  11.   LFGRewardReady = "Prêt",
  12.   ToolTip[30] = "La récompense bleue est disponible",

If too long compétences --> skills

Last edited by Llwydd : 01/28/17 at 04:05 AM.
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01/30/17, 05:50 AM   #39
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Baertram, Llwydd thanks for the help! Your translations are included in next release.

PS: I forgot to write a one line. Translate it please.
Lua Code:
  1. ToolTip[20] = "Daily Rewards Tracker for Random Dungeon",

Last edited by ForgottenLight : 01/30/17 at 07:00 AM.
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01/30/17, 11:42 PM   #40
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Lua Code:
  1. ToolTip[20] = "Suivi des quêtes quotidiennes pour donjon aléatoire",
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