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05/07/14, 08:57 PM   #1
Garkin's Avatar
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Help to translate to EN/DE/FR


I'm currently working on new version of Dustman and I need help with translation to proper english, german and french. I would be grateful for any help.
Thank you.

Lua Code:
  1. --------------------------------------
  2. -- English localization for Dustman --
  3. --------------------------------------
  5. --addon menu
  6. ZO_CreateStringId("DUSTMAN_TITLE",           "Dustman")
  7. ZO_CreateStringId("DUSTMAN_ORNATE",          "Mark ornate items")
  8. ZO_CreateStringId("DUSTMAN_ORNATE_DESC",     "Enable/disable marking ornate items as junk.")
  9. ZO_CreateStringId("DUSTMAN_WHITE",           "Mark white items")
  10. ZO_CreateStringId("DUSTMAN_WHITE_DESC",      "Enable/disable marking normal quality armor and weapons with no researchable trait as junk.")
  11. ZO_CreateStringId("DUSTMAN_INGREDIENTS",     "Mark unusable provisioning ingredients")
  12. ZO_CreateStringId("DUSTMAN_INGREDIENTS_DESC", "Enable/disable marking unusable provisioning ingredients as junk.")
  13. ZO_CreateStringId("DUSTMAN_LURE",            "Mark fishing lure")
  14. ZO_CreateStringId("DUSTMAN_LURE_DESC",       "Enable/disable marking fishing lure as junk.")
  15.  --destroy junk
  16. ZO_CreateStringId("DUSTMAN_DESTROY",         "Destroy junk worth zero gold")
  17. ZO_CreateStringId("DUSTMAN_DESTROY_DESC",    "Destroy anything marked as junk that has a 0|t16:16:EsoUI/Art/currency/|t value.")
  18.  --reports
  19. ZO_CreateStringId("DUSTMAN_VERBOSE",         "Notify when handling junk")
  20. ZO_CreateStringId("DUSTMAN_VERBOSE_DESC",    "Eanble/disable notification that an item has been marked as junk or destroyed.")
  21. ZO_CreateStringId("DUSTMAN_ALLITEMS",        "Show itemized list on sell")
  22. ZO_CreateStringId("DUSTMAN_ALLITEMS_DESC",   "Enable/disable displaying an itemized list of what was sold.")
  23. ZO_CreateStringId("DUSTMAN_TOTAL",           "Show summary on sell")
  24. ZO_CreateStringId("DUSTMAN_TOTAL_DESC",      "Enable/disable displaying a summary of what was sold.")
  25. ZO_CreateStringId("DUSTMAN_RESET",           "Reset to default")
  26. ZO_CreateStringId("DUSTMAN_RESET_DESC",      "Load default values.")
  27. --notifications
  28. ZO_CreateStringId("DUSTMAN_NOTE_JUNK",       "Dustman has marked <<t:1>> as junk.")
  29. ZO_CreateStringId("DUSTMAN_NOTE_DESTROY",    "Dustman has destroyed <<t:1>> because it was junk worth 0|t16:16:EsoUI/Art/currency/|t.")
  31. --report formats      
  32. ZO_CreateStringId("DUSTMAN_FORMAT_ZERO",     "Dustman sold <<2>>x <<t:1>>.")
  33. ZO_CreateStringId("DUSTMAN_FORMAT_GOLD",     "Dustman sold <<2>>x <<t:1>> for <<3>>|t16:16:EsoUI/Art/currency/|t.")
  34. ZO_CreateStringId("DUSTMAN_FORMAT_NOTSOLD",  "Dustman couldn't sell <<t:1>>.")
  35. ZO_CreateStringId("DUSTMAN_FORMAT_TOTAL",    "Dustman sold <<2[1/$d]>> <<m:1>> for <<3>>|t16:16:EsoUI/Art/currency/|t.")
  37. ZO_CreateStringId("DUSTMAN_ITEM",            "item")
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05/08/14, 07:21 AM   #2
Join Date: Apr 2014
Posts: 16
Lua Code:
  1. --------------------------------------
  2.  -- German localization for Dustman --
  3. --------------------------------------
  5. --addon menu
  6. ZO_CreateStringId("DUSTMAN_TITLE",           "M\195\188llmann")
  7. ZO_CreateStringId("DUSTMAN_ORNATE",          "Markiere verzierte Gegenst\195\164nde")
  8. ZO_CreateStringId("DUSTMAN_ORNATE_DESC",     "Aktiviere/Deaktiviere das Markieren verzierter Gegenst\195\164nde als M\195\188ll.")
  9. ZO_CreateStringId("DUSTMAN_WHITE",           "Markiere wei\195\159e Gegenst\195\164nde")
  10. ZO_CreateStringId("DUSTMAN_WHITE_DESC",      "Aktiviere/Deaktiviere das Markieren von R\195\188stungen und Waffen von normaler Qualit\195\164t, die keine analysierbare Eigenschaft besitzen, als M\195\188ll.")
  11. ZO_CreateStringId("DUSTMAN_INGREDIENTS",     "Markiere nicht nutzbare Versorgungszutaten")
  12. ZO_CreateStringId("DUSTMAN_INGREDIENTS_DESC", "Aktiviere/Deaktiviere das Markieren von Versorgungszutaten, die nicht nutzbar sind, als M\195\188ll.")
  13. ZO_CreateStringId("DUSTMAN_LURE",            "Markiere K\195\182der")
  14. ZO_CreateStringId("DUSTMAN_LURE_DESC",       "Aktiviere/Deaktiviere das Markieren von als M\195\188ll.")
  15.  --destroy junk
  16. ZO_CreateStringId("DUSTMAN_DESTROY",         "Zerst\195\182re M\195\188ll, der kein Gold wert ist")
  17. ZO_CreateStringId("DUSTMAN_DESTROY_DESC",    "Zerst\195\182re allen M\195\188ll, der 0|t16:16:EsoUI/Art/currency/|t wert ist.")
  18.  --reports
  19. ZO_CreateStringId("DUSTMAN_VERBOSE",         "Benachrichtige, wenn M\195\188ll bearbeitet wird")
  20. ZO_CreateStringId("DUSTMAN_VERBOSE_DESC",    "Aktiviere/Deaktiviere das Benachrichtigen, wenn ein Gegenstand als M\195\188ll markiert oder zerst\195\182rt wurde.")
  21. ZO_CreateStringId("DUSTMAN_ALLITEMS",        "Zeige detailierte Liste beim Verkaufen")
  22. ZO_CreateStringId("DUSTMAN_ALLITEMS_DESC",   "Aktiviere/Deaktiviere das Zeigen einer detailierten Liste der Verk\195\164ufe.")
  23. ZO_CreateStringId("DUSTMAN_TOTAL",           "Zeige Zusammenfassung von Verk\195\164ufen")
  24. ZO_CreateStringId("DUSTMAN_TOTAL_DESC",      "Aktiviere/Deaktiviere die Anzeige einer Zusammenfassung der verkauften Gegenst\195\164nde.")
  25. ZO_CreateStringId("DUSTMAN_RESET",           "Auf Standard zur\195\188cksetzen")
  26. ZO_CreateStringId("DUSTMAN_RESET_DESC",      "Lade Standardwerte.")
  27. --notifications
  28. ZO_CreateStringId("DUSTMAN_NOTE_JUNK",       "M\195\188llmann hat <<t:1>> als M\195\188ll markiert.")
  29. ZO_CreateStringId("DUSTMAN_NOTE_DESTROY",    "M\195\188llmann hat <<t:1>> zerst\195\182rt, weil es M\195\188ll mit Wert von 0|t16:16:EsoUI/Art/currency/|t war.")
  31. --report formats      
  32. ZO_CreateStringId("DUSTMAN_FORMAT_ZERO",     "M\195\188llmann verkaufte <<2>>x <<t:1>>.")
  33. ZO_CreateStringId("DUSTMAN_FORMAT_GOLD",     "M\195\188llmann verkaufte <<2>>x <<t:1>> f\195\188r <<3>>|t16:16:EsoUI/Art/currency/|t.")
  34. ZO_CreateStringId("DUSTMAN_FORMAT_NOTSOLD",  "M\195\188llmann konnte <<t:1>> nicht verkaufen.")
  35. ZO_CreateStringId("DUSTMAN_FORMAT_TOTAL",    "M\195\188llmann verkaufte <<2[1/$d]>> <<m:1>> f\195\188r <<3>>|t16:16:EsoUI/Art/currency/|t.")
  37. ZO_CreateStringId("DUSTMAN_ITEM",            "Gegenstand")

You might want to leave dustman as dustman, since it is the name of your addon. And it just simply sounds weird to use Müllmann as a proper noun. Also i was not able to check if Zenimax uses verziert as translation for ornate.
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05/08/14, 09:42 AM   #3
Garkin's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Aicam View Post
You might want to leave dustman as dustman, since it is the name of your addon. And it just simply sounds weird to use Müllmann as a proper noun. Also i was not able to check if Zenimax uses verziert as translation for ornate.
Thanks a lot, I will upload new version od Dustman in a few minutes.

And yes, german word for ornate is verziert, I have just tested it - you can change game client language using this command:
/script SetCVar("language.2", "de")
I have small private addon with various function that helps me with testing and debugging my addons. Among other sftuff it includes 3 handy lines:
lua Code:
  1. SLASH_COMMANDS["/langen"] = function() SetCVar("language.2", "en") end
  2. SLASH_COMMANDS["/langde"] = function() SetCVar("language.2", "de") end
  3. SLASH_COMMANDS["/langfr"] = function() SetCVar("language.2", "fr") end

Last edited by Garkin : 05/08/14 at 11:12 AM.
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05/08/14, 10:20 AM   #4
Join Date: May 2014
Posts: 6
Here is the translation code
Lua Code:
  1. --------------------------------------
  2. --   French localization for Dustman   --
  3. --------------------------------------
  5. --addon menu
  6. ZO_CreateStringId("DUSTMAN_TITLE",           "Dustman") --(I am not sure you have to translate this one it's the name of the mod ;)
  7. ZO_CreateStringId("DUSTMAN_ORNATE",          "Marquer les objets orn\195\169s")
  8. ZO_CreateStringId("DUSTMAN_ORNATE_DESC",     "Activer/D\195\169sactiver le marquage des objets orn\195\169 en tant que rebut.")
  9. ZO_CreateStringId("DUSTMAN_WHITE",           "Marquer les objets blanc")
  10. ZO_CreateStringId("DUSTMAN_WHITE_DESC",      "Activer/D\195\169sactiver  le marquage comme rebut des armure et armes de qualit\195\169 normale sans trait \195\160 rechercher.")
  11. ZO_CreateStringId("DUSTMAN_INGREDIENTS",     "Marquer les ingr\195\169dients de provisionnement inutilisable")
  12. ZO_CreateStringId("DUSTMAN_INGREDIENTS_DESC", "Activer/D\195\169sactiver le marquage des ingr\195\169dients de provisionnement inutilisable en tant que rebut.")
  13. ZO_CreateStringId("DUSTMAN_LURE",            "Marquer les app\195\162ts de p\195\170che")
  14. ZO_CreateStringId("DUSTMAN_LURE_DESC",       "Activer/D\195\169sactiver  le marquage des app\195\162ts de p\195\170che en tant que rebut.")
  15. --destroy junk
  16. ZO_CreateStringId("DUSTMAN_DESTROY",         "D\195\169truire le rebut valant 0|t16:16:EsoUI/Art/currency/|t")
  17. ZO_CreateStringId("DUSTMAN_DESTROY_DESC",    "D\195\169truire Tout ce qui est marquer comme rebut qui ont pour valeur 0|t16:16:EsoUI/Art/currency/|t .")
  18. --reports
  19. ZO_CreateStringId("DUSTMAN_VERBOSE",         "Notifier en traitant le rebut")
  20. ZO_CreateStringId("DUSTMAN_VERBOSE_DESC",    "Activer/D\195\169sactiver les notifications quand un objet \195\160 \195\169t\195\169 marqu\195\169 comme rebut ou d\195\169truit.")
  21. ZO_CreateStringId("DUSTMAN_ALLITEMS",        "Afficher la liste d\195\169taill\195\169e en list en vendant")
  22. ZO_CreateStringId("DUSTMAN_ALLITEMS_DESC",   "Activer/D\195\169sactiver l'affichage de la liste d\195\169taill\195\169e de ce qui \195\160 \195\169t\195\169 vendu.")
  23. ZO_CreateStringId("DUSTMAN_TOTAL",           "Afficher un r\195\169sum\195\169 des ventes") --(not sure)
  24. ZO_CreateStringId("DUSTMAN_TOTAL_DESC",      "Activer/D\195\169sactiver l'affichage du r\195\169sum\195\169 des ventes.")
  25. ZO_CreateStringId("DUSTMAN_RESET",           "R\195\169initialiser")
  26. ZO_CreateStringId("DUSTMAN_RESET_DESC",      "Charger les valeurs par d\195\169faut.")
  27. --notifications
  28. ZO_CreateStringId("DUSTMAN_NOTE_JUNK",       "Dustman \195\160 marqu\195\169 <<t:1>> en tant que rebut.")
  29. ZO_CreateStringId("DUSTMAN_NOTE_DESTROY",    "Dustman \195\160 d\195\169truit <<t:1>> par ce que c'\195\169tait du rebut ne valant rien.") --(you don't have to tell that it worth 0 gold)
  31. --report formats      
  32. ZO_CreateStringId("DUSTMAN_FORMAT_ZERO",     "Dustman a vendu <<2>>x <<t:1>>.")
  33. ZO_CreateStringId("DUSTMAN_FORMAT_GOLD",     "Dustman a vendu <<2>>x <<t:1>> pour <<3>>|t16:16:EsoUI/Art/currency/|t.")
  34. ZO_CreateStringId("DUSTMAN_FORMAT_NOTSOLD",  "Dustman ne peut pas vendre <<t:1>>.")
  35. ZO_CreateStringId("DUSTMAN_FORMAT_TOTAL",    "Dustman a vendu <<2[1/$d]>> <<m:1>> pour <<3>>|t16:16:EsoUI/Art/currency/|t.")
  37. ZO_CreateStringId("DUSTMAN_ITEM",            "objet") --(with an "s" if there is more than 1, I mean "objets"

You have an error here :
Lua Code:
  1. ZO_CreateStringId("DUSTMAN_VERBOSE_DESC",    "Eanble/disable notification that an item has been marked as junk or destroyed.")

It's :
Lua Code:
  1. ZO_CreateStringId("DUSTMAN_VERBOSE_DESC",    "Enable/disable notification that an item has been marked as junk or destroyed.")

Last edited by Brett'el : 05/08/14 at 10:38 AM. Reason: Modify with the code of utf8 char
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05/08/14, 10:56 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by Brett'el View Post
Here is the translation code
Thank you, I will update addon in few minutes.

Originally Posted by Brett'el View Post
You have an error here :
I do not see what is different. What should I change?

EDIT: Found it

Last edited by Garkin : 05/08/14 at 10:59 AM.
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09/04/14, 03:43 AM   #6
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About ornate, and the german translation:
Normally it should be "kunstvoll", as this belongs to nice crafted jewelry/armor/weapons etc.

But the ESO inventory and the addons I've seen using ornate icons etc. (like Research Assistant) use "Verkaufspreis" or "Erhöhter Verkraufspreis" which means "(Better) price of sale".
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