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01/25/16, 02:35 AM   #1
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Having issues creating an account-wide settings toggle

Hi, I'm having trouble create an 'account-wide settings' toggle for one of my addons, well actually I've got it working but its causing weird behavior with the colorpicker controls and some of the other controls, and I'm hoping someone can help me figure out what I'm doing wrong, here is some scippets of how I'm accomplishing the accountwide toggle:

When my addon loads here is how I load the settings:
Lua Code:
  1. SimpleXPBar.accountwide_settings = ZO_SavedVars:NewAccountWide("SimpleXPBar_Settings", "1", nil, { isAccountWide = false }, 'SimpleXPBar.AccountWide')
  2. SimpleXPBar.AWSV = ZO_SavedVars:NewAccountWide("SimpleXPBar_Settings", "1", nil, SimpleXPBar.default_settings)
  3. SimpleXPBar.CharSV = ZO_SavedVars:New("SimpleXPBar_Settings", "1", nil, SimpleXPBar.default_settings)
  5. if SimpleXPBar.accountwide_settings.isAccountWide then
  6.     ZO_DeepTableCopy(SimpleXPBar.AWSV, SimpleXPBar.CharSV)
  7.     SimpleXPBar.CurSV = SimpleXPBar.AWSV
  8. else
  9.     SimpleXPBar.CurSV = SimpleXPBar.CharSV
  10. end

and here is how my 'Account-Wide' toggle is setup (using libaddonmenu):
Lua Code:
  1. {
  2.     type = "checkbox",
  3.     name = "Use Account-Wide settings",
  4.     getFunc = function()
  5.         return SimpleXPBar.accountwide_settings.isAccountWide
  6.     end,
  7.     setFunc = function(val)
  8.         SimpleXPBar.accountwide_settings.isAccountWide = val
  9.         if SimpleXPBar.accountwide_settings.isAccountWide then
  10.             ZO_DeepTableCopy(SimpleXPBar.AWSV, SimpleXPBar.CharSV)
  11.             SimpleXPBar.CurSV = SimpleXPBar.AWSV
  12.         else
  13.             ZO_DeepTableCopy(SimpleXPBar.CharSV, SimpleXPBar.AWSV)
  14.             SimpleXPBar.CurSV = SimpleXPBar.CharSV
  15.         end
  16.     end,
  17. },

Just for reference here is how the Colorpicker is setup:
Lua Code:
  1. {
  2.     type = "colorpicker",
  3.     name = "Color",
  4.     width = "full",
  5.     getFunc = function()
  6.         return SimpleXPBar.CurSV.textbar.color.r, SimpleXPBar.CurSV.textbar.color.b, SimpleXPBar.CurSV.textbar.color.g, SimpleXPBar.CurSV.textbar.color.a
  7.     end,
  8.     setFunc = function(r, g, b, a)
  9.         SimpleXPBar.CurSV.textbar.color.r = r
  10.         SimpleXPBar.CurSV.textbar.color.b = b
  11.         SimpleXPBar.CurSV.textbar.color.g = g
  12.         SimpleXPBar.CurSV.textbar.color.a = a
  13.         SimpleXPBar:UpdateControls()
  14.     end,
  15. },

I'm using SimpleXPBar.CurSV to reference my settings through-out the rest of the code, and the issue I'm having with the colorpicker is that it keeps flipping back and forth between 2 different color settings everytime I click it, I have a feeling this has to do with how lua is referencing the object but I cant figure what its doing in this case. I've already searched around the forums and google trying to find some sample of how to create a accountwide toggle correctly but I ended up looking at how Destinations and MasterMerchant do it and trying something similar.

Any suggestions on a better way of implementing this or a fix would be appreciated.
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01/25/16, 04:52 AM   #2
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What I see at the first glance is this

Lua Code:
  1. if SimpleXPBar.accountwide_settings.isAccountWide then
  2.     ZO_DeepTableCopy(SimpleXPBar.AWSV, SimpleXPBar.CharSV)
  3.     SimpleXPBar.CurSV = SimpleXPBar.AWSV
  4. else
  5.     SimpleXPBar.CurSV = SimpleXPBar.CharSV
  6. end

Doesn't that mean you use AWSV to save new changes but copy the data from CharSV (that didn't change) over that every time you reload UI? That would reset it to whatever is in CharSV. But maybe ZO_DeepTableCopy is the other way round, don't know.

Edit: Either way I think it has to be the ZO_DeepTableCopy function, my solution was pretty much the same, just without copying tables around (why would you do that anyways?).

Lua Code:
  1. function GroupDamage:RestoreData()
  2.     self.savedVariablesAw = ZO_SavedVars:NewAccountWide("GroupDamageSavedVariables", defaultVarsVer, nil, defaults)
  3.     self.savedVariablesChar = ZO_SavedVars:New("GroupDamageSavedVariables", defaultVarsVer, nil, defaults)
  4.     self.svars = self.savedVariablesChar
  5.     if self.savedVariablesAw.accountWide then
  6.         self.svars = self.savedVariablesAw
  7.     end
  8. end
  10. --the AW checkbox
  11. {
  12.             type = "checkbox",
  13.             name = GetString(SI_GROUPDAMAGE_MENU_ACCWIDESETTINGS),
  14.             getFunc = function() return self.savedVariablesAw.accountWide end,
  15.             setFunc = function() self.savedVariablesAw.accountWide = not self.savedVariablesAw.accountWide ReloadUI() end,
  16.             warning = GetString(SI_GROUPDAMAGE_MENU_RELOADWARN)
  17.         },
  19. --a colorpicker, you can use tables for the colors and then unpack(table) to make it alot shorter and easier to use ;)
  20. {
  21.             type = "colorpicker",
  22.             name = GetString(SI_GROUPDAMAGE_MENU_BARSCOLOR),
  23.             getFunc = function() return unpack(self.svars.panelBarsColor) end,
  24.             setFunc = function(r,g,b,a)
  25.                 self.svars.panelBarsColor = {r,g,b,a}
  26.                 self:ResetPanelControls()
  27.             end,
  28.         },

Last edited by coolmodi : 01/25/16 at 05:26 AM.
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01/25/16, 06:20 AM   #3
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Originally Posted by coolmodi View Post
Doesn't that mean you use AWSV to save new changes but copy the data from CharSV (that didn't change) over that every time you reload UI? That would reset it to whatever is in CharSV. But maybe ZO_DeepTableCopy is the other way round, don't know.
the prototype is ZO_DeepTableCopy(source, dest); I have SimpleXPBar.CharSV get overwritten if accountwide is chosen so that the individual characters will have there settings overwritten, this was intended to mitigate the issue of [when you uncheck the accountwide setting you have to redo all the changes you made on each character], though I may just add a button to push current settings to all characters for this purpose.

Originally Posted by coolmodi View Post
Edit: Either way I think it has to be the ZO_DeepTableCopy function, my solution was pretty much the same, just without copying tables around (why would you do that anyways?).

Lua Code:
  1. function GroupDamage:RestoreData()
  2.     self.savedVariablesAw = ZO_SavedVars:NewAccountWide("GroupDamageSavedVariables", defaultVarsVer, nil, defaults)
  3.     self.savedVariablesChar = ZO_SavedVars:New("GroupDamageSavedVariables", defaultVarsVer, nil, defaults)
  4.     self.svars = self.savedVariablesChar
  5.     if self.savedVariablesAw.accountWide then
  6.         self.svars = self.savedVariablesAw
  7.     end
  8. end
  10. --the AW checkbox
  11. {
  12.             type = "checkbox",
  13.             name = GetString(SI_GROUPDAMAGE_MENU_ACCWIDESETTINGS),
  14.             getFunc = function() return self.savedVariablesAw.accountWide end,
  15.             setFunc = function() self.savedVariablesAw.accountWide = not self.savedVariablesAw.accountWide ReloadUI() end,
  16.             warning = GetString(SI_GROUPDAMAGE_MENU_RELOADWARN)
  17.         },
  19. --a colorpicker, you can use tables for the colors and then unpack(table) to make it alot shorter and easier to use ;)
  20. {
  21.             type = "colorpicker",
  22.             name = GetString(SI_GROUPDAMAGE_MENU_BARSCOLOR),
  23.             getFunc = function() return unpack(self.svars.panelBarsColor) end,
  24.             setFunc = function(r,g,b,a)
  25.                 self.svars.panelBarsColor = {r,g,b,a}
  26.                 self:ResetPanelControls()
  27.             end,
  28.         },
I'll try it like yours, without the deepcopy, I'm still not entirely sure how shallow copying works in Lua yet; I like that trick with using unpack, I wasn't aware of that function. Thanks.
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01/25/16, 06:45 AM   #4
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I'm pretty much still a noob in programming, but as I understand it LUA will always reference tables, but "copy" other values.

Lua Code:
  1. x = "asfaf"
  2. y = {"af","sdgsd"}
  4. z = x --z will be "asfaf"
  5. w = y --w is only a reference to the table

There's also something called metatables that can change the behavior of tables, ZO_DeepTableCopy ignores them, maybe that messes something up. In GroupDamage I used a custom deepcopy function because I didn't know the ZOS one existed and only because of that even stumbled over this topic. Maybe that's worth a try?

Lua Code:
  1. local function deepcopy(orig)
  2.     local orig_type = type(orig)
  3.     local copy
  4.     if orig_type == 'table' then
  5.         copy = {}
  6.         for orig_key, orig_value in next, orig, nil do
  7.             copy[deepcopy(orig_key)] = deepcopy(orig_value)
  8.         end
  9.         setmetatable(copy, deepcopy(getmetatable(orig)))
  10.     else -- number, string, boolean, etc
  11.         copy = orig
  12.     end
  13.     return copy
  14. end

But again, I'm really no pro here, and maybe the error is somewhat completely different that we both just don't see
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01/25/16, 07:55 AM   #5
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While reloading the UI when you toggle the checkbox may solve the problem, it makes for a horrible user experience. Especially when there are multiple settings that each want to reload the ui for themselves, so please use it only as a last resort when there is absolutely no other way to get around it and even then, consider adding a reload ui button instead of automatically reloading it. This advice is also meant for other authors that use forced UI reloads.

As for your problem, I think there are three issues.

1) When you replace the currently used variables in your set function you also need to inform LAM that something changed, so that it can render the changes in its controls.
This can be done by firing the "LAM-RefreshPanel" callback:
Lua Code:
  1. CALLBACK_MANAGER:FireCallbacks("LAM-RefreshPanel", panel)
Where panel is the value that gets returned by RegisterAddonPanel.

2) ZO_SavedVars is a highly complex object. I am not sure if ZO_DeepTableCopy is enough to replace the values correctly. I don't personally use ZO_SavedVars, so correct me if I am wrong, but I think the right way to accomplish what you want is to just create a new ZO_SavedVars object and pass the values that need to be copied as defaults.

3) LAM may call setFunc more often than necessary (not 100% sure, but it might happen), so you should check if something changed before doing your copy routine.

With all of these things considered, it should look something like this:
Lua Code:
  1. {
  2.         type = "checkbox",
  3.         name = "Use Account-Wide settings",
  4.         getFunc = function()
  5.             return SimpleXPBar.accountwide_settings.isAccountWide
  6.         end,
  7.         setFunc = function(val)
  8.             if SimpleXPBar.accountwide_settings.isAccountWide == val then return end
  9.             SimpleXPBar.accountwide_settings.isAccountWide = val
  10.             if SimpleXPBar.accountwide_settings.isAccountWide then
  11.                 SimpleXPBar.AWSV = ZO_SavedVars:NewAccountWide("SimpleXPBar_Settings", "1", nil, SimpleXPBar.CharSV)
  12.                 SimpleXPBar.CurSV = SimpleXPBar.AWSV
  13.             else
  14.                 SimpleXPBar.CharSV = ZO_SavedVars:New("SimpleXPBar_Settings", "1", nil, SimpleXPBar.AWSV)
  15.                 SimpleXPBar.CurSV = SimpleXPBar.CharSV
  16.             end
  17.             CALLBACK_MANAGER:FireCallbacks("LAM-RefreshPanel", panel)
  18.         end,
  19.     },
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01/25/16, 08:42 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by sirinsidiator View Post
2) ZO_SavedVars is a highly complex object. I am not sure if ZO_DeepTableCopy is enough to replace the values correctly. I don't personally use ZO_SavedVars, so correct me if I am wrong, but I think the right way to accomplish what you want is to just create a new ZO_SavedVars object and pass the values that need to be copied as defaults.
He wants to copy the settings between the character specific vars and the account wide ones. Creating a new object with the other's settings as default won't work as the values are already set. Default values are only used if the setting doesn't exist in the saved vars already. He could increase the version everytime to force it to overwrite it with the defaults though, but that may not be the best option I think

He should just make a function himself that sets all settings to the ones from the other SV and doesn't change the tables. That way it would work for sure.

And yes, the reload in my code there isn't needed, I could just change the reference and it should work fine.

Last edited by coolmodi : 01/25/16 at 08:46 AM.
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01/25/16, 08:53 AM   #7
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Ah right. Didn't see that when glancing over the source of ZO_SavedVars.
It seems to always wipe data when version is nil, so maybe you could use that to wipe it and then call it again with the correct version for copying?
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01/25/16, 08:57 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by sirinsidiator View Post
It seems to always wipe data when version is nil
If that's the case then that would be the easiest option I see right now.
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01/25/16, 02:49 PM   #9
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Thumbs up

Apparently the issue was unrelated to ZO_DeepTableCopy, I must not have been paying attention when I wrote the colorpicker tables heres what the problem was:

Lua Code:
  1. getFunc = function()
  2.     return SimpleXPBar.CurSV.textbar.color.r, SimpleXPBar.CurSV.textbar.color.b, SimpleXPBar.CurSV.textbar.color.g, SimpleXPBar.CurSV.textbar.color.a
  3. end,
  4. setFunc = function(r, g, b, a)
  5.     SimpleXPBar.CurSV.textbar.color.r = r
  6.     SimpleXPBar.CurSV.textbar.color.b = b
  7.     SimpleXPBar.CurSV.textbar.color.g = g
  8.     SimpleXPBar.CurSV.textbar.color.a = a
  9.     SimpleXPBar:UpdateControls()
  10. end,
getFunc was returning rbga when it should have returned rgba

I still can't get unpack to work though, it just returns white (or probably nil), does my color table have to look a certain way?
Lua Code:
  1. color = {
  2.     r = 200,
  3.     g = 200,
  4.     b = 200,
  5.     a = 0.8,
  6. },

as for:
Originally Posted by coolmodi View Post
There's also something called metatables that can change the behavior of tables, ZO_DeepTableCopy ignores them, maybe that messes something up.
Originally Posted by sirinsidiator View Post
I am not sure if ZO_DeepTableCopy is enough to replace the values correctly.
ZO_DeepTableCopy seems to be working fine on these SavedVars. I checked the tables in DeveloperSuite they don't show any metatables, but this may be a limit of the tool.

And heres what is working for an account-wide toggle if anyone wants to know:
Lua Code:
  1. SimpleXPBar.accountwide_settings = ZO_SavedVars:NewAccountWide("SimpleXPBar_Settings", "1", nil, { isAccountWide = false }, 'SimpleXPBar.AccountWide')
  2. SimpleXPBar.AWSV = ZO_SavedVars:NewAccountWide("SimpleXPBar_Settings", "1", nil, SimpleXPBar.default_settings)
  3. SimpleXPBar.CharSV = ZO_SavedVars:New("SimpleXPBar_Settings", "1", nil, SimpleXPBar.default_settings)
  5. if SimpleXPBar.accountwide_settings.isAccountWide then
  6.     ZO_DeepTableCopy(SimpleXPBar.AWSV, SimpleXPBar.CharSV)
  7.     SimpleXPBar.CurSV = SimpleXPBar.AWSV
  8. else
  9.     SimpleXPBar.CurSV = SimpleXPBar.CharSV
  10. end
^this is called at AddonLoad (actually the first PLAYER_ACTIVATED event), it loads all the savedvars (accountwide setting, accountwide vars, character vars) and overwrites the character vars if accountwide is enabled ( so that our settings will be maintained on this character if accountwide is disabled on another ), then chooses to use CharSV or AWSV.

Lua Code:
  1. {
  2.     type = "checkbox",
  3.     name = "Use Account-Wide settings",
  4.     getFunc = function()
  5.         return SimpleXPBar.accountwide_settings.isAccountWide
  6.     end,
  7.     setFunc = function(val)
  8.         SimpleXPBar.accountwide_settings.isAccountWide = val
  10.         if val then
  11.             ZO_DeepTableCopy(SimpleXPBar.CharSV, SimpleXPBar.AWSV)
  12.             SimpleXPBar.CurSV = SimpleXPBar.AWSV
  13.         else
  14.             ZO_DeepTableCopy(SimpleXPBar.AWSV, SimpleXPBar.CharSV)
  15.             SimpleXPBar.CurSV = SimpleXPBar.CharSV
  16.         end
  17.     end,
  18. },
^when the user changes the checkbox, we decide to push our character vars to the accountwide vars (so our other characters can get them onload), or push our account wide vars to the character vars (so the player doesn't lose the changes they may have just made).

I'm still going to see if I can get rid of SimpleXPBar.accountwide_settings because it seems redundant, (I was having problems getting settings to stick before using only two SavedVars).

Thanks for the info and suggestions posted coolmodi, sirinsidiator, they'll definitely help.

Last edited by Terrillyn : 01/25/16 at 02:57 PM.
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01/25/16, 03:07 PM   #10
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Unpack requires a numerically indexed table:
Lua Code:
  1. local colors = {1,1,1,1}
  2. local r,g,b,a = unpack(colors)
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01/25/16, 06:32 PM   #11
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I still cant get these accountwide settings to work the way I want.

there seems to be something weird going on with the references, if I try to change a an accountwide setting via console (SimpleXPBar.AWSV.textbar.text = "Hello World") or even using a function, none of the settings are updated in the live tables or saved tables, its making it utterly confusing. I have also tried using coolmodi's deepcopy and its not working, I've also tried this:
Lua Code:
  1. function SVOverwrite(src, dst)
  2.     for k,v in pairs(src) do
  3.         d(type(v) .. ": " .. k)
  4.         if type(v) == "table" then
  5.             SVOverwrite(v, dst[k])
  6.         elseif type(v) == "function" then
  7.         else
  8.             dst[k] = v
  9.         end
  10.     end
  11. end
again not working;
All I want to do is overwrite the values in one SavedVars with another while still letting them both save seperately, no references just values, this is driving me crazy, what am I doing wrong?
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01/25/16, 07:02 PM   #12
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!! I think I may have come up with a solution finally, I'll need to test it abit more but its working so far.
here it is

Lua Code:
  1. setFunc = function(val)
  2.     SimpleXPBar.AWSV.general.account_wide = val
  4.     if SimpleXPBar.AWSV.general.account_wide then
  5.         SimpleXPBar.CurSV = ZO_SavedVars:NewAccountWide("SimpleXPBar_Settings", "2", nil, SimpleXPBar.AWSV)
  6.         SimpleXPBar.CurSV = SimpleXPBar.AWSV
  7.     else
  8.         SimpleXPBar.CurSV = ZO_SavedVars:New("SimpleXPBar_Settings", "1", nil, SimpleXPBar.CharSV)
  9.         SimpleXPBar.CurSV = SimpleXPBar.CharSV
  10.     end
  11. end

At playerload
Lua Code:
  1. SimpleXPBar.AWSV = ZO_SavedVars:NewAccountWide("SimpleXPBar_Settings", "2", nil, SimpleXPBar.default_settings)
  2. SimpleXPBar.CharSV = ZO_SavedVars:New("SimpleXPBar_Settings", "1", nil, SimpleXPBar.default_settings)
  3. if SimpleXPBar.AWSV.general.account_wide then
  4.     SimpleXPBar.CurSV = ZO_SavedVars:NewAccountWide("SimpleXPBar_Settings", "2", nil, SimpleXPBar.AWSV)
  5. else
  6.     SimpleXPBar.CurSV = ZO_SavedVars:New("SimpleXPBar_Settings", "1", nil, SimpleXPBar.CharSV)
  7. end

In this case I don't need a deepcopy it seems, since ZO_SavedVars will copy values from the default arg.
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01/25/16, 07:05 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by coolmodi View Post
There's also something called metatables that can change the behavior of tables, ZO_DeepTableCopy ignores them, ...
Actualy it doesn't ignore them:
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01/25/16, 08:22 PM   #14
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Well I spoke too soon, it wouldn't let me set accountwide settings when I did that, seems nothing I try lets me copy over another table, aside from writing a large function to manually copy over all the vars.
For now I'll just keep character and account settings in separate SavedVars, this means the user should enable the Account-Wide toggle before making any changes.

Lua Code:
  1. setFunc = function(val)
  2.     if val then
  3.         SimpleXPBar.CurSV = SimpleXPBar.AWSV
  4.     else
  5.         SimpleXPBar.CurSV = SimpleXPBar.CharSV
  6.     end
  7.     SimpleXPBar.AWSV.general.account_wide = val
  8.     SimpleXPBar:UpdateStats()
  9.     SimpleXPBar:UpdateValues()
  10. end,

At playerload
Lua Code:
  1. SimpleXPBar.AWSV = ZO_SavedVars:New("SimpleXPBar_Settings", "1", nil, SimpleXPBar.default_settings, nil, nil, '$' ..
  2. SimpleXPBar.CharSV = ZO_SavedVars:New("SimpleXPBar_Settings", "1", nil, SimpleXPBar.default_settings)
  4. if SimpleXPBar.AWSV.general.account_wide then
  5.     SimpleXPBar.CurSV = SimpleXPBar.AWSV
  6. else
  7.     SimpleXPBar.CurSV = SimpleXPBar.CharSV
  8. end
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01/26/16, 01:07 AM   #15
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If working with ZO_DeepTableCopy, the resulting table is not referenced by the saved variable. => not serialized to disk.

The questions are:
1. What is the expected behavior if you switch from char to account? Current settings taken over? Or switching to account settings?
2. What is the expected behavior if you switch from account to char? Current settings taken over? Or switching to char settings what ever they were?

I would try this (untested ):
At addon load (EVENT_ADDON_LOADED):
Lua Code:
  1. SimpleXPBar.AWSV = ZO_SavedVars:New("SimpleXPBar_Settings", "1", nil, SimpleXPBar.default_settings)
  2. SimpleXPBar.CharSV = ZO_SavedVars:New("SimpleXPBar_Settings", "1", nil, SimpleXPBar.AWSV)
  4. if SimpleXPBar.AWSV.general.account_wide then
  5.     SimpleXPBar.CurSV = SimpleXPBar.AWSV
  6. else
  7.     SimpleXPBar.CurSV = SimpleXPBar.CharSV
  8. end
If account settings are new, defaults are used. Then, if char is new, account settings are taken as default. (Which are default, if account settings were new)

Lua Code:
  1. setFunc = function(val)
  2.     if val then
  3.         -- purge data, due to different version
  4.         ZO_SavedVars:NewAccountWide("SimpleXPBar_Settings", "2", nil, nil)
  5.         -- purge again, back to old version, take over char settings
  6.         SimpleXPBar.AWSV = ZO_SavedVars:NewAccountWide("SimpleXPBar_Settings", "1", nil, SimpleXPBar.CharSV)
  7.         SimpleXPBar.CurSV = SimpleXPBar.AWSV
  8.     else
  9.         -- purge data, due to different version
  10.         ZO_SavedVars:New("SimpleXPBar_Settings", "2", nil, nil)
  11.         -- purge again, back to old version, take over account settings
  12.         SimpleXPBar.CharSV = ZO_SavedVars:New("SimpleXPBar_Settings", "1", nil, SimpleXPBar.AWSV)
  13.         SimpleXPBar.CurSV = SimpleXPBar.CharSV
  14.     end
  15.     SimpleXPBar.AWSV.general.account_wide = val
  16.     SimpleXPBar:UpdateStats()
  17.     SimpleXPBar:UpdateValues()
  18. end,
Alternative, you could access the saved variable more directly.
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01/26/16, 01:55 AM   #16
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Originally Posted by votan View Post
If working with ZO_DeepTableCopy, the resulting table is not referenced by the saved variable. => not serialized to disk.
This is what I figured was happening which is why I was trying to set the values and not just make a copy, but idk how serialization or metatables really work in this case and tbh I'm having trouble understanding the lua docs on them (metatables).

Originally Posted by votan View Post
1. What is the expected behavior if you switch from char to account? Current settings taken over? Or switching to account settings?
I want the characters current settings to overwrite the account settings (by value), and switch to using the accounts SavedVars.
Originally Posted by votan View Post
2. What is the expected behavior if you switch from account to char? Current settings taken over? Or switching to char settings what ever they were?
I want the account settings to overwrite the current characters settings (by value), and switch to using the current characters SavedVars.

Originally Posted by votan View Post
Lua Code:
  1. setFunc = function(val)
  2.     if val then
  3.         -- purge data, due to different version
  4.         ZO_SavedVars:NewAccountWide("SimpleXPBar_Settings", "2", nil, nil)
  5.         -- purge again, back to old version, take over char settings
  6.         SimpleXPBar.AWSV = ZO_SavedVars:NewAccountWide("SimpleXPBar_Settings", "1", nil, SimpleXPBar.CharSV)
  7.         SimpleXPBar.CurSV = SimpleXPBar.AWSV
  8.     else
  9.         -- purge data, due to different version
  10.         ZO_SavedVars:New("SimpleXPBar_Settings", "2", nil, nil)
  11.         -- purge again, back to old version, take over account settings
  12.         SimpleXPBar.CharSV = ZO_SavedVars:New("SimpleXPBar_Settings", "1", nil, SimpleXPBar.AWSV)
  13.         SimpleXPBar.CurSV = SimpleXPBar.CharSV
  14.     end
  15.     SimpleXPBar.AWSV.general.account_wide = val
  16.     SimpleXPBar:UpdateStats()
  17.     SimpleXPBar:UpdateValues()
  18. end,
^This is probably what I'll have to end up doing.

Last edited by Terrillyn : 01/26/16 at 02:05 AM.
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01/26/16, 02:18 AM   #17
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Maybe the simplest solution is that the get-functions return CurSV, while the set-functions always set the value in CharSV and optional in AWSV.
If a user changes a value, the user always gets a "copy" to the char settings and optionally effects account wide settings. Which values are effectively shown/used depends on the mode.
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01/26/16, 06:30 AM   #18
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you mean like
Lua Code:
  1. --pseudo-code
  2. CharSV.setting = newval
  3. if account_wide then
  4.     AWSV.setting = newval
  5. end
when ever a setting is set?

Last edited by Terrillyn : 01/26/16 at 06:38 AM.
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01/26/16, 06:41 AM   #19
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Originally Posted by Terrillyn View Post
you mean like
Lua Code:
  1. --pseudo-code
  2. CharSV = newval
  3. if account_wide then
  4.     AWSV = newval
  5. end
when ever a setting is set?
yes. And the get functions always returns the value from CurSV, which is either the same as CharSV or the same as AWSV.
If the user is in account wide mode, the account wide values are used and changed.
If the user switches to char mode, all settings changed while in account wide mode are still the same.

/edit: The only "problem" is:
1. User A made a change while in AW mode
2. User B made a change while in AW mode
3. User A switches to Char mode: the value would change back to User A last change.

Is that what you want, or should User A get a fresh copy of the AW settings? In this case you have to do, what I posted before.

Last edited by votan : 01/26/16 at 06:52 AM.
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01/26/16, 09:12 AM   #20
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Originally Posted by Terrillyn View Post
This is what I figured was happening which is why I was trying to set the values and not just make a copy, but idk how serialization or metatables really work in this case and tbh I'm having trouble understanding the lua docs on them (metatables).
Metatables are not saved. If you put a table that has a metatable in saved vars, then after ReloadUI it will be just plain table without metatable. That is why when you save for example a ZO_ColorDef instance, in saved vars it'll be just a plain table {r=1,g=1,b=1,a=1}, after ReloadUI it won't be a ZO_ColorDef (unless you setmetatable yourself).

ZO_DeepTableCopy has an optional second argument, the destination table. If you don't provide it, a new table is created.
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