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06/28/15, 09:17 AM   #1
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TeamFormation - Need EN corrected spelling/fixed grammar, and DE


I am french and I make TeamFormation, is a new Addon.

I would like DE translation, and EN corrected spelling/fixed grammar of the addon main page, and this file :

Warning: Spoiler

Thanks for reading my post.
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06/28/15, 09:38 AM   #2
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ZO_CreateStringId("SI_TF_NAME_TEAMFORMATION", "|c00C000Provision|r's |cFF9999Team|cFF0000Formation|r")
ZO_CreateStringId("SI_TF_DESC_TEAMFORMATION", "TeamFormation zeigt die Formation des Teams an. Besonders nützlich bei einer Gruppengröße von 4+")

ZO_CreateStringId("SI_TF_ENABLED", "|cFF9999Team|cFF0000Formation|r ist aktiviert.")
ZO_CreateStringId("SI_TF_DISABLED", "|cFF9999Team|cFF0000Formation|r ist deaktiviert.")

ZO_CreateStringId("SI_TF_SETTING_ENABLED", "Aktiviert")
ZO_CreateStringId("SI_TF_SETTING_ENABLED_TOOLTIP", "Aktiviert die Team Formation.")

ZO_CreateStringId("SI_TF_SETTING_SHOWNOW", "Zeige UI")
ZO_CreateStringId("SI_TF_SETTING_SHOWNOW_TOOLTIP", "Zeigt die Benutzeroberfläche von TeamFormation an, um die Änderungen direkt anzuzeigen.")

ZO_CreateStringId("SI_TF_SETTING_SIZEOPTIONS", "TeamFormation Größe und Position")
ZO_CreateStringId("SI_TF_SETTING_SIZEOPTIONS_TOOLTIP", "Hier kannst du die Größe und die Position der Team Formation ändern.")
ZO_CreateStringId("SI_TF_SETTING_X", "X Position")
ZO_CreateStringId("SI_TF_SETTING_X_TOOLTIP", "Ändere die Position auf der X Achse")
ZO_CreateStringId("SI_TF_SETTING_Y", "Y Position")
ZO_CreateStringId("SI_TF_SETTING_Y_TOOLTIP", "Ändere die Position auf der Y-Achse")
ZO_CreateStringId("SI_TF_SETTING_WIDTH", "Breite")
ZO_CreateStringId("SI_TF_SETTING_WIDTH_TOOLTIP", "Verändert die Breite der Team Formation")
ZO_CreateStringId("SI_TF_SETTING_HEIGHT", "Höhe")
ZO_CreateStringId("SI_TF_SETTING_HEIGHT_TOOLTIP", "Verändert die Höhe der Team Formation")
ZO_CreateStringId("SI_TF_SETTING_LOCK", "Position sperren")
ZO_CreateStringId("SI_TF_SETTING_LOCK_TOOLTIP", "Sperrt die aktuelle Position von Team formation - Macht die UI unbeweglich")

ZO_CreateStringId("SI_TF_SETTING_FOCUSOPTIONS", "TeamFormation Darstellung")
ZO_CreateStringId("SI_TF_SETTING_FOCUSOPTIONS_TOOLTIP", "Hier kannst du die Benutzeroberfläche der Team Formation konfigurieren.")
ZO_CreateStringId("SI_TF_SETTING_SHAPE", "Form der Darstellung")
ZO_CreateStringId("SI_TF_SETTING_SHAPE_TOOLTIP", "Verändere die Form der Darstellung von Team Formation")
ZO_CreateStringId("SI_TF_SETTING_SHAPE_RECTANGULAR", "Rechteckig")
ZO_CreateStringId("SI_TF_SETTING_SHAPE_CIRCULAR", "Kreisförmig")
ZO_CreateStringId("SI_TF_SETTING_SCALE", "Maßstab")
ZO_CreateStringId("SI_TF_SETTING_SCALE_TOOLTIP", "Verändere den Maßstab der Pins.")
ZO_CreateStringId("SI_TF_SETTING_LOGDIST", "Logarithmische Entfernung")
ZO_CreateStringId("SI_TF_SETTING_LOGDIST_TOOLTIP", "0 = Linear\nZeige den entferntesten Pin näher an (Reduzierung der Entfernung).")
ZO_CreateStringId("SI_TF_SETTING_CARDINAL", "Transparenz der Himmelsrichtungen")
ZO_CreateStringId("SI_TF_SETTING_CARDINAL_TOOLTIP", "0 = Versteckt\nVerändere die Transparenz der Himmelsrichtungen.")

ZO_CreateStringId("SI_TF_SETTING_OUTOFCOMBATHIDE", "Automatisches Verstecken (OOC)")
ZO_CreateStringId("SI_TF_SETTING_OUTOFCOMBATHIDE_TOOLTIP", "Aktiviere diese Einstellung, um Team formation automatisch zu verstecken, wenn du dich nicht im Kampf befindest (out of combat).")
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06/28/15, 10:16 AM   #3
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Thanks for you work !

0.2b is available with DE translation.
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07/05/15, 10:33 AM   #4
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I need German translation for this :

ZO_CreateStringId("SI_TF_SETTING_CAMROTATION", "Camera rotation")
ZO_CreateStringId("SI_TF_SETTING_CAMROTATION_TOOLTIP", "If enabled, TeamFormation follows the camera angle.")

ZO_CreateStringId("SI_TF_SETTING_PLAYERICON", "Players' appearance")
ZO_CreateStringId("SI_TF_SETTING_PLAYERICON_TOOLTIP", "You can change the appareance of TeamFormation's icons.")
ZO_CreateStringId("SI_TF_SETTING_YOURALPHA", "Transparency of the player arrow")
ZO_CreateStringId("SI_TF_SETTING_YOURALPHA_TOOLTIP", "0 = Hidden\nChange the transparency of the player arrow (blue arrow).")

Thanks for reading my new request. !
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07/06/15, 12:40 PM   #5
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ZO_CreateStringId("SI_TF_SETTING_CAMROTATION", "Rotation mit Kamera")
ZO_CreateStringId("SI_TF_SETTING_CAMROTATION_TOOLTIP", "Ist diese Einstellung aktiviert wird TeamFormation dem aktuellen Kamera Blickwinkel folgen.")

ZO_CreateStringId("SI_TF_SETTING_PLAYERICON", "Aussehen des Spieler Symbols")
ZO_CreateStringId("SI_TF_SETTING_PLAYERICON_TOOLTIP", "Hier kannst du das Aussehen der Teamformation Symbole verändern.")
ZO_CreateStringId("SI_TF_SETTING_YOURALPHA", "Spieler Pfeil Transparenz")
ZO_CreateStringId("SI_TF_SETTING_YOURALPHA_TOOLTIP", "0 = Versteckt\nVerändere die Transparenz des Spieler Pfeils (blauer Pfeil).")
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07/12/15, 03:13 PM   #6
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Lua Code:
  1. ZO_CreateStringId("SI_TF_NAME_TEAMFORMATION", "|c00C000Provision|r's |cFF9999Team|cFF0000Formation|r")
  2. ZO_CreateStringId("SI_TF_DESC_TEAMFORMATION", "TeamFormation shows team formation, useful for grouping with 4+ members.")
  4. ZO_CreateStringId("SI_TF_ENABLED", "|cFF9999Team|cFF0000Formation|r is enabled.")
  5. ZO_CreateStringId("SI_TF_DISABLED", "|cFF9999Team|cFF0000Formation|r is disabled.")
  7. ZO_CreateStringId("SI_TF_SETTING_ENABLED", "Enable TeamFormation")
  8. ZO_CreateStringId("SI_TF_SETTING_ENABLED_TOOLTIP", "Turn TeamFormation ON/OFF.")
  10. ZO_CreateStringId("SI_TF_SETTING_SHOWNOW", "Show UI")
  11. ZO_CreateStringId("SI_TF_SETTING_SHOWNOW_TOOLTIP", "Show TeamFormation to watch changes in real time.")
  13.  ZO_CreateStringId("SI_TF_SETTING_SIZEOPTIONS", "TeamFormation size and position")
  14. ZO_CreateStringId("SI_TF_SETTING_SIZEOPTIONS_TOOLTIP", "Set the size and the position of TeamFormation.")
  15. ZO_CreateStringId("SI_TF_SETTING_X", "X Position")
  16. ZO_CreateStringId("SI_TF_SETTING_X_TOOLTIP", "Change the X position of TeamFormation.")
  17. ZO_CreateStringId("SI_TF_SETTING_Y", "Y Position")
  18. ZO_CreateStringId("SI_TF_SETTING_Y_TOOLTIP", "Change the Y position of TeamFormation.")
  19. ZO_CreateStringId("SI_TF_SETTING_WIDTH", "Width")
  20. ZO_CreateStringId("SI_TF_SETTING_WIDTH_TOOLTIP", "Change the Width of TeamFormation.")
  21. ZO_CreateStringId("SI_TF_SETTING_HEIGHT", "Height")
  22. ZO_CreateStringId("SI_TF_SETTING_HEIGHT_TOOLTIP", "Change the Height of TeamFormation.")
  23. ZO_CreateStringId("SI_TF_SETTING_LOCK", "Lock Position")
  24. ZO_CreateStringId("SI_TF_SETTING_LOCK_TOOLTIP", "Lock TeamFormation position, make it unmovable.")
  26. ZO_CreateStringId("SI_TF_SETTING_FOCUSOPTIONS", "TeamFormation screen")
  27. ZO_CreateStringId("SI_TF_SETTING_FOCUSOPTIONS_TOOLTIP", "Configure the UI of TeamFormation.")
  28. ZO_CreateStringId("SI_TF_SETTING_SHAPE", "Shape of the screen")
  29. ZO_CreateStringId("SI_TF_SETTING_SHAPE_TOOLTIP", "Change the shape of TeamFormation.")
  30. ZO_CreateStringId("SI_TF_SETTING_SHAPE_RECTANGULAR", "Rectangular")
  31. ZO_CreateStringId("SI_TF_SETTING_SHAPE_CIRCULAR", "Circular")
  32. ZO_CreateStringId("SI_TF_SETTING_SCALE", "Scale")
  33. ZO_CreateStringId("SI_TF_SETTING_SCALE_TOOLTIP", "Change the scale of pins.")
  34. ZO_CreateStringId("SI_TF_SETTING_LOGDIST", "Distance logarithmic")
  36. ZO_CreateStringId("SI_TF_SETTING_LOGDIST_TOOLTIP", "0 = Linear\nAdjusts the maximum pin distance.")
  38. --[[
  39. These are grammatically correct, but I would guess that most people would not know what cardinal points
  40.  are. Most people would probably understand something more specific referencing North, South, East, &
  41.  West, but I'm not sure how to write it because I'm not sure what its for. I didn't see the setting change
  42.  the compass pins transparency & didn't see any other N-S-E-W in the addon pictures.
  43. --]]
  44. ZO_CreateStringId("SI_TF_SETTING_CARDINAL", "Transparency of the cardinal points")
  45. ZO_CreateStringId("SI_TF_SETTING_CARDINAL_TOOLTIP", "0 = Hidden\Adjusts the transparency of the four cardinal points.")
  46. -- Maybe add:
  47. ZO_CreateStringId("SI_TF_SETTING_CARDINAL_TOOLTIP", "0 = Hidden\Adjusts the transparency of the four cardinal points (North, South, East, & West).")
  50. ZO_CreateStringId("SI_TF_SETTING_OUTOFCOMBATHIDE", "Autohide when out of Combat")
  51. ZO_CreateStringId("SI_TF_SETTING_OUTOFCOMBATHIDE_TOOLTIP", "Automatically hide TeamFormation when out of combat.")
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07/12/15, 03:43 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by Provision View Post
I would like EN corrected spelling/fixed grammar of the addon main page
Changes are marked in GREEN.

TeamFormation is a user Interface for The Elder Scrolls Online designed to show the positions and health of your teammates, like a radar. I'm happy to share my addon with you, but please don't make a fork of this addon without my authorization.

You can easily see the positions and health of your teammates:

- Healers : See the position of damaged teammates so you can easily heal them.
- Leader : See the position of your teammates so you can easily decide what orders to give.
- Dps : See the position of teammates so you can stay near them.
- Tank : See the position of Healers & Dps who take damage so you can regain agro.
- All : See the position of dead teammates and their resurrection status.

You can set keyboard shortcuts to hide/show and to disable/enable TeamFormation.

- Keyboard shortcut to enable/disable TeamFormation
- Dead and resurrection status icon
- Leader and class icon
- Camera rotation + Character rotation
- HP Indicator
- Cardinal points (adjustable transparency from 0 to 100%)
- Movable, Resizable, & Scalable UI

Language : FR, EN, DE. (French is the main support).

Quick-install guide :
1. Download the archive "".
2. Unzip the archive into your ESO addons folder (delete the previous TeamFormation folder if you're updating).
3. Launch the game, log in, and check that "Prov's TeamFormation" is enabled for your character and then play.

If the UI does not appear it may be because you are not in a group, you need to reload your UI, or you may need restart your game.

Last edited by circonian : 07/12/15 at 03:56 PM.
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07/14/15, 01:08 PM   #8
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Thanks for your work !

(Can you check the last update ?)
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07/15/15, 12:19 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by Provision View Post
Thanks for your work !

(Can you check the last update ?)

Lua Code:
  1. ZO_CreateStringId("SI_TF_SETTING_CAMROTATION", "Camera rotation")
  2. ZO_CreateStringId("SI_TF_SETTING_CAMROTATION_TOOLTIP", "If enabled TeamFormation follows the camera angle.")
  4. ZO_CreateStringId("SI_TF_SETTING_PLAYERICON", "Players' appearance")
  5. ZO_CreateStringId("SI_TF_SETTING_PLAYERICON_TOOLTIP", "Changes the appearance of TeamFormation's icons.")
  6. ZO_CreateStringId("SI_TF_SETTING_YOURALPHA", "Transparency of the player arrow")
  7. ZO_CreateStringId("SI_TF_SETTING_YOURALPHA_TOOLTIP", "0 = Hidden\nChanges the transparency of the player arrow (blue arrow).")
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07/19/15, 02:18 AM   #10
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Thanks I plublished your work in the version 0.3f.
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07/30/15, 04:51 AM   #11
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I need German translation, and english checking for correct grammar and spelling.

Lua Code:
  1. ZO_CreateStringId("SI_TF_SETTING_REFRESHRATE", "Refresh rate (ms)")
  2. ZO_CreateStringId("SI_TF_SETTING_REFRESHRATE_TOOLTIP", "Change the number of milliseconds between refresh of TeamFormation.\n"
  3.     .. "|cFFFFFF     20 fps = 50 ms        60 fps = 16 ms\n     30 fps = 33 ms      100 fps = 10 ms\n     40 fps = 25 ms|r")
  4. ZO_CreateStringId("SI_TF_SETTING_REFRESHRATE_WARNING", "Decreasing this setting may improve performance.")

Thanks for reading.


Lua Code:
  1. ZO_CreateStringId("SI_TF_SETTING_SIEGE", "Show UI when at siege weapon")
  2. ZO_CreateStringId("SI_TF_SETTING_SIEGE_TOOLTIP", "Show TeamFormation when you use siege weapon.")

Last edited by Provision : 08/01/15 at 02:09 AM.
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08/03/15, 05:28 PM   #12
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German translations
ZO_CreateStringId("SI_TF_SETTING_REFRESHRATE", "Aktualisierungsrate (ms)")
ZO_CreateStringId("SI_TF_SETTING_REFRESHRATE_TOOLTIP", "Ändere die Anzahl der Millisekunden für die Aktualisierung von TeamFormation.\n"
    .. "|cFFFFFF     20 fps = 50 ms        60 fps = 16 ms\n     30 fps = 33 ms      100 fps = 10 ms\n     40 fps = 25 ms|r")
ZO_CreateStringId("SI_TF_SETTING_REFRESHRATE_WARNING", "Ein Verringern dieses Wertes kann die Performance erhöhen.")
ZO_CreateStringId("SI_TF_SETTING_SIEGE", "Zeige UI an Belagerungswaffen")
ZO_CreateStringId("SI_TF_SETTING_SIEGE_TOOLTIP", "Zeigt TeamFormation auch an, wenn du eine Belagerungswaffe bedienst.")
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06/10/16, 02:17 PM   #13
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I need German translation, and english checking for correct grammar and spelling.

My english translation is bad :

ZO_CreateStringId("SI_TF_SETTING_HRADDON", "[NEW] Customize icon color with following parameters.");

ZO_CreateStringId("SI_TF_SETTING_COLOROPTIONS", "Color customization")
ZO_CreateStringId("SI_TF_SETTING_COLOROPTIONS_TOOLTIP", "Customize the color for the icons displayed in the TeamFormation.")
ZO_CreateStringId("SI_TF_SETTING_COLORRESET", "Reset")
ZO_CreateStringId("SI_TF_SETTING_COLORRESET_TOOLTIP", "Reset the player and class color.")
ZO_CreateStringId("SI_TF_SETTING_JRULES", "Base on player name")
ZO_CreateStringId("SI_TF_SETTING_JRULES_PSEUDOADD", "1. Add player name :")
ZO_CreateStringId("SI_TF_SETTING_JRULES_PSEUDOADD_TOOLTIP", "Add player name at the list and then modify.")
ZO_CreateStringId("SI_TF_SETTING_JRULES_PICKPSEUDO", "Or with her number :")
ZO_CreateStringId("SI_TF_SETTING_JRULES_PICKPSEUDO_TOOLTIP", "You need to be in a group, this function writes player name with her group number.")
ZO_CreateStringId("SI_TF_SETTING_JRULES_ADD", "Add")
ZO_CreateStringId("SI_TF_SETTING_JRULES_PSEUDOCHOICE", "2. Select a player")
ZO_CreateStringId("SI_TF_SETTING_JRULES_PSEUDOCHOICE_TOOLTIP", "Select the player's name looking for.")
ZO_CreateStringId("SI_TF_SETTING_JRULES_COLORCHOICE", "3. Set the color")
ZO_CreateStringId("SI_TF_SETTING_JRULES_COLORCHOICE_TOOLTIP", "0 = Disabled\nChoose the color for the player icon.")

FR :

ZO_CreateStringId("SI_TF_SETTING_HRADDON", "[NOUVEAU] Personnaliser vos icônes avec le paramètre suivant.");

ZO_CreateStringId("SI_TF_SETTING_COLOROPTIONS", "Personnalisation des couleurs")
ZO_CreateStringId("SI_TF_SETTING_COLOROPTIONS_TOOLTIP", "Permet de choisir des couleurs personnalisées pour les icônes.")
ZO_CreateStringId("SI_TF_SETTING_COLORRESET", "Reset")
ZO_CreateStringId("SI_TF_SETTING_COLORRESET_TOOLTIP", "Permet de remettre à zéro les couleurs des joueurs et des classes.")
ZO_CreateStringId("SI_TF_SETTING_JRULES", "En fonction du joueur")
ZO_CreateStringId("SI_TF_SETTING_JRULES_PSEUDOADD", "1. Ajouter le pseudo :")
ZO_CreateStringId("SI_TF_SETTING_JRULES_PSEUDOADD_TOOLTIP", "Ajoute un pseudo à la liste pour ensuite le modifier.")
ZO_CreateStringId("SI_TF_SETTING_JRULES_PICKPSEUDO", "ou avec son numéro :")
ZO_CreateStringId("SI_TF_SETTING_JRULES_PICKPSEUDO_TOOLTIP", "Nécessite d'être en groupe, cette fonction saisi automatiquement le pseudo d'un membre du groupe en fonction de son numéro.")
ZO_CreateStringId("SI_TF_SETTING_JRULES_ADD", "Ajouter")
ZO_CreateStringId("SI_TF_SETTING_JRULES_PSEUDOCHOICE", "2. Selectionner un joueur")
ZO_CreateStringId("SI_TF_SETTING_JRULES_PSEUDOCHOICE_TOOLTIP", "Choisissez le nom du joueur concerné.")
ZO_CreateStringId("SI_TF_SETTING_JRULES_COLORCHOICE", "3. Définir la couleur")
ZO_CreateStringId("SI_TF_SETTING_JRULES_COLORCHOICE_TOOLTIP", "0 = Désactivé\nChoisissez la couleur de l'icône.")

Last edited by Provision : 06/10/16 at 02:21 PM.
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06/11/16, 06:17 AM   #14
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German translations

ZO_CreateStringId("SI_TF_SETTING_HRADDON", "Passe die Farbe der Symbole mit den folgenden Parametern an..");

ZO_CreateStringId("SI_TF_SETTING_COLOROPTIONS", "Farbeinstellungen")
ZO_CreateStringId("SI_TF_SETTING_COLOROPTIONS_TOOLTIP", "Stelle die Farbe der dargestellten Symbole in TeamFormation an.")
ZO_CreateStringId("SI_TF_SETTING_COLORRESET", "Zurücksetzen")
ZO_CreateStringId("SI_TF_SETTING_COLORRESET_TOOLTIP", "Setzt die Farben der Spieler und Klassen zurück.")
ZO_CreateStringId("SI_TF_SETTING_JRULES", "Basierend auf dem Spielernamen")
ZO_CreateStringId("SI_TF_SETTING_JRULES_PSEUDOADD", "1. Füge Spielernamen hinzu :")
ZO_CreateStringId("SI_TF_SETTING_JRULES_PSEUDOADD_TOOLTIP", "Füge den Spielernamen der Liste hinzu und ändere diesen dann ab.")
ZO_CreateStringId("SI_TF_SETTING_JRULES_PICKPSEUDO", "Oder über die Nummer :")
ZO_CreateStringId("SI_TF_SETTING_JRULES_PICKPSEUDO_TOOLTIP", "Du musst in einer Gruppe sein! Diese Funktion schreibt automatisch vor dem Spielernamen seine Nummer in der Gruppe.")
ZO_CreateStringId("SI_TF_SETTING_JRULES_ADD", "Hinzufügen")
ZO_CreateStringId("SI_TF_SETTING_JRULES_PSEUDOCHOICE", "2. Wähle einen Spieler aus")
ZO_CreateStringId("SI_TF_SETTING_JRULES_PSEUDOCHOICE_TOOLTIP", "Wähle den Spielernamen, den du suchst, aus.")
ZO_CreateStringId("SI_TF_SETTING_JRULES_COLORCHOICE", "3. Setze die Farbe")
ZO_CreateStringId("SI_TF_SETTING_JRULES_COLORCHOICE_TOOLTIP", "0 = Deaktiviert\nWähle die Farbe für das Spieler Symbol aus.")
ZO_CreateStringId("SI_TF_SETTING_HRADDON", "[NEW] Customize icon color with following parameters.");

ZO_CreateStringId("SI_TF_SETTING_COLOROPTIONS", "Color customization")
ZO_CreateStringId("SI_TF_SETTING_COLOROPTIONS_TOOLTIP", "Customize the color for the icons displayed in the TeamFormation.")
ZO_CreateStringId("SI_TF_SETTING_COLORRESET", "Reset")
ZO_CreateStringId("SI_TF_SETTING_COLORRESET_TOOLTIP", "Reset the player and class color.")
ZO_CreateStringId("SI_TF_SETTING_JRULES", "Based on player name")
ZO_CreateStringId("SI_TF_SETTING_JRULES_PSEUDOADD", "1. Add player name :")
ZO_CreateStringId("SI_TF_SETTING_JRULES_PSEUDOADD_TOOLTIP", "Add player name at the list and then modify it.")
ZO_CreateStringId("SI_TF_SETTING_JRULES_PICKPSEUDO", "Or with the number :")
ZO_CreateStringId("SI_TF_SETTING_JRULES_PICKPSEUDO_TOOLTIP", "You need to be in a group! This function will automatically write the player's number in the group.")
ZO_CreateStringId("SI_TF_SETTING_JRULES_ADD", "Add")
ZO_CreateStringId("SI_TF_SETTING_JRULES_PSEUDOCHOICE", "2. Select a player")
ZO_CreateStringId("SI_TF_SETTING_JRULES_PSEUDOCHOICE_TOOLTIP", "Select the player's name you're looking for.")
ZO_CreateStringId("SI_TF_SETTING_JRULES_COLORCHOICE", "3. Set the color")
ZO_CreateStringId("SI_TF_SETTING_JRULES_COLORCHOICE_TOOLTIP", "0 = Disabled\nChoose the color for the player icon.")
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06/11/16, 07:56 AM   #15
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Merci Baertram ! (Thank)
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06/14/16, 10:05 AM   #16
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I need german translation and english check.

ZO_CreateStringId("SI_TF_SETTING_YOURALPHA", "Role icon")
ZO_CreateStringId("SI_TF_SETTING_YOURALPHA_TOOLTIP", "Show role icon instead of class icon.")

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06/17/16, 07:50 AM   #17
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ZO_CreateStringId("SI_TF_SETTING_YOURALPHA", "Rollen Symbol")
ZO_CreateStringId("SI_TF_SETTING_YOURALPHA_TOOLTIP", "Zeigt das Rollen Symbol anstelle des Klassen Symols.")
English seems correct and understandable for me.
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ESOUI » Developer Discussions » Translation Help » TeamFormation - Need EN corrected spelling/fixed grammar, and DE

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