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01/29/16, 01:19 PM   #1
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Request for translation - french/spanish/italian

Hi there,

if anyone can supply me the following english texts in french, spanish or italian I'd be glad about your help.

I'm still searching for someone to translate the texts to spanish and italian.

    [1] = {
		-- Options menu
        ["options_description"]                  = "Remembers you to consume another food/drink buff if your current food/drink expires.",
		["options_header1"] 			 		 = "General settings",
    	["options_language"] 					 = "Language",
		["options_language_tooltip"] 			 = "Choose the language",
		["options_language_dropdown_selection1"] = "English",
		["options_language_dropdown_selection2"] = "German",
		["options_language_dropdown_selection3"] = "French",
		["options_language_dropdown_selection4"] = "Spanish",
        ["options_language_dropdown_selection5"] = "Italian",
		["options_language_description1"]		 = "CAUTION: Changing the language/save option will reload the user interface!",
        ["options_reloadui"]					 = "CAUTION: Changing this option will reload the user interface!",
        ["options_savedvariables"]				 = "Save settings",
        ["options_savedvariables_tooltip"]       = "Save the addon settings for all your characters of your account, or single for each character",
        ["options_savedVariables_dropdown_selection1"] = "Each character",
        ["options_savedVariables_dropdown_selection2"] = "Account wide",
		["options_header_options"]				 = "Options",
		["options_alert_on_login_enabled"]			=	"Alert at login/zoning/Reloadui",
		["options_alert_on_login_enabled_tooltip"]	=	"Alerts at login/reload of UI if no food buff is active. If food buff is still active it will print the name to the chat.",
		["options_text_alert_enabled"]				=	"Show text alert",
		["options_text_alert_enabled_tooltip"]		=	"Show/Hide a text alert if your food/drink buff expires.\n\nSet your text for food or drinks below!",
		["options_text_alert_food_text"]			=	"Food expired text",
		["options_text_alert_food_text_tooltip"]	=	"Show this text as your current food buff expires",
		["options_text_alert_drink_text"]			=	"Drink expired text",
		["options_text_alert_drink_text_tooltip"]	=	"Show this text as your current buff drink expires",
        ["options_text_alert_general_text"]			=	"Common expired text",
        ["options_text_alert_general_text_tooltip"] =	"Show this text as your food/drink buff expired sometime and the game doesn't know anymore which one it was (after logout e.g.)",
		["options_icon_alert_enabled"]				=	"Show icon alert",
		["options_icon_alert_enabled_tooltip"]		=	"Show/Hide an icon alert if your food/drink buff expires.\n\nSet the icon's size, position and symbol below. Use your mouse to drag&drop the icon on the screen!\n\nThe icon will be hidden again if you click it with your right mouse button.",
        ["options_icon_alert_width"]				=	"Icon width",
        ["options_icon_alert_width_tooltip"]		=	"The icons width",
        ["options_icon_alert_height"]				=	"Icon height",
        ["options_icon_alert_height_tooltip"]		=	"The icons height",
        ["options_icon_alert_symbol"]				=	"Icon",
        ["options_icon_alert_symbol_tooltip"]		=	"The icons texture",
        ["options_icon_alert_position_x"]			=	"Icon position x",
        ["options_icon_alert_position_x_tooltip"]	=	"The icons position on the x-axis",
        ["options_icon_alert_position_y"]			=	"Icon position y",
        ["options_icon_alert_position_y_tooltip"]	=	"The icons position on the y-axis",

		["options_alert_check_repeat"]				=	"Repeat food buff check (seconds)",
		["options_alert_check_repeat_tooltip"]		=	"Repeat the check for active food buff every n seconds.\n\nSet the value to 0 to deactivate the repeating check!",
        ["options_alert_check_repeat_chat_output"]	=	"Output results to chat",
        ["options_alert_check_repeat_chat_output_tooltip"]	=	"Output the results of the repeated food buff check to the chat?",

		["options_alert_check_event"]				=	"Check region",
		["options_alert_check_event_tooltip"]		=	"Choose where the repeated food buff check will be executed",
		["options_alert_check_event_pvp"]			=	"AvA/PvP region",
		["options_alert_check_event_pvp_group"]		=	"AvA/PvP region & in group",
		["options_alert_check_event_pvp_raid"]		=	"AvA/PvP region & in raid group",
		["options_alert_check_event_pve"]			=	"Non-AvA/PvE region",
		["options_alert_check_event_pve_group"]		=	"Non-AvA/PvE region & in group",
		["options_alert_check_event_pve_raid"] 		=	"Non-AvA/PvE region & in raid group",
		["options_alert_check_event_group"]			=	"Group",
		["options_alert_check_event_raid"]			=	"Raid group",
		["options_alert_check_event_everywhere"]	=	"Always",

		["options_alert_check_event_dungeon"]		=	"Check in",
		["options_alert_check_event_dungeon_tooltip"]=	"Choose if the repeated food buff check will be executed only in dungeons or not",
		["options_alert_check_event_dungeon_delve"]=	"Delve",
		["options_alert_check_event_dungeon_public"]=	"Public dungeon",
		["options_alert_check_event_dungeon_group"]	=	"Group dungeon",
		["options_alert_check_event_dungeon_raid"]	=	"Raid dungeon",
		["options_alert_check_event_dungeon_all"]	=	"All dungeons/delves",
		["options_alert_check_event_dungeon_everywhere"]	=	"Everywhere",

        ["options_alert_test"]						=	"Test alert(s) now",
        ["options_alert_test_tooltip"]				=	"Will show the text and/or icon alert now",
		["options_alert_sound"]						=	"Alert sound",
		["options_alert_sound_tooltip"]				=	"Plays this sound as the text/icon alert will be shown.\n\nPut the slider to 1 if you do not want to hear any sound!",
		["options_alert_sound_repeat"]				=	"Repeat alert sound",
		["options_alert_sound_repeat_tooltip"]		=	"Repeats your chosen alert sound this amount of times.",
		["options_alert_sound_delay"]				=	"Delay repeated sounds (ms)",
		["options_alert_sound_delay_tooltip"]		=	"Will delay the repeated sound warnings with this value (in milliseconds), after each other",

		["options_quickslots_change_pve"]			=	"Change quickslots PvE",
		["options_quickslots_change_pve_tooltip"]	=	"Will change to the quickslot chosen below if you are not in the AvA region and your food buff is not active (or it is active and you have enabled the setting to allow changes with active foof buff too).\n\nWill change back to your last active quick slot if you get into a combat (or will change to the chosen in combat quickslot if you have disabled the setting to remember the last quickslot before getting into combat)!",
		["options_quickslots_change_pve_slot"]		=	"Quickslot PvE",
		["options_quickslots_change_pve_slot_tooltip"]	=	"Will change to this quickslot if you are not in the AvA region",
		["options_quickslots_change_pvp"]			=	"Change quickslots PvP",
		["options_quickslots_change_pvp_tooltip"]	=	"Will change to the quickslot chosen below if you are in the AvA region and your food buff is not active (or it is active and you have enabled the setting to allow changes with active foof buff too).\n\nWill change back to your last active quick slot if you get into a combat (or will change to the chosen in combat quickslot if you have disabled the setting to remember the last quickslot before getting into combat)!",
		["options_quickslots_change_pvp_slot"]		=	"Quickslot PvP",
		["options_quickslots_change_pvp_slot_tooltip"]	=	"Will change to this quickslot if you are in the AvA region",
		["options_header_quickslots"]				=	"Quick slots",
		["options_header_quickslots_pve"]			=	"PvE",
		["options_header_quickslots_pvp"]			=	"PvP",
		["options_quickslots_change_pve_in_combat_slot"]		=	"Quickslot PvE (combat)",
		["options_quickslots_change_pve_in_combat_slot_tooltip"]	=	"Will change to this quickslot if you are not in the AvA region and you are in combat",
		["options_quickslots_change_pvp_in_combat_slot"]		=	"Quickslot PvP (combat)",
		["options_quickslots_change_pvp_in_combat_slot_tooltip"]	=	"Will change to this quickslot if you are in the AvA region and you are in combat",
		["options_quickslots_change_pve_in_combat_last_slot"]		=	"Remember last PvE (combat)",
		["options_quickslots_change_pve_in_combat_last_slot_tooltip"]	=	"Will remember the last active quickslot before the fight if you are not in the AvA region and you are in combat.\n\nEnabling this option will deactivate the 'Quickslot PvE (combat)' dropdown!",
		["options_quickslots_change_pvp_in_combat_last_slot"]		=	"Remember last PvP (combat)",
		["options_quickslots_change_pvp_in_combat_last_slot_tooltip"]	=	"Will remember the last active quickslot before the fight if you are in the AvA region and you are in combat.\n\nEnabling this option will deactivate the 'Quickslot PvP (combat)' dropdown!",
		["options_quickslots_change_with_active_bufffood"]	= 	"Change with active food buff",
		["options_quickslots_change_with_active_bufffood_tooltip"]	= 	"Will change the quickslots also if your current food buff is active.\n\nThis way you are able to change the quicklsots in combat/out of combat in PvP/PvE regions to a specific potion, e.g. change to a stamina potion out of combat and a tripod in combat!",

		["quickslot_nr1"]							=	"Quickslot 1",
		["quickslot_nr2"]							=	"Quickslot 2",
		["quickslot_nr3"]							=	"Quickslot 3",
		["quickslot_nr4"]							=	"Quickslot 4",
		["quickslot_nr5"]							=	"Quickslot 5",
		["quickslot_nr6"]							=	"Quickslot 6",
		["quickslot_nr7"]							=	"Quickslot 7",
		["quickslot_nr8"]							=	"Quickslot 8",

		["options_header_text_alert"]				=	"Text alert",
		["options_header_icon_alert"]				=	"Icon alert",
		["options_header_sound_alert"]				=	"Sound alert",

        ["icon_tooltip_text"]						=	"Your food buff is missing!",
        ["found_type_drink"]						=	"Drink",
		["found_type_food"]							=	"Food",
        ["chat_output_is_active"]					=	" is active",
Many thanks

Last edited by Baertram : 02/19/16 at 03:57 AM.
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01/29/16, 05:46 PM   #2
Posts: n/a
		["options_header_options"]				 	= 	"Options",
		["options_alert_on_login_enabled"]			=	"Alerter à la connexion",
		["options_alert_on_login_enabled_tooltip"]	=	"Alerte à la connexion/chargement de l'IU si aucun buff de nourriture est actif. Si un buff est actif, donne son nom dans le chat",
		["options_text_alert_enabled"]				=	"Activer l'alerte par texte",
		["options_text_alert_enabled_tooltip"]		=	"Active/Désactive une alerte par texte quand le buff expire.\n\nChoix du texte pour la nourriture et les boissons ci-dessous",
		["options_text_alert_food_text"]			=	"Texte pour le buff de nourriture",
		["options_text_alert_food_text_tooltip"]	=	"Montrer ce texte quand le buff de nourriture expire",
		["options_text_alert_drink_text"]			=	"Texte pour le buff de boisson",
		["options_text_alert_drink_text_tooltip"]	=	"Montrer ce texte quand le buff de boisson expire",
		["options_icon_alert_enabled"]				=	"Activer l'alerte par icone",
		["options_icon_alert_enabled_tooltip"]		=	"Active/Désactive une alerte par icone quand le buff expire.\n\nChoix de la taille, position et symbole ci-dessous. Simplement glisser/déposer l'icone sur l'écran!\n\nFaire un click droit dessus pour la cacher de nouveau.",
        ["options_icon_alert_width"]				=	"Largeur",
        ["options_icon_alert_width_tooltip"]		=	"Largeur de l'icone",
        ["options_icon_alert_height"]				=	"Hauteur",
        ["options_icon_alert_height_tooltip"]		=	"Hauteur de l'icone",
        ["options_icon_alert_symbol"]				=	"Symbole",
        ["options_icon_alert_symbol_tooltip"]		=	"Texture de l'icone",
        ["options_icon_alert_position_x"]			=	"Abscisse",
        ["options_icon_alert_position_x_tooltip"]	=	"Position de l'icone sur l'axe horizontal",
        ["options_icon_alert_position_y"]			=	"Ordonnée",
        ["options_icon_alert_position_y_tooltip"]	=	"Position de l'icone sur l'axe vertical",

		["options_alert_check_repeat"]				=	"Répétition du check (en secondes)",
		["options_alert_check_repeat_tooltip"]		=	"Répète la vérification des buffs actifs toutes les n secondes.\n\nValeur 0 pour désactiver le check!",

        ["options_alert_test"]						=	"Tester l'alerte",
        ["options_alert_test_tooltip"]				=	"Prévisualiser maintenant le texte et/ou l'icone choisis",
		["options_alert_sound"]						=	"Alerte par son",
		["options_alert_sound_tooltip"]				=	"Joue ce son quand l'alerte texte/icone apparaît.\n\nCurseur sur 1 pour n'avoir aucun son!",

		["options_header_text_alert"]				=	"Alerte par texte",
		["options_header_icon_alert"]				=	"Alerte par icone",

        ["icon_tooltip_text"]						=	"Aucun buff de nourriture actif!",
        ["found_type_drink"]						=	"Boisson",
		["found_type_food"]							=	"Nourriture",
        ["chat_output_is_active"]					=	" est actif",
I haven't tested in game and assumed a few things to translate, best review this by someone who plays in French.
I tried to avoid the "duzen" problem too. And I hope I haven't broken anything in the table... but it's late. good luck!

Last edited by Wandamey : 01/30/16 at 01:35 PM. Reason: ok you can copypaste now - i think -
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01/30/16, 01:15 PM   #3
Super Moderator
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Posts: 5,188
Merci beaucoup Wandamey!
Could you translate this two infos as well please?
Many thanks

        ["options_text_alert_general_text"]			=	"Generel expired text",
        ["options_text_alert_general_text_tooltip"] =	"Show this text as your buff food/drink expired sometime and the game doesn#t know anymore which one it was (after logout e.g.)",

Last edited by Baertram : 01/30/16 at 01:19 PM.
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01/30/16, 01:32 PM   #4
Posts: n/a
huuh sure. line 1 you wrote Generel btw...

line 1 : "Texte général pour les buffs expirés"
line 2 : "Montrer ce texte quand le buff (nourriture ou boisson) a expiré mais le jeu ne sait plus duquel il s'agissait (après une déconnexion par exemple)"

and wait a bit for copy pasting i edit the big one too. Some lines look a bit too like steno after rereading. 5mn - done

Last edited by Wandamey : 01/30/16 at 01:38 PM.
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01/30/16, 01:59 PM   #5
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Thanks again
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01/30/16, 05:48 PM   #6
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And again I've added a few sentences:

["options_alert_check_repeat_chat_output"]	=	"Output results to chat",
["options_alert_check_repeat_chat_output_tooltip"]	=	"Output the results of the repeated food buff check to the chat?",

["options_alert_sound_repeat"]				=	"Repeat alert sound",
["options_alert_sound_repeat_tooltip"]		=	"Repeats your chosen alert sound this amount of times.",

		["options_alert_sound_delay"]				=	"Delay repeated sounds (ms)",
		["options_alert_sound_delay_tooltip"]		=	"Will delay the repeated sound warnings with this value (in milliseconds), after each other",


Last edited by Baertram : 01/30/16 at 06:37 PM.
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01/30/16, 07:28 PM   #7
Posts: n/a
Lol, I saw you added some more since before my movie...
When I think I always leave one option : install or don't install and it's already a pain to test everything

I'll check that tomorrow. gn8. Don't add too many more!

--- here we go
btw : ["options_language_dropdown_selection5"] = "Italien",

["options_alert_check_repeat_chat_output"] = "Afficher les résultats dans le chat",
["options_alert_check_repeat_chat_output_tooltip"] = "Afficher le résultat de chaque vérification dans le chat?",
["options_alert_sound_repeat"] = "Répéter l'alerte son",
["options_alert_sound_repeat_tooltip"] = "Répète l'alerte son choisie n fois",
["options_alert_sound_delay"] = "Délai entre les répétitions (ms)",
["options_alert_sound_delay_tooltip"] = "Ajoute un délai de n millisecondes entre les répétitions",

Last edited by Wandamey : 01/31/16 at 05:55 AM.
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01/31/16, 11:46 AM   #8
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Thanks again! No need to test it, I'll check the length and strings ingame.
I understand most of the french words and sentences, but I'm no native speaker so I'm able to correct them a bit if they are too long or provide "a non fitting" translation for the options.

There will be some more options in the future
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02/19/16, 03:56 AM   #9
Super Moderator
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Hello Wandamey,

would you be so kind and check the following english texts (some are already translated to french with your help!) and translate them to french for me, again?

I've added an empty row in front and after the english texts so you are easily able to find them!

Many many thanks!

    --French / Französisch
	[3] = {
		-- Options menu
        ["options_description"]                  = "Se souvient que vous consommez un autre nourriture/boisson buff si votre actuel nourriture/boisson expire.",
		["options_header1"] = "General",
		["options_language"] = "Langue",
		["options_language_tooltip"] = "Choisir le langue",
		["options_language_dropdown_selection1"] = "Anglais",
		["options_language_dropdown_selection2"] = "Allemand",
		["options_language_dropdown_selection3"] = "Francais",
		["options_language_dropdown_selection4"] = "Espagnol",
        ["options_language_dropdown_selection5"] = "Italien",
		["options_language_description1"]	 = "ATTENTION: Modifier un de ces réglages provoquera un chargement.",
        ["options_reloadui"]				 = "ATTENTION: Modifier ce réglage provoquera un chargement.",
		["options_savedvariables"]	 = "Sauvegarder",
		["options_savedvariables_tooltip"] = "Sauvegarder les données de l'addon pour tous les personages du compte, ou individuellement pour chaque personnages",
		["options_savedVariables_dropdown_selection1"] = "Individuellement",
		["options_savedVariables_dropdown_selection2"] = "Compte",
		["options_header_options"]				 	= 	"Options",
		["options_alert_on_login_enabled"]			=	"Alerter à la connexion",
		["options_alert_on_login_enabled_tooltip"]	=	"Alerte à la connexion/chargement de l'IU si aucun buff de nourriture est actif. Si un buff est actif, donne son nom dans le chat",
		["options_text_alert_enabled"]				=	"Activer l'alerte par texte",
		["options_text_alert_enabled_tooltip"]		=	"Active/Désactive une alerte par texte quand le buff expire.\n\nChoix du texte pour la nourriture et les boissons ci-dessous",
		["options_text_alert_food_text"]			=	"Texte pour le buff de nourriture",
		["options_text_alert_food_text_tooltip"]	=	"Montrer ce texte quand le buff de nourriture expire",
		["options_text_alert_drink_text"]			=	"Texte pour le buff de boisson",
		["options_text_alert_drink_text_tooltip"]	=	"Montrer ce texte quand le buff de boisson expire",
		["options_text_alert_general_text"]			=	"Texte général pour les buffs expirés",
        ["options_text_alert_general_text_tooltip"] =	"Montrer ce texte quand le buff (nourriture ou boisson) a expiré mais le jeu ne sait plus duquel il s'agissait (après une déconnexion par exemple)",
		["options_icon_alert_enabled"]				=	"Activer l'alerte par icone",
		["options_icon_alert_enabled_tooltip"]		=	"Active/Désactive une alerte par icone quand le buff expire.\n\nChoix de la taille, position et symbole ci-dessous. Simplement glisser/déposer l'icone sur l'écran!\n\nFaire un click droit dessus pour la cacher de nouveau.",
        ["options_icon_alert_width"]				=	"Largeur",
        ["options_icon_alert_width_tooltip"]		=	"Largeur de l'icone",
        ["options_icon_alert_height"]				=	"Hauteur",
        ["options_icon_alert_height_tooltip"]		=	"Hauteur de l'icone",
        ["options_icon_alert_symbol"]				=	"Symbole",
        ["options_icon_alert_symbol_tooltip"]		=	"Texture de l'icone",
        ["options_icon_alert_position_x"]			=	"Abscisse",
        ["options_icon_alert_position_x_tooltip"]	=	"Position de l'icone sur l'axe horizontal",
        ["options_icon_alert_position_y"]			=	"Ordonnée",
        ["options_icon_alert_position_y_tooltip"]	=	"Position de l'icone sur l'axe vertical",
		["options_alert_check_repeat"]				=	"Répétition du check (en secondes)",
		["options_alert_check_repeat_tooltip"]		=	"Répète la vérification des buffs actifs toutes les n secondes.\n\nValeur 0 pour désactiver le check!",
		["options_alert_check_repeat_chat_output"]	=	"Afficher les résultats dans le chat",
		["options_alert_check_repeat_chat_output_tooltip"]	=	"Afficher le résultat de chaque vérification dans le chat?",
		["options_alert_sound_repeat"]				=	"Répéter l'alerte son",
		["options_alert_sound_repeat_tooltip"]		=	"Répète l'alerte son choisie n fois",
		["options_alert_sound_delay"]				=	"Délai entre les répétitions (ms)",
		["options_alert_sound_delay_tooltip"]		=	"Ajoute un délai de n millisecondes entre les répétitions",

		["options_alert_check_event"]				=	"Check region",
		["options_alert_check_event_tooltip"]		=	"Choose where the repeated food buff check will be executed",
		["options_alert_check_event_pvp"]			=	"AvA/PvP region",
		["options_alert_check_event_pvp_group"]		=	"AvA/PvP region & in group",
		["options_alert_check_event_pvp_raid"]		=	"AvA/PvP region & in raid group",
		["options_alert_check_event_pve"]			=	"Non-AvA/PvE region",
		["options_alert_check_event_pve_group"]		=	"Non-AvA/PvE region & in group",
		["options_alert_check_event_pve_raid"] 		=	"Non-AvA/PvE region & in raid group",
		["options_alert_check_event_group"]			=	"Group",
		["options_alert_check_event_raid"]			=	"Raid group",
		["options_alert_check_event_everywhere"]	=	"Always",
		["options_alert_check_event_dungeon"]		=	"Check in",
		["options_alert_check_event_dungeon_tooltip"]=	"Choose if the repeated food buff check will be executed only in dungeons or not",
		["options_alert_check_event_dungeon_delve"]=	"Delve",
		["options_alert_check_event_dungeon_public"]=	"Public dungeon",
		["options_alert_check_event_dungeon_group"]	=	"Group dungeon",
		["options_alert_check_event_dungeon_raid"]	=	"Raid dungeon",
		["options_alert_check_event_dungeon_all"]	=	"All dungeons/delves",
		["options_alert_check_event_dungeon_everywhere"]	=	"Everywhere",

        ["options_alert_test"]						=	"Tester l'alerte",
        ["options_alert_test_tooltip"]				=	"Prévisualiser maintenant le texte et/ou l'icone choisis",
		["options_alert_sound"]						=	"Alerte par son",
		["options_alert_sound_tooltip"]				=	"Joue ce son quand l'alerte texte/icone apparaît.\n\nCurseur sur 1 pour n'avoir aucun son!",

		["options_quickslots_change_pve"]			=	"Changer raccourci PvE",
		["options_quickslots_change_pve_tooltip"]	=	"Will change to the quickslot chosen below if you are not in the AvA region and your food buff is not active (or it is active and you have enabled the setting to allow changes with active foof buff too).\n\nWill change back to your last active quick slot if you get into a combat (or will change to the chosen in combat quickslot if you have disabled the setting to remember the last quickslot before getting into combat)!",

		["options_quickslots_change_pve_slot"]		=	"Raccourci PvE",
		["options_quickslots_change_pve_slot_tooltip"]	=	"Va changer à cet raccourci si vous n'êtes pas dans la région AvA",
		["options_quickslots_change_pvp"]			=	"Changer raccourci PvP",

		["options_quickslots_change_pvp_tooltip"]	=	"Will change to the quickslot chosen below if you are in the AvA region and your food buff is not active (or it is active and you have enabled the setting to allow changes with active foof buff too).\n\nWill change back to your last active quick slot if you get into a combat (or will change to the chosen in combat quickslot if you have disabled the setting to remember the last quickslot before getting into combat)!",

		["options_quickslots_change_pvp_slot"]		=	"Raccourci PvP",
		["options_quickslots_change_pvp_slot_tooltip"]	=	"Va changer à cet raccourci si vous êtes pas dans la région AvA",

		["options_header_quickslots"]				=	"Raccourcis",
		["options_header_quickslots_pve"]			=	"PvE",
		["options_header_quickslots_pvp"]			=	"PvP",
		["options_quickslots_change_pve_in_combat_slot"]		=	"Quickslot PvE (combat)",
		["options_quickslots_change_pve_in_combat_slot_tooltip"]	=	"Will change to this quickslot if you are not in the AvA region and you are in combat",
		["options_quickslots_change_pvp_in_combat_slot"]		=	"Quickslot PvP (combat)",
		["options_quickslots_change_pvp_in_combat_slot_tooltip"]	=	"Will change to this quickslot if you are in the AvA region and you are in combat",
		["options_quickslots_change_pve_in_combat_last_slot"]		=	"Remember last PvE (combat)",
		["options_quickslots_change_pve_in_combat_last_slot_tooltip"]	=	"Will remember the last active quickslot before the fight if you are not in the AvA region and you are in combat.\n\nEnabling this option will deactivate the 'Quickslot PvE (combat)' dropdown!",
		["options_quickslots_change_pvp_in_combat_last_slot"]		=	"Remember last PvP (combat)",
		["options_quickslots_change_pvp_in_combat_last_slot_tooltip"]	=	"Will remember the last active quickslot before the fight if you are in the AvA region and you are in combat.\n\nEnabling this option will deactivate the 'Quickslot PvP (combat)' dropdown!",
		["options_quickslots_change_with_active_bufffood"]	= 	"Change with active food buff",
		["options_quickslots_change_with_active_bufffood_tooltip"]	= 	"Will change the quickslots also if your current food buff is active.\n\nThis way you are able to change the quicklsots in combat/out of combat in PvP/PvE regions to a specific potion, e.g. change to a stamina potion out of combat and a tripod in combat!",

		["quickslot_nr1"]							=	"Raccourci 1",
		["quickslot_nr2"]							=	"Raccourci 2",
		["quickslot_nr3"]							=	"Raccourci 3",
		["quickslot_nr4"]							=	"Raccourci 4",
		["quickslot_nr5"]							=	"Raccourci 5",
		["quickslot_nr6"]							=	"Raccourci 6",
		["quickslot_nr7"]							=	"Raccourci 7",
		["quickslot_nr8"]							=	"Raccourci 8",
		["options_header_text_alert"]				=	"Alerte par texte",
		["options_header_icon_alert"]				=	"Alerte par icone",
		["options_header_sound_alert"]				=	"Alerte par son",
        ["icon_tooltip_text"]						=	"Aucun buff de nourriture actif!",
        ["found_type_drink"]						=	"Boisson",
		["found_type_food"]							=	"Nourriture",
        ["chat_output_is_active"]					=	" est actif",
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02/19/16, 05:55 AM   #10
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hi hi
I'm gonna need to log in in game to look at the french for most of the new strings but in the meantime :

if the first line is for the general addon desription? :--(if it needs more to it, I could use the german/English string)

["options_description"] = "Pour être alerté quand le buff de boisson/nourriture expire",

typos :
["options_header1"] = "Général",
["options_language_tooltip"] = "Choisir la langue",
["options_savedvariables_tooltip"] = "Sauvegarder les données de l'addon pour tous les personnages du compte, ou pour chaque personnage séparément",
-- (at least get rid of the "s" at "chaque personnage" and add a n to the other one)

for the rest of it I have no clue how any of these "PVP" "AvA" "Raids" "dungeons" "delves" are translated in french, yet just a thing, when you say : "Choose where the repeated food buff check will be executed",
I get it, there is one setting to configure the delai right before, but mostly people won't have a clue about what it is.
Maybe you should keep the "technical" aspect out of the descriptions and go for something simpler as
"Where to display the alert" ?

I'm also a bit confused about the options check region/check in especially : ["options_alert_check_event_dungeon_tooltip"]= "Choose if the repeated food buff check will be executed only in dungeons or not",

Does that mean if "check in" in ON, all of the settings for the regions are nullified? Or there are levels in the menu that I don't get. Easier, do you have a screenshot of that part in German or English?

I'll look at it tonight if nobody playing in french has come to rescue in between
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02/19/16, 06:31 AM   #11
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Hey Wandamey,

thanks for your feedback.

About the "Choose where to display the alert":
It's not about "where on the screen the alerts will be shown", but a combination of 2 settings to spcify "under what circumstances will the check be executed":
1. "region": Ava, non Ava, Ava & in group, AvA & not in group, all, ...
2. "dungeon": In group dungeon, in delve, inr aid, all, ...

The addon only will do the food buff checks if you are in that chosen region and if you are in the chosen dungeon type.

Therefor you got the 2 options:

So if you set the setting for ["options_alert_check_event_dungeon"] to ON it won't disbale the region checks.

Here are some screenshots with the current french & non translated english values:

Many thanks for your help.
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02/19/16, 06:48 AM   #12
Posts: n/a
Aaah ok it's a dropdown! it makes so much more sense than how it looked in my mind , sry. and thanks for the picture. I need these generally

I said where as in "in what type of regions" not on the screen. Being too precise on the "repeated checks" might be a bit scary for those who won't display it. And they are the one who need the tips. The one who will set the delai won't probably have a problem understanding the options.

And there can't be an alert if there is no check I guess.
On the contrary you can disable the check result (in the chat) and that may be very confusing in the end. But the alert will be there, check being displayed or not.
The check will be done anyhow, but that, the user don't have to know it, it's your problem and that's why you need to get rid of the ambiguity.
So that + that I thought that speking of the alert was more easily understandable for users. But your call. Can't check till tonight anyway.

Last edited by Wandamey : 02/19/16 at 06:59 AM.
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02/19/16, 07:28 AM   #13
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And there can't be an alert if there is no check I guess.
The repeating check is a manually started RegisterForRefresh(), so yes: There can't be an alert if no check has been done before
There is an alert if the food ends (executed by an event) which is done without the repeating check though.

The check result is just a text for the chat.
The alert can be a center screen message AND/OR a texture shown on screen.
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02/19/16, 07:48 AM   #14
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Hmm you lost me.

what I call Alert : the icon/text/sound thing when the food is expired.
what I call check : the registered for update function. Displayed or not.

I thought you needed the check to know when to give the alert. But no, they are independant since you have an event for the alert.

correct me if i was wrong on these.

And question : are these new settings for the check only (as in : they will do nothing if the chat output is out) or are they for both the check and the alert?
I suppose they are for both... but i rather be sure.
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02/19/16, 08:34 AM   #15
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correct me if i was wrong on these.
You are right.
The check checks if the food buff expired (and was not renewed), and throws the alert then if no food buff is active. This check is done every n seconds (specified in the settings with that slider)
-> The check is independent from the event

The event will only be triggered if an active food buff expires or new food buff will be consumed.

Both, the check and the event, use the alert to show inactive food buff then to the user, including a text message in the chat if enabled in the settins.

And question : are these new settings for the check only (as in : they will do nothing if the chat output is out) or are they for both the check and the alert?
I suppose they are for both... but i rather be sure.
The new settings just change the behaviour of the repeated check (which changes the alert then passively as it is executed by the check):
If the setting was set to "Only inside group dungeons" and "Only in PvE/Non-AvA region" the check will be still excuted every n seconds.
But if the user is not inside this region + dungeon (e.g. he is solo questing somewhere in the PvP/AvA region) the alert won't be shown to him.
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02/19/16, 09:02 AM   #16
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So it would be accurate to say it like : "Zones where the alert must be active" something like that?
(alert being the general feature of the addon)

it would regroup the alert (text/icon) and the chat output implicitely since the option to hide the chat output is clearly stated 2 lines later.

OK i spit it. it's hard to translate the word "check" in french without killing everyone with boredom at the 3rd syllabe. Any workaround would be welcome.
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02/19/16, 09:19 AM   #17
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Sounds ok for me.
-> As the alert will still be shown when your active food buff expires it could make some trouble though (because the alert will even be shown if you are outside one of the selected zones/dungeons), but I guess it will be no big deal.

it's hard to translate the word "check" in french without killing everyone with boredom at the 3rd syllabe
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02/19/16, 12:07 PM   #18
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OK, found an expression for the check that is not too boring (vérification perpétuZzzz), not too police sounding (contrôle de routine) or medical (check-up des intestins) or school-ish (contrôle continu) then I attacked the quickslots part. Problem in french is that it's the same word for quickslot and shortcut, but I improvised. And when I thought I was done :

["quickslot_nr1"] = "Raccourci 1",
["quickslot_nr2"] = "Raccourci 2",
["quickslot_nr3"] = "Raccourci 3",
["quickslot_nr4"] = "Raccourci 4",
["quickslot_nr5"] = "Raccourci 5",
["quickslot_nr6"] = "Raccourci 6",
["quickslot_nr7"] = "Raccourci 7",
["quickslot_nr8"] = "Raccourci 8",

WTH is this for ??

OK I paste what I did till now, I based the quickslots part on the picture. But i'm still puzzled with the 8 other strings. I mean if it's keybinds for the quickslots there are addons that do this and only this already !? (if it is, Although the game uses "raccourcis" I'd use "Emplacement Rapide" because outside of the context of "barre de raccourcis" it's more likely to mean "Keybind" rather than "Quickslot" but obviously if it's a keybind for a quickslot i'm gonna cry.)
BTW I changed a bit the previous "Repeated Check" part so we know what we are talking about along the different options. Now it's called "Contrôle régulier" in french. Paste of the whole block from the change to the "WTH is this" strings :

["options_alert_check_repeat"] = "Contrôle régulier (en secondes)",
["options_alert_check_repeat_tooltip"] = "Vérifie toutes les n secondes que le buff est bien actif.\n\nValeur 0 pour désactiver le contrôle régulier!",
["options_alert_check_repeat_chat_output"] = "Afficher les résultats dans le chat",
["options_alert_check_repeat_chat_output_tooltip"] = "Afficher le résultat de chaque vérification dans le chat?",
["options_alert_sound_repeat"] = "Répéter l'alerte son",
["options_alert_sound_repeat_tooltip"] = "Répète l'alerte son choisie n fois",
["options_alert_sound_delay"] = "Délai entre les répétitions (ms)",
["options_alert_sound_delay_tooltip"] = "Ajoute un délai de n millisecondes entre les répétitions",

["options_alert_check_event"] = "Contrôler si...(JcJ/Groupe) ",
["options_alert_check_event_tooltip"] = "Dans quelle(s) situation(s) le contrôle régulier doit s'effectuer?",
["options_alert_check_event_pvp"] = "Zones Guerre d'Alliances-JcJ (GA)",
["options_alert_check_event_pvp_group"] = "Zones GA & en groupe",
["options_alert_check_event_pvp_raid"] = "Zones GA & en raid",
["options_alert_check_event_pve"] = "Zones d'exploration-JcE (non-GA)",
["options_alert_check_event_pve_group"] = "Zones non-GA & en groupe",
["options_alert_check_event_pve_raid"] = "Zones non-GA & en raid",
["options_alert_check_event_group"] = "En groupe",
["options_alert_check_event_raid"] = "En raid",
["options_alert_check_event_everywhere"] = "Toujours",
["options_alert_check_event_dungeon"] = "Où Contrôler?",
["options_alert_check_event_dungeon_tooltip"]= "Choisir le type de lieu où le contrôle doit être actif",
["options_alert_check_event_dungeon_delve"]= "Grottes",
["options_alert_check_event_dungeon_public"]= "Donjons publics",
["options_alert_check_event_dungeon_group"] = "Donjons de groupe",
["options_alert_check_event_dungeon_raid"] = "Donjons de raid",
["options_alert_check_event_dungeon_all"] = "Tous les donjons/grottes",
["options_alert_check_event_dungeon_everywhere"] = "Partout",

["options_alert_test"] = "Tester l'alerte",
["options_alert_test_tooltip"] = "Prévisualiser maintenant le texte et/ou l'icone choisis",
["options_alert_sound"] = "Alerte par son",
["options_alert_sound_tooltip"] = "Joue ce son quand l'alerte texte/icone apparaît.\n\nCurseur sur 1 pour n'avoir aucun son!",

["options_quickslots_change_pve"] = "Emplacement rapide auto JcE",
["options_quickslots_change_pve_tooltip"] = "Place l'item sélectionné en accès rapide automatiquement en JcE hors combat quand aucun buff de nourriture n'est actif (ou si l'option : Utiliser avec un buff actif est sélectionnée).\n\nRevient sur l'item placé précédement en situation de combat (ou place l'item sélectionné pour le combat en fonction de l'option choisie)!",

["options_quickslots_change_pve_slot"] = "Item à placer en JcE",
["options_quickslots_change_pve_slot_tooltip"] = "Utiliser l'item suivant en zone Joueurs contre Environnement : ",
["options_quickslots_change_pvp"] = "Emplacement rapide auto JcJ",

["options_quickslots_change_pvp_tooltip"] = "Place l'item sélectionné en accès rapide automatiquement en JcJ hors combat quand aucun buff de nourriture n'est actif (ou si l'option : Utiliser avec un buff actif est sélectionnée).\n\nRevient sur l'item placé précédement en situation de combat (ou place l'item sélectionné pour le combat en fonction de l'option choisie)!",

["options_quickslots_change_pvp_slot"] = "Item à placer en JcJ",
["options_quickslots_change_pvp_slot_tooltip"] = "Utiliser l'item suivant en zone de Guerre d'Alliances - Joueurs contre Joueurs",

["options_header_quickslots"] = "Emplacement Rapide Automatique",
["options_header_quickslots_pve"] = "JcE",
["options_header_quickslots_pvp"] = "JcJ",
["options_quickslots_change_pve_in_combat_slot"] = "Emplacement rapide JcE (combat)",
["options_quickslots_change_pve_in_combat_slot_tooltip"] = "Utiliser l'item suivant en Combat en zone Joueurs contre Environnement :",
["options_quickslots_change_pvp_in_combat_slot"] = "Emplacement rapide JcJ (combat)",
["options_quickslots_change_pvp_in_combat_slot_tooltip"] = "Utiliser l'item suivant en Combat en zone de Guerre d'Alliances - Joueurs contre Joueurs",
["options_quickslots_change_pve_in_combat_last_slot"] = "Revenir au dernier item en JcE (combat)",
["options_quickslots_change_pve_in_combat_last_slot_tooltip"] = "En zone JcE, revient au dernier item placé en raccourci manuellement quand le combat débute.\n\nActiver cette option va désactiver le menu déroulant : Emplacement rapide JcE (combat)",
["options_quickslots_change_pvp_in_combat_last_slot"] = "Revenir au dernier item en JcJ (combat)",
["options_quickslots_change_pvp_in_combat_last_slot_tooltip"] = "En zone JcJ, revient au dernier item placé en raccourci manuellement quand le combat débute.\n\nActiver cette option va désactiver le menu déroulant : Emplacement rapide JcJ (combat)",
["options_quickslots_change_with_active_bufffood"] = "Utiliser avec un buff actif",
["options_quickslots_change_with_active_bufffood_tooltip"] = "Changera l'emplacement actif automatiquement également si un buff est actif.\n\nPermet de sélectionner n'importe quel consommable pour les situations JcE/JcJ-combat/hors combat indépendamment du buff, ex : potion de vigueur hors combat et triple-effet en combat!",

If someone with a big screen could double check too. I can't see the whole lines and i'm easily distracted during my copy pastas.
disregard. It goes to a new line without the quotes...I can see now.

Last edited by Wandamey : 02/19/16 at 01:26 PM.
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02/19/16, 04:15 PM   #19
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Many many thanks!

["quickslot_nr1"] = "Raccourci 1",
["quickslot_nr2"] = "Raccourci 2",
["quickslot_nr3"] = "Raccourci 3",
["quickslot_nr4"] = "Raccourci 4",
["quickslot_nr5"] = "Raccourci 5",
["quickslot_nr6"] = "Raccourci 6",
["quickslot_nr7"] = "Raccourci 7",
["quickslot_nr8"] = "Raccourci 8",

WTH is this for ??
It was my first attempt to show the 8 different possible quickslots int he dropdown for the quiuklslots
I changed it in a later verison to show the item + icon in that quickslot.

Currently it is only a "fall back" or "backup" if the icon + text of the quickslot won't be found, so there is written something in that dropdown for the processed quickslot.

And I've chosen "Raccourci" as it was used by the game and I thought ppl would understand it better this way.
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02/21/16, 10:48 AM   #20
Posts: n/a
eeerf I forgot to confirm that it'll be understandable enough for this (cross fingers for it never to show ). Well anyway the numbers tell nothing about the places but it ain't our fault, is it?

BTW if you need to translate "leer" it'll be : "vide", but i guess you got this from the API.
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