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03/01/14, 11:57 PM   #1
Join Date: Feb 2014
Posts: 8
Ad refresh is adding pages to my browsing history

Been using the forums the last few days and there is something seriously wrong, and I say that as web developer. I am working on mods so I may sit on one page for hours, while I write code and test, and then come back and do some more looking around. I quickly realized I had to the repeatedly hit the "Back" button in my browser, at first it was just irritating, but now I see what is going on. Every time your adds refresh it adds a page to the browsing history. I would think you would just use "XMLHttpRequest" in javascript to retrieve the image and link and place them in correct element, without adding things to my browsing history.

I should be able to use the back button without any hassle and the reason I can't is very poor programing techniques. I guess if its the code from AdChoices, get them to fix it but I am fairly certain I have used other sites that use AdChoices and had no issue. Even as I sit typing this 8 pages have loaded into my browsing history, how many times do I have to hit the back button to get back to where I was? Yes I could use the breadcrumb links at the top, but you know why I like the back button more, because it is always there and I don't have to figure out where its at. Breadcrumb links are only ever used in about half the web site I frequent, so the back button is way more reliable, at least until some bad programer goes and hijacks it.
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03/02/14, 12:03 AM   #2
Every day I'm shuffling
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Thanks I'll forward this on to our ad people at ZAM. Hopefully they will correct it soon as it's unacceptable.

Sorry for the trouble.
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