Results: 30Comments by: romilly
File: Dolgubon's Lazy Set (and Furniture!) Crafter02/29/20
Bug in Harrowstorm
Posted By: romilly
Any attempt to set a pull down gets an error SetupDropdowns.lua:113 attempt to index a nil value showPreviewLink ZO_ScrollableComboBox_Entry_OnMouseEnter. I've gotten the latest liblazy library, disabled everything but this addon...
File: CraftStore Gold Road02/20/20
Request: Sort Motifs by cost to learn!
Posted By: romilly
Hi, Im trying to get to master crafter, and I need to learn a lot more motifs. Master Merchant prices are available, and show on hover over, and I hacked it to sort by number of missing parts, but itd be even cooler to sort by "Price to Complete"! Thanks in advance, its already an awesome tool!
File: Alchemist (Continued by Koenari)07/21/19
Re: Sunshine's Guide is what Ive used up till now.
Posted By: romilly
Does this implement this guide as an Addon? I've been looking for someone who's done this! Crossing my fingers! Hmm, apparently not as efficient as Sunshine's Guide - which switches to 3 ingredients to do the last few. Doesn't save much TBH. However, what I was reall...
File: Alchemist (Continued by Koenari)07/21/19
Sunshine's Guide is what Ive used up till now.
Posted By: romilly
Does this implement this guide as an Addon? I've been looking for someone who's done this! Crossing my fingers!
File: Action Duration Reminder12/15/18
ADR moving Azurah's health/stamina (but not majicka) bar
Posted By: romilly
Hi, Love ADR. However, I've just noticed that ADR moves Azurah's health/stamina (but not majicka) bar up by about 20-25 pixels everytime the backbar reminders pop up. I'm happy to hack it, but I don't know where this could be coming from (Azurah or ADR?) Cheers Rom