Results: 3Comments by: Khenarthi
File: Goto04/30/24
Re: Re: Re: Updated 25 April 2024
Posted By: Khenarthi
Seems like broken (not showing guild members) on russian client after last update :( It is not displaying players in DLC locations for me. Same for me - I only see DLC locations of the GO TO tab if a group member is on a DLC area, but it's not showing guildies who are in DLC areas.
File: CraftStore Gold Road07/14/21
UI error on one character only
Posted By: Khenarthi Got this error on only one of my characters; it only happens if Craftstore is enabled. Deleting saved variables did nothing, reinstalling Craftstore did nothing, I'm not sure what's going on... Libraries are up to date, and on the other 17 characters, it's fine.
File: Dolgubon's Lazy Writ Crafter04/01/17
mildly annoyed, will disable this addon for today
Posted By: Khenarthi
The colours everywhere get really annoying really fast. I guess the purpose of April Fools is to play a little prank? As someone whose sense of humour does not involve pranks at all, I just disabled the addon for today. The "sock puppet" bit was amusing, could easily be traced back to this addon, and did not not interfere with everyt...