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zowiesurfs 04/18/19 07:14 PM

Synergy timer
Looking for a mod that counts down from 18 seconds after I last used Energy Orb and Blazing Spear (two timers, one for each), does that exist?

Baertram 04/18/19 07:39 PM

Yes, addon search -> "Synergy":

Would have taken 10 seconds.
Creating a forum thread and waiting for answers: Several minutes to hours :p

zowiesurfs 04/18/19 09:00 PM


Originally Posted by Baertram (Post 37817)
Yes, addon search -> "Synergy":

Would have taken 10 seconds.
Creating a forum thread and waiting for answers: Several minutes to hours :p

I did find that one before I took to the forum, and grouped up with a random to test it, so I threw an orb at him (didnt trigger timer), and he synergized with it (didnt trigger my timer), so I just assumed that the mod was made for people who activate the synergy, not for the people like myself who casts the initial skill

Supportic 04/19/19 12:50 AM

You can tryout WTBConduits. It tells you when the tank needs a specific synergy.

Letho 04/19/19 06:22 AM can do that, it's a very customizable tool, but needs a deeper understanding of how buffs and debuffs work.

Baertram 04/19/19 07:12 AM


Originally Posted by zowiesurfs (Post 37818)
I did find that one before I took to the forum, and grouped up with a random to test it, so I threw an orb at him (didnt trigger timer), and he synergized with it (didnt trigger my timer), so I just assumed that the mod was made for people who activate the synergy, not for the people like myself who casts the initial skill

Oh yeah, my fault! Did not understand your request properly then.
AuraMastery is the tool to use then.

zowiesurfs 04/19/19 02:53 PM


Originally Posted by Letho (Post 37823) can do that, it's a very customizable tool, but needs a deeper understanding of how buffs and debuffs work.


Originally Posted by Baertram (Post 37824)
Oh yeah, my fault! Did not understand your request properly then.
AuraMastery is the tool to use then.

Yeah I had a feeling I didn't word myself very well haha, I'll try it out, thanks :D

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