Results: 174Comments by: Sp00sty
File: Master Merchant02/14/15
Thank You for really making this th...
Posted By: Sp00sty
Thank You for really making this the premier version for sales data. On all the previous versions there was always some more sorting functions that I would have liked. Is there any chance of an easy add to sorting the Guild and Item Sold columns on the Show Your Sales and Show All Sales windows? The search function is strong...
File: Wykkyd Toolbar01/29/15
Garkin, Wykkyd Just simply Thank...
Posted By: Sp00sty
Garkin, Wykkyd Just simply Thank You!
File: Wykkyd Toolbar01/29/15
PTS 1.6 - Always broken at new PTS patch?
Posted By: Sp00sty
Wykkyd, Just wondering has Toolbar normally been fine on PTS patches or is it always broken at new patch? Many of the info items like bag space and research timers are missing and only a bluish dot is there as a place holder. I already reinstalled but no change - also tried turning items on-off-on and no change.
File: MiniMap by Fyrakin01/29/15
As far as those buttons on the side...
Posted By: Sp00sty
As far as those buttons on the side of the map, I will never use them because I will never see them. I always want the minimap pegged to the upper left corner of the screen and as large as I can get it without covering over Wykkyd' toolbar. Whenever the toolbar needs extra length, Minimap is always the loser. I'm never going to...
File: Account Balancer12/30/14
This is a very excellent Addon that...
Posted By: Sp00sty
This is a very excellent Addon that ZOS should incorporate into the UI, thank you. I do have another addon as well as AP points display that is on the same line as Account Balancer and they tend to overlap with my current GUI size settings. I'm not a coder but I can follow along and recognize the easy stuff using the Wiki....
File: Shopkeeper - Sales History and Alerts11/08/14
Even my DD version stopped working today? Totally dead now until fixes??
Posted By: Sp00sty
I swapped to the DD version last weekend but even that stopped working this Friday. I will try to delete Saved vars and let it repop the data, but it just simply stopped loading data, even as I received a sale mail in my inbox.
File: AwesomeGuildStore10/07/14
Favorites list order - Cheat the sort order?
Posted By: Sp00sty
Is there any way to cheat the list order of the favorites list? I know it is supposed to sort by number of times searched but I want all the recipes at top then ingredients then armors. Is there a way to edit my saved variables to make the sort read the number of searches in the order I want them? Can I edit the "searches ma...
File: pChat (Chat customization & help: look/notification/sound/automation/history)09/29/14
One final feature please - Character Level
Posted By: Sp00sty
I finally determined that I can't combine GuildChat with PChat. I can use UnifiedChatTabs with no problems. When I try to use GuildChat with PChat I either start to lose coloring or when it finally returns coloring, it starts duplicating brackets and loses User@Character functions. The only thing that GuildChat adds that I wis...
File: Combat Log Statistics (CLS)09/20/14
Reloadui loop when choosing CLS report in own chat tab?
Posted By: Sp00sty
Anyone else experiencing a hard loop after the CLS reloadui when choosing to have CLS output to its own chat channel? I get a reloadui and then it sits at the splash screen, it starts to re-enter game but only flashes inside of current location and then goes back to splash screen. After the first missed re-enter I can here all th...
File: Wykkyd Toolbar09/19/14
wykkyd_core_libraries folder only one copy needed?
Posted By: Sp00sty
Hello, I'm still doing manual updates. I only need one copy of wykkyd_core_libraries folder from any of the addons correct? Or are the wykkyd_core_libraries different in each addon package? Are you going to put wykkyd_core_libraries on its own addon page as a dependent item that I can track for manual updates in favorites?...
File: Combat Log Statistics (CLS)09/16/14
Yes, full nuke of addon and variabl...
Posted By: Sp00sty
Yes, full nuke of addon and variables no change.
File: Combat Log Statistics (CLS)09/15/14
CLS and Damage window return at every character logon and reloadui?
Posted By: Sp00sty
Can anyone just point me to the right setting to have CLS only come up "during and after" battle. I have both windows HIDE ON and Fade CLS when not in battle ON, but every character load or reloadui it comes on screen and stays until I use hot keys to toggle off. Thanks
File: Foundry Tactical Combat (FTC)09/15/14
Default Frame Display location - Is it your personal setting?
Posted By: Sp00sty
Atropos, I'm trying to get more proficient in combat when using FTC and my biggest task is "looking" through the FTC target and character scrolling frames while also watching the health frames. With the patch today the frames were set to default of course and I was wondering if that default location is the one you personally us...
File: Joviex's Addon Settings Transfer09/15/14
I for one am glad that you may wish...
Posted By: Sp00sty
I for one am glad that you may wish to keep it working. It is very valuable especially "after" patches when we may have to reset all our master character settings. I see that Wykkyd has added this functionality to his addons directly. Does that affect if/how other addons will be able to use your addon in the future?
File: Wykkyd Toolbar09/13/14
Now George has taken over the setti...
Posted By: Sp00sty
Now George has taken over the settings of your System Default but will now persist his own settings. So George is now the master (taken over) for all other auto settings from System Default? Meaning I have to keep track of George now for all others? Or does that still leave BOB as master but George simply did a "one-time updat...
File: Wykkyd Toolbar09/13/14
Save to Default versus Joviex Transfer Settings?
Posted By: Sp00sty
Does the new Save to Default setting have any effect on Joviex Transfer Settings Addon? Should I disable Joviex Transfer for all Wykyyd addons when using it for others?
File: TESO Ingame Messenger - TIM09/11/14
Help with settings please.
Posted By: Sp00sty
I think I have a setting set wrong or maybe its the game, I can see ALL Whispers in TIM frame every time. But those same whispers don't always show up in chat frame, even while in continuous whisper conversation. I have whisper set to 2-Alert in TIM. Does this affect the chat channel in any way? Or just TIM. Should I set i...
File: InventoryMod09/10/14
My apologies, was created wrong when I had to folderize the 0.5 files
Posted By: Sp00sty
File: InventoryMod09/10/14
FYI Version 1.8.1 The folder has no space in name.
Posted By: Sp00sty
Just updated and noticed today's update 1.8.1 you changed the folder name from "Inventory Mod" to "InventoryMod". I do manual updates so I caught it when it didn't ask to overwrite files. I don't know if Minion ignores things like that.
File: AwesomeGuildStore09/06/14
Favorite - Negative results on first page requires filter reset?
Posted By: Sp00sty
I won't add the same functionality that guild store search extended offers, where the whole store is indexed and then you can search for a name. Instead I added a filter text box where you can search for an item name on the currently visible page in the latest version. So if I understand this correctly, if i get a negative result...
File: Wykkyd Toolbar09/06/14
Need to delete Addon and Variables each update?
Posted By: Sp00sty
Very thankful for your quick updates! They are coming quick, do I need to delete previous each time or is the addon stable enough now to just overwrite the files?
File: Ravalox' Quest Tracker09/06/14
Thanks for quick fix. Can we mak...
Posted By: Sp00sty
Thanks for quick fix. Can we make a simple update like that while in-game? Or is that too dangerous to quick paste in addon and then just /reloadui ?
File: Ravalox' Quest Tracker09/06/14
Cannot Change Window Background or Drag Bar with settings?
Posted By: Sp00sty
For some reason neither of the Window Background or Window Tracker bar settings are working for me. There is no popup when clicking over either color button. No response with Joviex on or off. I rolled and clicked all around the area but cannot find the popup activate area if it is actually there Popup for Opacity sliders and a...
File: InventoryMod09/06/14
:eek: Warning to updater from today - .RAR file doesn't expand to a folder
Posted By: Sp00sty
Just went to install update and noticed that the rar does not expand to a named Addon folder like most other downloaded addons. If you extract directly to your Addons location it is going to spill all the files out separately.
File: Wykkyd Toolbar09/06/14
The Framework and Gaming Suite downloads still contain mhframework empty files?
Posted By: Sp00sty
Is that folder and empty files required as a placeholder for the individual parts to work?